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Digidestined Darkness: Part 22-Courage to Continue

by Argent Dragon

Note from the Author: The beginning of a familiar storyline. You'll understand what I mean when you read this.
Glen: Jihan turned her digivice and computer over to Izzy when she stepped down as a Digidestined. Personally, I'm not really sure if she can do that. Anyway, the rest of us went to the Digiworld the next day. We arrived in a Western town and met Starmon, who was working for the Master of Digimon and arrested us. He put us in a cell and put our digivice and computers where we couldn't get at them. Matt persuaded Jihan to help us. Ligeramon used Galactic Crush to open the door to our cell. Starmon's Meteor Shower forced Ligeramon to dedigivolve after the rest of our Digimon used the Friendship Star to digivolve. Geramon digivolved to Frigeramon and all our Digimon attacks. We freed Starmon from the Master of Digimon's control. When it was all over, Jihan told us that she still wasn't one of us. Will we ever be united again?

Mimi caught up with Jihan. "Jihan!"

"Forget it. I'm not going to be a Digidestined again."

"That's not what I was going to say. I was going to ask if you wanted to go shopping. I guess you aren't interested."

"I'm interested. But I don't have...that is, I can't afford it."

"That's alright. A couple of us chipped in a little of our spare money. So we've got some for you."

"Oh. Thanks."

Mimi smiled, then paused thoughtfully. "Mind if I do something with your hair?"

"Go ahead." Mimi pulled Jihan's hair from its severe hairstyle. Loosened, it fell around her shoulders in black waves.

"That looks much better." Jihan smiled, and Mimi could see that Jihan could be pretty when she stopped trying to be so tough. "Now how are we going to convince her of that," she thought. With a mental shrug, Mimi said, "Now let's go on that shopping trip." Jihan nodded in agreement.

The Master of Digimon smiled cruelly at the captive Digimon. "You will serve me."

"No, I won't."

"Yes, you will." The Master of Digimon put the Dark Star in the Digimon's cage. "Dark Star Power!" THe Dark Star latched onto the Digimon. "Now you'll obey me."

"Of course, master."

Tai's digivice went off. Looking at it, he realized that Agumon was in danger again. Suddenly the signal died. "That doesn't look good," he thought.

Unable to get into the Digiworld immediately, Tai pulled out his computer and quickly wrote an e-mail. He sent it, but wasn't sure which of the other Digidestined, if anyone, would get it. "Agumon, please be okay," he thought.

Jihan was the one who got Tai's message. At least, she would have if she had her computer with her. However, she didn't, having left it with Izzy again. Unfortunately, neither Izzy nor Allison, the pair who seemed to be alert for trouble in the Digiworld, had Jihan's computer with them. Thus, no one got Tai's message until it was almost too late.

"Seems your friends don't care what happened to you."

"Indeed, master."

"No matter," the Master of Digimon said. "They will come for one reason or another. Then, slave, they will be finished."

"Of course, master."

Tai looked at Kari, startled. "You didn't get my message earlier?"

"What message?"

Tai groaned and started to pace. "What's wrong, Tai?"

He turned to face her. "It's Agumon. He's in danger. Or he was. I don't know now."

Kari could see and hear the worry in Tai's face and voice. "Have you checked with anyone else?"

"You know I haven't had time."

Allison entered and immediately heard beeping. "What's that noise?" Her ears led her to Jihan's computer. Opening it, she saw Tai's message on the screen. Groaning, Allison pulled out her own computer. She sent her own message out to the rest of the Digidestined. "If only we're on time."

As soon as they could, the Digidestined, except Mimi and Jihan, gathered. "What's going on," Glen asked.

"Agumon's in trouble," Tai, Kari, and Allison said at the same time.

"We've got to do something," Vari said. Allison didn't say anything, but she couldn't help thinking that it might be too late for Agumon."

"I agree," Sarran said.

"Let's go," Taki continued.

"Not without me, you don't." They all turned to see Jihan sauntering over, black hair loose to her shoulders. "Face it, you need me. But--"

"I know," Ashi said. "You don't need us."

"You got it."

"Excellent. Your friends have arrived." The Master of Digimon turned to his newest slave. "Let's go."

"Yes, master." The slave willingly followed the Master of Digimon.

The six Digidestined that had entered the Digiworld looked around. "Where's Agumon," Tai worriedly asked.

"Looking for your friend," sneered the Master of Digimon. His newest slave was hidden off to one side. "Go!"

Agumon ran toward them. "Agumon," Tai yelled as he ran toward his Digimon.

Jihan's memory flashed back to when she and Geramon had faced Aurimon when he was under the Dark Star's power. Her eyes saw the same black eyes on Agumon that she had seen on Aurimon then. Understanding, she tackled Tai, yelling, "Look out," just as Agumon used his Pepper Breath.

"Agumon, digivolve!"

"Agumon Dark Star digivolve to...Viralgreymon."

Viralgreymon's appearance reminded them of Darkgreymon. However, his eyes were black and he had a pattern of stars on his belly.

Sarran took a breath as she gathered her determination. "Power of Courage!"

"Trisermon Courage Star digivolve to...Courtrisermon."

"Dark Nova Blast!"

The fireball flecked with spots of black hit Courtrisermon. She dedigivolved and was flung back into Sarran. Sarran's computer flew from the girl's hand, but Glen caught it. Ashi reached out a hand and touched the computer. Together, they yelled, "Power of Courage!"

"Sparromon Courage Star digivolve to...Coursparromon."

"Labumon Courage Star digivolve to...Courlabumon."

Coursparromon was a large phoenixlike Digimon. The Courage Star was a mark on his breast. His feathers looked like they were made of white flame.

Courlabumon took to the ground. Enormous claws on his hands would be excellent for digging. On his back was the Courage Star. He was quick to attack. "Drilling Slash!"

Coursparromon followed his lead. "Flaming Arrow!"

Viralgreymon dodged the attacks. "Is that the best you have," the Master of Digimon sneered. Jihan, only now getting to her feet, realized he had his mask on again. Puzzled at this, she remained silent as she held Tai back. He was desperately trying to get to Viralgreymon.

"Let me go!" I can get him back! Let me try!"

Allison was watching the events in the Digiworld. She shook her head. "They need help. Let's see..." Allison mentally tallied who wasn't in the Digiworld. "Looks like I have to get Taki, Tarini, Chan, and Msaada in there."

Jihan was having difficulty holding Tai back now. Suddenly, the rest of the new Digidestined and Kari arrived with their Digimon. "Allison sent us," Taki said as he and the other new Digidestined held Sarran's computer.

"Power of Courage!"

"Aurimon Courage Star digivolve to...Couraurimon."

"Bordemon Courage Star digivolve to...Courbordemon."

"Lupimon Courage Star digivolve to...Courlupimon."

"Parmon Courage Star digivolve to...Courparmon."

Couraurimon was even more golden than before. The Courage Star formed a spiny crest on the back of his head. As he spread his wings and took to the air, his wingsails were revealed to be made of fire. He quickly soared out of Viralgreymon's reach.

Courbordemon had fiery marks on her white fur. She was lean and strong now. Around her chest the Courage Star formed strong armor. She held a bow in one hand. She readied herself for the attack.

Courlupimon's fur looked like it was on fire as she moved. The Courage Star was a mark between her eyes. She narrowed her bright eyes at the Master of Digimon.

Courparmon stood tall on two feet. He wore armor on his chest, feet, shins, and hands. The armor had flame marks on it, and the armor around his chest was made of the Courage Star. Courparmon lashed his tail in excitement.

Courbordemon led the attack. "Fire Arrow!"

Courlupimon followed her lead. "Wolf of Fire!"

Courlabumon and Coursparromon joined in. "Flaming Arrow!"

"Drilling Slash!"

Couraurimon swooped down. "Dragon's Fire!"

Courparmon leapt at Viralgreymon. "Claw Flame!"

Viralgreymon lunged to one side, causing all six attacks to miss. Vari grabbed hold of Sarran's computer. "Power of Courage!"

"Daraimon Courage Star digivolve to...Courdaraimon."

Courdaraimon was small in comparision to the other Courage Star Digimon. She was orange and red all over her body, yet retained her blue eyes. The Courage Star formed armor for her entire body.

Courdaraimon struck. "Flaming Strike!" Yet not even she was successful.

Jihan couldn't bring herself to use the Courage Star. "I can't. That's Agumon. I can't hurt him. And I'm no Digidestined, anyway."

Sarran wasn't as restricted as Jihan. She held her computer and cried, "Power of Courage!"

"Trisermon Courage Star digivolve to... Courtrisermon."

Suddenly Kari put her hands on Jihan's shoulders. "Jihan, I know you don't consider yourself a Digidestined, but the rest of us believe in you. Geramon has to digivolve with the Courage Star. The others can't do anything to stop Viralgreymon. Jihan, you've got to have Courage to do this." Jihan nodded as Sarran handed Jihan her computer.

"Power of Courage!" Jihan was surprised to hear all of the others, including Msaada, yelling with her. She smiled and thought, "I'll remember this feeling. This, this is teamwork."

"Geramon Courage Star digivolve to... Courgeramon."

Courgeramon was brightly colored. Her right eye was surrounded by the Courage Star. White flames flickered along the midline of her back.

Courgeramon looked at the other Digimon. "Let's go!" They nodded. "Lava Strike!"

"Flaming Arrow!"

"Wolf of Fire!"

"Flaming Strike!"

"Dragon's Fire!"

"Claw Flame!"

"Fireball Crash!"

"Drilling Slash!"

"Fire Arrow!"

While none of the attacks struck, the Master of Digimon was not pleased. "Let's go, Viralgreymon." At the command, the pair left.

Tai drooped in the arms of Taki and Jihan, who were tired by their struggle to hold him back. "I let you down, Agumon. I let you down."

Jihan shook him. "No, you didn't. We failed to get him back." Resolve appeared on her face. "We'll get him back next time, I promise."

Vari looked at Jihan. "So you're one of us now?"

Jihan shook her head. "No. But I'm going to help get Agumon back."

Allison smiled. "Now that's a step in the right direction. It won't be long before she chooses to be Digidestined again."

Will Jihan become a Digidestined again? What will the Master of Digimon do next with Agumon? Tune in next time to find out.

Like what you see? Please send your comments to Argent Dragon.