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Digidestined Darkness: Part 19-The Light Shineth

by Argent Dragon

Note from the Author: Another one of my obligatory notes. I'll say now that any time either Tai, Sora, Mimi, Joe, TK, Kari, Izzy, or Matt are written badly, it is entirely my fault. For the most part, I tried to write them with their personalities in mind. However, there are a few spots that aren't as good.
Sarran: After we got Aurimon back, Tai, Izzy, and Allison figured out that Gatomon was in danger. Tai told me their suspicion, and I decided to rescue her. Joe went with me to the Digiworld. When we got there, we discovered Darkikkakumon had Gatomon up a tree. Trisermon used the Courage Star to digivolve, but Darkikkakumon forced her to dedigivolve. Trisermon used the Light Star to digivolve for the first time to Litrisermon. She, along with Gomamon and Gatomon, caused Darkikkakumon to dedigivolve to Selimon, who ran off. Joe and I explained to Gatomon why we'd come to the Digiworld. Then the three of us left the Digiworld.

Jihan looked at Ashi and Vari. "We've got to go back. You two, me, Msaada, and Glen, I mean. And without the others," she said firmly. "We're old enough that we don't need to have them babysitting us. They weren't accompanied by anyone but themselves, so why should we?"

"So that's the way you feel about it," Vari said coldly.

"She's got a point, though, Vari," Ashi whispered.

"Yes, but which of us know how to open the gate?"

Jihan thought about that point for a moment. "Allison can open it for us. I trust her."

Allison crossed her arms. "So let me get this straight. You are fed up with us 'babysitting' you and want to go in on your own?"

Jihan nodded.

Allison looked dubious. "Jihan I know has gone in without us before, so I can see her doing it again. But the rest of you, I can't help not see. And for your 'babysitting' accusations, Jihan, we're only trying to help. After all, what do any of you know about the Digiworld?"

Jihan wasn't satisfied with her answer. "If you won't help us, then we'll do it on our own."

"I never said I wouldn't help you." Allison looked into the faces of Jihan, Ashi, Vari, Glen, and Msaada. "I'll open the gate for you, but I will tell you this is against my better judgement. And if the others ask, I'll say that this was all your idea. Understand?"

"We understand," Msaada said. Allison nodded thoughtfully, then went to work opening the gate.

The Master of Digimon looked over at Darkgarurumon, Darktogemon, and Darkbirdramon. "Five of those Digidestined have ventured into the Digiworld. Take care of them for me and bring me their Digimon."

"Yes, master."

"Of course, master."

"You can count on us, master."

"Alright! An amusement park!" Ashi ran forward, eager to have a good time.

"I have a bad feeling about this place," Msaada whispered.

"Me too," Jihan said. Nevertheless, they followed Ashi into the amusement park.

It didn't surprise Jihan or Msaada when they found Ashi and Sparromon seiged by the three evil Digimon. Glen held Chan's computer in his hand. "Power of Light!"

"Labumon Light Star digivolve to...Lilabumon."

Lilabumon, a larger white version of Labumon, had a beetle's horn on his face. On one arm, like a tattoo, was the mark of the Light Star. His multifaced eyes were iridescent, a fact made obvious as he looked at Darktogemon to aim his attack. "Angelic Firestorm!"

Lilabumon's attack, similar to Birdramon's Meteor Wing, struck Darktogemon. It forced her to dedigivolve. "That's Ilvermon. She's a ruthless fighter, but still evil," Lilabumon said just before he dedigivolved. A third star, a pink one, appeared on Glen's computer. Glen handed Chan's computer to Msaada.

"My turn, huh?" Msaada smiled. "Power of Light!"

"Lupimon Light Star digivolve to...Lilupimon."

The white furred wolf that was Lilupimon had golden eyes. She was small and stocky, but it was evident that she was very muscular. "Msaada, give Ashi Chan's computer," she said. Msaada nodded, then threw it to Ashi.

Ashi leapt and caught the computer. As he fell toward the ground, Ashi yelled, "Power of Light!"

"Sparromon Light Star digivolve to...Lisparromon."

Lisparromon, while still mostly brown, had a white stripe down his back and on his primaries. He looked like a large claw. One foot had the Light Star over it. "Let's attack together, Lilupimon."

"You got it."

"Lupine Star Blast!"

"Heaven's Hawk!"

The pair of attacks hit Darkbirdramon and forced her to dedigivolve. "That's Ravemon. She's an evil Digimon who seems to have found a good master in the Master of Digimon," Lisparromon said. He and Lilupimon dedigivolved as pink stars appeared on Msaada and Ashi's computers. Ashi tossed Chan's computer to Jihan.

"Power of Light!"

"Geramon Light Star digivolve to...Ligeramon."

Ligeramon spread white wings. Her eyes were a brilliant emerald green against her ivory colored fur. She looked very strong as she leapt into flight.

Jihan handed Chan's computer to Vari. "Your turn."

"Power of Light!"

"Daraimon Light Star digivolve to...Lidaraimon."

Lidaraimon was small compared to the other Light Star Digimon. She was covered in white fur, yet still kept a seallike appearance. Her sleek body looked tense as she glared at Darkgarurumon.

The two Digimon shared a look, then nodded. Ligeramon struck first. "Galactic Crush!"

"Sea Nova!"

After both attacks hit Darkgarurumon, she dedigivolved. "That's Jackalamon. She's an evil Digimon, so watch out for her," Ligeramon said. After the three evil Digimon ran off, Ligeramon and Lidaraimon dedigivolved. A pink star appeared on both Jihan and Vari's computers.

They emerged from the Digiworld to see the irritated faces of the first eight Digidestined. Allison was obviously trying not to be seen. "Uh, oh," Vari said under her breath.

"How could you risk yourselves like that," Tai demanded. "I know I did some stupid things, but never risked myself the way you just did. At least, not on purpose."

"Allison told us the whole story," Izzy added quietly.

Even though the others looked ashamed, Jihan was still defiant. "I don't need to be babysat."

The look on Matt's face softened. "Jihan, we aren't babysitting you, any of you. Our job this time around, apparently, is to protect you all so that you'll survive. It isn't our fault that that is all we can do. If it weren't for the Master of Digimon, we would have fought beside you with Digimon that digivolved. But we can't. And you wouldn't even be going into the Digiworld if it wasn't for us."

Jihan glared. "So what? I don't need to be a Digidestined, after all. I'm getting nothing out of it. I could walk out now and not come back and I wouldn't feel any regret. So I don't have to feel obligated to you."

Matt shook his head sadly. "You don't understand. The Digiworld has many ways of teaching you about yourself. I know, but I won't elaborate." He turned away and started to walk out. Before he left, he muttered, "She's got to learn." No one heard him. Jihan didn't look the least repentent.

Will Jihan give up being a Digidestined? What is the Master of Digimon's next plan? Tune in next time to find out.

Like what you see? Please send your comments to Argent Dragon.