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Digidestined Darkness: Part 29-True Despair

by Argent Dragon

Chan: Izzy got a message from a group calling themselves the Dark Digidestined. He called us together, like he said he would. He told us about the message he got from the Dark Digidestined and read it out loud. Allison thought we should take on the Dark Digidestined. We put her suggestion to the vote, and the majority of us voted to take on the Dark Digidestined.

As they walked through the Digiworld, Sarran was wary. "Do you get the feeling we're being watched," she asked.

"Yeah," Jihan said.

Ross looked at Vulpemon, his partner. "They have come," he said, looking at a screen.

"Of course," Vulpemon said. "What do you want to do?"

"We're going after them, of course."


Vari and Tarini lagged behind the others. When they were out of sight of the others, it wasn't long before they heard yells for help.

Vari was the first of the pair to reach the scene. She saw the others hanging in a net above the ground. A foxlike Digimon was looking at them. "Let them go," she yelled.

As Tarini ran up, a boy appeared. "I am a Dark Digidestined," he said. "My crest is the Crest of Despair. Go get them, Vulpemon."

"Vulpemon digivolve to...Vulesmon."

Vulesmon had black fur. His body had no star markings, but did have a yellow streak down his belly. He looked very strong, so strong that both Vari and Tarini doubted their ability to defeat him.

"They've got to digivolve," TK yelled, pointing to Bordemon and Daraimon as best he could. "That's the only way you can win. And you've got to be in danger for it to work."

"We've got that taken vare of," Vari muttered. "So...Daraimon? Bordemon? Please?"

Tarini yelled, "Power of the Stars!"

"Bordemon Star digivolve to...Stabordemon."

Before she could strike, Vulesmon did. "Nightmare Blast!" From his hands shot streams of black light.

Stabordemon reacted quickly. "Shielding Stars!" The stars around her waist formed a shield that she handed to Tarini. "For your protection," she said. However, she failed to protect herself and was hit, forcing her to dedigivolve. The shield disappeared in Tarini's hands.

Vulesmon struck again before they could do anything. "Nightmare Blast!"

As the attack hurtled toward Tarini, Bordemon reacted.

"Bordemon digivolve to...Laramon."

Laramon had the appearance of a human. She was tall and slender with long blond hair. Her light colored clothing were fairly tight fitting, but not indecently so. In one hand, she held an unsheathed sword.

Laramon used her sword to block Vulesmon's attack. Then she struck back. "Triumph Blade!" As she held the sword in both hands, it began to glow with a yellow light. She slashed at Vulesmon with the glowing sword and hit him. Vulesmon dedigivolved.

The Dark Digidestined scowled. "You'll pay for that. But you'll hafta get into my fortress first." Then he and Vulpemon walked away.

Laramon turned toward the net. "Look out! You're coming down!" She leapt up into the air and slashed with her sword, cutting the only thing holding the net up. They crashed to the ground, Laramon landing before dedigivolving.

Kelerime looked at her map of the Digiworld. "So the Digidestined showed up in Ross's territory? I'm sure he'll take care of them."

A yellow light surround Tarini's yellow digivice. Amazed, she held it in her hand. When the light faded, the Crest of Hope was again on her digivice.

Zelda was looking at her map when a blaze of yellow light forced her to look away. By the time she could look back, a blinking picture of the Crest of Hope had appeared on the map. "It's in Ross's territory," she said, extremely dismissive. "I don't have to worry about them."

Joe looked around. "So we're stuck here, aren't we," he asked.

Allison nodded. "I tried to get out. Several of us did, actually. And none of us can get out."

"Then it looks like we have to defeat the Dark Digidestined if we want to go home," Chan said. The others nodded in agreement.

Will the Digidestined be able to defeat the Dark Digidestined? Why did the Crest of Hope appear on Tarini's digivice? What happened to Gennai so that he hasn't made contact with the Digidestined? Why are the Dark Digidestined and new Digidestined who they are? Tune in next time to find out.

Like what you see? Please send your comments to Argent Dragon.