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Digidestined Darkness: Part 16-Sincere Hope to Light Perseverance

by Argent Dragon

Notes from the Author: First, I'd like to apologize for the title, as I don't know what was coming over me when I came up with it. Second, I'll comment that up to the majority of part 38 was written before the Kimeramon episodes. *grins* Those episodes were really good...
Vari: When Tai, Joe, Allison, Msaada, Sarran, and I went to the Digiworld, we appeared near a restaurant. Sarran went to get something to eat before we could stop her. She couldn't pay her bill, but we all chose to help her pay it off. Unfortunately, Msaada kept breaking things so our debt kept growing larger. Darkgreymon offered us our freedom, but at too high a cost. Trisermon, Lupimon, and Daraimon digivolved, but Darkgreymon used his Flame Burst to force them to dedigivolve. Then Msaada, Sarran, and I activated the Perseverance Star and our three Digimon used it to digivolve. The attacks of all six Digimon forced Darkgreymon to dedigivolve to Tysamon. He ran off before we could attack again. Our three Digimon dedigivolved and we left the Digiworld. Sarran, Msaada, and I gave our digivices to Izzy so he could study them.

Izzy thought he had the stars figured out now. Due to this fact, he called the Digidestined together. Of course, they didn't realize that. "So what do you need to tell us," Glen asked.

"Well, based on my research, it seems that any one of the new Digidestined can activate any of the stars. This has already been proved with the Perseverance Star. I also believe, and proved only recently, that more than one Digimon can use a star to digivolve at the same time. This was also proved with the Perseverance Star. In addition, those evil Digimon that we encountered when Aurimon was captured can be forced to dedigivolve. On a bad note, the Master of Digimon has managed to find a way to control Aurimon."

"I'm glad there's a lot of good news," Joe said, "because I still don't like bad news. And the news about Aurimon is pretty bad."

"Can we go to the Digiworld," Chan and Tarini asked.

"Only if you can get two of the first Digidestined to go with you," Izzy said, not wanting them to get hurt. They immediately looked at TK and Kari.

TK laughed. "I'll come."

Kari continued, "So will I."

"Let's go!" Izzy handed Taki's computer to TK.

"I'm going too," Glen said.

"Me too," Mimi said.

"Go on," Allison said. "The gate's open."

The Master of Digimon looked at Darkangemon and Darkgatomon. "I want you to catch the Digidestined and bring me their Digimon, understand?"

"Yes, master," they said in unison.

"Do not digivolve and do not destroy their Digimon. Do you hear me?"

"Yes, master."

Mimi smiled. "I know where we are. This isn't far from the Gekomon and Otamamon castle." She led the way to the castle and opened the doors. "Let's go in."

Glen led the way, but Mimi was close behind him. A bunch of Gekomon and Otamamon ran up. "Princess Mimi! Princess Mimi!"

"Princess," Tarini questioned.

"It's a long story," Mimi began.

"And you don't have time to tell it."

The Digidestined whirled. "Not them again," TK said, looking at Darkangemon and Darkgatomon.

"Power of Hope!"

"Power of Light!"

"Power of Sincerity!"

"Labumon Sincerity Star digivolve to...Silabumon."

"Bordemon Hope Star digivolve to...Hopebordemon."

"Parmon Light Star digivolve to...Liparmon."

"Thunder Slash!" Darkgatomon's attack forced Hopebordemon and Silabumon to dedigivolve.

"Fist of Destruction!" Darkangemon's attack foced Liparmon to dedigivolve.

TK held out Taki's computer. "Here!"

All three held it and yelled, "Power of Perseverance!"

"Parmon Perseverance Star digivolve to...Perseparmon."

"Labumon Perseverance Star digivolve to...Perselabumon."

"Bordemon Perseverance Star digivolve to...Persebordemon."

Perseparmon looked like a white tiger. His stripes, though, were blue. She had the same green eyes as Liparmon did. Around her eyes was the Perseverance Star.

Persebordemon looked very much like a polar bear. However, she had yellow stripes in her fur that polar bears never had. Her eyes, though impassive, were black and bright. Under her chin was the mark of the star.

Perselabumon was a larger form of Labumon. He was silver, however, where Labumon was red. His wings spread, he took to the air quickly. The star mark was on his chest.

"Tiger's Ice!"

"Aurora Strike!"

"Pole Thunder!"

"Poison Ivy!"

"Boom Bubble!"

"Lightning Claw!"

The combination of all six attacks forced Darkgatomon to dedigivolve. "That's Sysamon," Gatomon said. "She's a kittenlike Digimon who loves getting into trouble. No wonder she's working for the Master of Digimon."

Sysamon ran off. "I'll be back," Darkangemon warned before flying away.

"Good job," Kari said. The three Digimon dedigivolved as a silver star appeared on their partner's computer.

"Can we go now," Chan asked.

Kari laughed at his tone. "Sure."

Will the new Digidestined be able to defeat the Master of Digimon's new allies? What is the current fate of Aurimon? Will digivolution ever be unblocked? Tune in next time to find out.

Like what you see? Please send your comments to Argent Dragon.