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Hey, I happen to be straight too, ya' know!

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Too lazy to read my essay/rant? Or did you are it left you confused? Here's a simple FAQ Format page with a paragraph explaining what doujin is a little better.

Doujinshi is self-published "amateur" fan manga. The Japanese artists/authors create these books based on their favorite fandoms; using characters from Japanese anime, manga, and video games, and sometimes rock stars and even American television. They self-publish these works in small runs and sell the books in person at conventions. Doujinshi do not have ISBN numbers (usually) so they're kinda hard to find. They get bought by convention-goers, and make the rounds on the second-hand market. The doujinshi-ka are usually new, but sometimes even big time professionals (even the creator of Fushigi Yuugi published one! that's where my 2 infamous "Straight couple" pics here and on the Gallery index are from!) just having some fun! Doujinshi are not authorized by the creators of shows, but aren't illegal by Japanese copyright laws, I don't know why (Don't you wish we could do that here?). Yaoi is created by women, for women. Doujinshi is not necessarily yaoi or hentai, many have no sexual content whatsoever. And actually, doujinshi can feature original characters! Maybe I'll have to find a few for this page...

Dictionary time!

Manga: Japanese comic books (You didn't know that already? And how long have you like anime?)
Manga-ka: Manga artist! ^_^
Doujinshi-ka: Doujinshi artist... duh!
Circle: group of doujinshi-ka working together (This is pretty basic)
Shota: "boy child". A guy and... a kid... I don't get this!
Yuri: Lesbian stuff... see my essay for a little bit more on this
Seme: The "Guy on top" gee... ::blushing:: Do I have to explain? Please don't make me....
Uke: the submissive character

There any official shonen-ai and yaoi stuff?

Sure! I recommend the anime movie "Fake" about a couple of gay detectives... I loved it! There are a couple of others, too.

Are they really gay?

Well, that's all opinion. A few admit it ^_^ Well, one I can think of in the series on this page! Kamatari does in fact state a great love for Lord Shishio. How that realtes to him sleeping with Sou... I'm not sure. Quatre is kinda accepted by most about being gay (I mean, honestly!) So of course Trowa is dragged into it, and then Duo which means Heero and eventually 1 or 2 evil writers decided to take Wu-Chan along the same path. They do scream "Boy Band"...
So if you think they're gay, think it. If you think they're straight, go ahead!
Honestly, I have people I think are straight in here with other guys I think are stright... I just cater to others here...

So who do you think is straight? I'm curious now...

Okay, I have name then in brackets their girl!
Kenshin [Kaoru]
Sanosuke [Me, Ara!... I mean ::grumble:: Megumi]
Zechs [Noin... they're so cute in "Endless Waltz]
Trieze [Lady Une]
Shishio (I think he's Bi actually...) [Maybe you've heard of her, Yumi!]
Soujiro (Also Bi in my opinion) [Nobody... but there was the comment about Yumi's thighs]

And Undeniably gay?

As I've said a million times, Quatre! Duo... Kamatari... Heero.... Trowa... That's about it. Heero could be Bi... There were some suspicious Relena ::gag, gag:: scenes!

Woha! Backtrack! So who was Bi?

::Sigh:: For the slow ones out there: Shishio, Soujiro and Heero! ((Hummm... I'm suspicious of Japanese names ending with "o" and their effect on sexual prefrence.. hummmm... it leads to very mixed up people....))

Are you the artist of these images?

No, but I wish I did ^_^

Can I use your images on my site?

Sure, The gallery ones, but not any page deco! The backgrounds and banners are MINE! I'm psychotic about this... I f you do use my gallery images, please link to me! I'd appreciate it. If you don't want to link to the Shonen-ai stuff, go to the links page, head over to my General anime page then link to me there! I provide html to link to me on every one of my pages (Except the winamp skins page, but it sucks anyways)

Are you gay?

Well, aparently you're one of the stupid ones. To an OBVIOUS extent, I'm female! And if that didn't answer this question, I give YOU something to think about: Would a lesbian have a site filled with reaaaallly hot guys getting it on? (And would one use the phrase "reaaallly hot guys"?) Not convinced? Check out my Fang Boys Page But I warn you, it'll be hard to get back here! It's in a totally diffrent website!

I am offended!

Good for you? I'm sorry if this offends anybody... but see the "X" up there? In the cornor of the window? Yea, right there. That's all you gotta do to escape... Or remember if I have offended your sexual prefrence, remember "rantings of crazy, stright girl who just watched several hours of subtitled anime and J-Pop videos" I may as well be on crack!

Are you crazy?

I get this a lot... No. Just otaku with a thing for gay guys... that may count as weird in some peoples books but, hey! I think I'm normal... See the previous question, actually for a comment that could answer this....

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