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Digidestined Darkness: Part 23-Digidestined Jihan

by Argent Dragon

Tai: The Master of Digimon captured Agumon. My digivice went off, but I was unable to get to the Digiworld. I sent a message to the others, but no one got it until it was too late. I didn't know that then, though. The Master of Digimon used the Dark Star on Agumon. Finally, Allison got my message and called a meeting of the Digidestined. We gathered and decided to try and help Agumon. Vari, Glen, Jihan, Ashi, Sarran, and I entered the Digiworld. Agumon and the Master of Digimon showed up. I tried to get Agumon away from him, but Agumon attacked just as Jihan stopped me. The Master of Digimon had Agumon digivolve to Viralgreymon. Trisermon used the Courage Star to digivolve, but Viralgreymon attacked and she dedigivolved. Glen and Ashi activated the Courage Star to help Labumon and Sparromon digivolve. Courlabumon and Coursparromon attacked, but missed. I tried to get to Viralgreymon, but Jihan held me back. Allison sent Taki, Tarini, Chan, Msaada, and Kari to help us. The newly-arrived members of the new Digidestined activated the Courage Star to digivolve their partners. All six of the Courage Star Digimon attacked, but missed again. Daraimon used the Courage Star to digivolve. She attacked and missed. Trisermon digivolved to Courtrisermon again. Kari encouraged Jihan to use the Courage Star, which she did. Courgeramon led the attack, and again they missed. But then the Master of Digimon and Viralgreymon fled. Will we ever get Agumon back? I hope so.

Jihan looked out the window. "Agumon needed our help. And if I'd acted sooner, he might be free now." She smiled ruefully. "I've never regretted anything as much as I regret not acting quickly then."

Jihan, Sarran, Taki, Ashi, Tarini, Chan, Vari, and Glen had gathered. "Agumon can be saved," Jihan said. "I know he can."

"So let's go," Sarran said.

"Wait," Vari said. "Shouldn't we take Msaada with us? Then we'll be a complete team."

Jihan scowled at the suggestion. "Do we really need to take her with us? After all, there's no guarantee we'll encounter Agumon or Viralgreymon."

Sarran looked scathingly at Jihan. "The Master of Digimon will not let us go freely through the Digiworld. If she doesn't come with us, she may be behind in getting the various Star digivolutions. Then her partner may not have the power we need her to have."

Jihan railed at the logical argument. "She's not coming! If she comes, I'm outta here."

"Don't go, Jihan." The older Digidestined looked at Tarini. "I don't want you or Msaada not to come."

Jihan sighed. "Alright. "Let's round her up and get going."

The Master of Digimon looked at Viralgreymon. "I'm worried about you," he said. "You were barely able to evade some of those attacks, Viralgreymon." He paused, considering how to solve the problme. "Viralgreymon, I want you to digivolve."

"Viralgreymon digivolve to...Viralmetalgreymon."

Viralmetalgreymon looked like Metalgreymon, except that he was blue with black stripes. "Much better," the Master of Digimon said.

The new Digidestined walked slowly through the Digiworld. "It's too quiet," Msaada whispered. Jihan nodded, but they walked on.

The Master of Digimon looked at his chosen servant. "Take care of the Digidestined for me."

"Yes, master."

Suddenly the Digidestined were attacked. "Stun Beam!" All the Digimon were hit and frozen in position. Vari held out her computer.

"This is the only thing I can think of to unfreeze them." The others reached out and touched the computer.

"Power of Reliability!"

"Daraimon Reliability Star digivolve to...Redaraimon."

"Aurimon Reliability Star digivolve to...Relaurimon."

"Labumon Reliability Star digivolve to...Relabumon."

"Trisermon Reliability Star digivolve to...Retrisermon."

"Geramon Reliability Star digivolve to...Regeramon."

"Bordemon Reliability Star digivolve to...Rebordemon."

"Parmon Reliability Star digivolve to...Reparmon."

"Sparromon Reliability Star digivolve to...Resparromon."

"Lupimon Reliability Star digivolve to...Relupimon."

Relaurimon had webs between his claws. His body was long and sinewy. His golden scales had a green tint. Behind his eyes, along his back, and trailing from his elbows and ankles were blue seaweed like fronds. The Reliability Star was a mark around his left wrist.

Relabumon was blue all over. The Reliability Star was a mark on his back. He was wingless. His multifaceted eyes looked for their opponent.

Rebordemon was sleek. Her light blue fur was smoothed down, although it looked like she wanted to ruffle it. The Reliability Star wrapped around her slender right wrist.

Reparmon used the Reliability Star as powerful armor. His green eyes shone out of their blue surroundings. Sharp black claws were revealed on his paws.

Resparromon looked like a swan, although the feathers on his wings were sharp. On top of his head was the Reliability Star. His wings spread to shield Chan, Tarini, and Ashi from attack.

Relupimon had webbed paws. Her dense fur would protect her against cold water. Just behind her ears was the Reliability Star. She hunched down, prepared to spring at her opponent.

Regeramon had the look of a supreme hunter. Her claws were sharp and her body was strong. The Reliability Star was on her stomach. Her fur was short and brown. Regeramon started to stalk their hidden opponent.

Retrisermon had no horns. The Reliability Star formed a spiny frill on the back of her head. She held her paws in readiness to attack.

A Digimon leapt into view. "That's Ithirimon," Relaurimon yelled. "He's an evil Digimon," he affirmed. Something in the way he spoke told Taki that he knew Ithirimon. "Let's go! Sea Dragon Storm!"

Regeramon struck next. "Hunting Force!"

Relabumon joined in. "Nymph Lily!"

Retrisermon lowered her head. "Spine Throw!"

Relupimon dropped to the ground, angling the Reliability Star so it would hit Ithirimon. "Star Beam!"

Rebordemon leapt at Ithirimon. "Ferret Slash!"

Reparmon walked forward, eyes narrowed menacingly. "Leopard Claws!"

Resparromon angled his wings toward Ithirimon. "Darting Feathers!"

"Claw Missile!"

Each of the attacks hit Ithirimon and destroyed him. As the Digimon dedigivolved, the gray star appeared on eight computers.

Aurimon looked troubled. "I could have sworn..."


"Take me back with you. I have to talk to the first group of Digidestined."

Taki shrugged. "Sure. I don't see why not."

Later, all of the Digidestined had gathered in the park. "So why are we here," asked Jihan.

"What Aurimon told us bothers me," Izzy said.

"It bothers our entire group of Digidestined," TK corrected.

"Why," asked Glen.

"Because," Allison said slowly, "we faced Ithirimon a decade ago. Faced him, and destroyed him. And it seems that time flows faster here. So I don't see how he could have returned so quickly." She paused, a sudden thought hitting her.

"But what if the Master of Digimon can resurrect destroyed Digimon," Joe asked.

"That's what I was just thinking," Allison whispered.

Tai shook his head. "I'd hate to think what other evil Digimon he could bring back. After all, Ithirimon was just a flunkie."

Jihan looked at the other Digidestined. Clearing her throat, she rose to her feet. "I'd like to tell you know that I'm back to being a Digidestined. You'll need my full help if we're going to win, and I can't give that unless I'm a Digidestined again."

Can the Master of Digimon resurrect destroyed Digimon? Will the Digidestined be able to defeat him? Will the Digimon ever be able to digivolve without Stars again? Tune in next time to find out.

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