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Fight Cast Or Evade

Matt Trepal is the cartoonist who creates Fight Cast Or Evade. Fight Cast Or Evade is an anthropomorphic (animals that are attributed human-like qualities), serial strip that follows the live and adventures of a fox named Yerzel. Yerzel was a huntsman for the king, until he was caught having a relationship with a doe! After being dismissed from his government job, Yerzel decided to go out and catch some of the “easy money” that is involved in adventuring. He managed to recruit quite an interesting ensemble of traveling companions: a ronin samurai rat named Mousashi Miyamoto; an elephant named Stillwell who's starting out as a thief; a skunk named Portia who happens to be a pretty good mage; and boar named Dozer who used to be a soldier from a far off land. With his crew, Yerzel goes off in search of treasure, adventure, and maybe even some romance?


Mark Stanley is the cartoonist that creates Freefall. Freefall is a serial strip that follows the life of an alien named Sam who dreams of being a famous starship captain. Sam had a lot of work to do on his ship before that dream could be realized. To help him fix and later operate the ship, he had his constant companion, a robot named Helix. He hired out an engineer named Florence who is a Bowman's Wolf. A Bowman's Wolf is, in simple terms, an anthropomorphic (animals that are attributed human-like qualities) wolf. Sam has a lot of other problems that pop up from time to time, ranging from a hurricane that sweeps the planet, to the ship's computer wanting to kill him.
Friendly Hostility
K. Sandra Fuhr is the cartoonist who creates Friendly Hostility. Friendly Hostility is a serial strip that follows the lives of two lovers, Kailen Maharassa and Collin Sri'vastra. Kailen, or Fox as he prefers to be called, grew up with Collin, and their friendship blossomed into something more over the years. Fox prefers to think of himself as bisexual, while Collin doesn't see himself with anyone else other than Fox, simply because he feels that he couldn't find someone who could understand him better than Fox can. Fox is easy-going and takes things as they come, as this is probably due to the diverse nature of his family. Collin (or Boss as Fox affectionately calls him) comes from a strict religious family, who prides itself on pomp and appearance, which has become all of the things that he hates. Collin plots and schemes fox ways to take over the world, as his goal is to become the dictator of the world, where he could fix all of the problems that he sees all around him. To help Collin in his endeavors, his former slave, Bootsie (whom he named, as he didn't care about her actual name) acts as his assistant in exchange for territory to control when Collin finally does take over the world. Bootsie also has ulterior motives for helping Collin, as she has been sort of an outcast at school, and really just desired to have more friends in her life, in addition to forming a crush on Collin. While her initial period of time as Collin's slave gave her a rather large workload (as Fox can be rather messy at times), Bootsie was fortunate enough to win the services of a demon that decided to reside in Collin and Fox's refrigerator, and now the assistant has an assistant. For Fox, this is just another normal day in his life, as he grew up with an uncle who works for the satanic church, and a genius inventor for a father, whose inventions often are very hazardous to be around.

Funny Farm

Ryan Smith is the cartoonist who creates Funny Farm. Funny Farm is an anthropomorphic (animals that are attributed human-like qualities), daily serial strip that follows the lives of six people who live in a small boarding house. Ront (a dog) and Mewn (a cat) are the co-owners of the boarding house. They have to deal with the eccentric lifestyles of their boarders and roommates. In addition to dealing with the boarders, they have to deal with all sorts of problems ranging from dealing with a shadowy corporation, to a sentient PC that takes over Finland and renames it Siliconoplis.
General Protection Fault
Jeffrey T. Darlington is the cartoonist who creates General Protection Fault. General Protection Fault is a serial strip that focuses on the employees of GPF Software. Dwayne Duncan is the owner and lead software engineer of GPF Software, but spends the majority of his time charting out the progress for his company, rather than coding software. Dwayne is warm and open man, who is very trusting of his employees, so much so that he can be taken advantage of (and has been) from time to time. Jason (or Fooker as he prefers to be called) is the co-system administrator, who is a programming guru, but seems like he lacks much in interpersonal skills and basic hygiene habits. In addition to his duties for GPF software, Jason used to moonlight as a secret agent for a covert US agency called the UGA (Undisclosed Government Agency), and had become a top agent before his cover was blown and had to lie low for a while. After growing tired of his double-life, Jason switched places with his twin-brother (who was supposed to be the one to become a secret agent in the first place), and re-inserted himself back into society. Ki is a software programmer as well as the head of the DBA for the company. Ki is a self-proclaimed geek, who acts like one of the guys, fitting in well with the rest of her co-workers. While she maintains a tough-independent woman in public, she still maintains her connection to her feminine side, which makes her a bit of a romantic. Nick is a software programmer who has a talent for creating innovative devices due to his "inventor's gene," but sometimes doesn't test them through for safety. Nick is usually shy around women and people he doesn't know, due to his fascination with all things "geeky", and often tries to view the good in people and takes them at their word. Sharon is the other co-administrator, and is every bit the counterpart to Fooker. She is an expert programmer and computer geek, who is being sought after by a cult of computer programmers who believe she is going to be the one to bring balance to the world.

Greystone Inn

Brad J. Guigar is the cartoonist who creates Greystone Inn. Greystone Inn is a serial comic strip that follows the life of Argus, a gargoyle. Argus is the star for a fictional comic strip called Greystone Inn. He reports for work every day, and with the help of a production team, he shoots strip after strip. The production staff of Creative Contracts Studios (the syndicate who releases Greystone Inn) is as follows: MacKenzie "Mac" Miller, the producer; Samantha "Sammy" Bruce, the public relations director; Keagan Newborne, the head comedy writer; Lawrence Price, the editor; and The Narrator, who is the narrator, a mysterious person who we never get to see. Argus and the staff of Creative Contracts Studios do have their share of problems to face, from ghosts, to relationships, to even visits from family.

Help Desk

Christopher B. Wright is the cartoonist who creates Help Desk. Help Desk is a weekday serial strip that follows the life of a help desk technician named Alex. Alex works for a software giant named Ubersoft, and is the best help desk operator that the company has. Ubersoft is run by a demon who was known as the Dark Lord of Ubersoft, but after a lawsuit by the Department of Justice for unholy business practices, he changed his name to Mr. Bunny, the Hoppy Computer Guy. Ubersoft's policy for their help desk is to give the customers as little help as possible and to get them to purchase more Ubersoft software. Alex has to deal with many problems ranging from a sickingly sweet "artificially" intelligent paper clip, to fighting off his conscience, to battling the constant horde of customer calls.
Ali Graham is the cartoonist who creates HOUSD. HOUSD is a serial strip that follows the lives of the actors who star in the online comic, HOUSD. Craig lives in one house together with Neil, Jess (or at least she is over enough to seem like she is), and an anthropomorphic (animals that are attributed human-like qualities) penguin named Cubert. Craig is the main focus of the comic, and without him, the cartoonist, Ali (the cartoon version), wouldn't be able to create the comic effectively (beyond his normal drunken ramblings). Craig spends a lot of his time playing video games or getting into different problems, which usually end up with him getting hurt. Craig can be awkward at times, not usually using common sense when finding something to do, due to his impulsive nature. Craig and Neil end up often playing pranks on one another. Neil can be very accident-prone and often finds himself being taken advantage of because of his naiveté. Neil can often with simple reasoning skills, but claims to possess many deadly fighting arts, but doesn't yet get to display them. Jess often has to be the bastion of sanity in the household as she feels like she is the only levelheaded one in the house. Jess doesn't actually stop any of the things that Craig or Neil does, but just enjoys the events as they unfold. Jess does have a quick temper, especially where her sister is concerned. Jess often has to beat Craig and Neil due to the various things they say or do, but is quite used to it, since she went to high school together with them (and they haven't changed much). Cubert is a very intelligent penguin that can talk, and often gets the guys into trouble with his sarcastic comments and weird plans. Cubert, like everyone else, is in for himself, and often does things at their expense.
Instant Classic
Brian Carroll is the cartoonist who creates Instant Classic. Instant Classic is a serial strip that follows the life of two aspiring filmmakers, Author and Kate. Author and Kate have known each other for quite a number of years, as such; they know one another well and work together to make films. Kate is the excitable type of person. She is constantly moving, and trying out her various visions of movie genres. She can trace back her aspirations of moviemaking to one movie: Citizen Kane. After finding herself hooked on this movie, she constantly subjects Author to repeated screenings, and has even created some of her own sequels that reflect her tastes. When confronted with a situation that she doesn't like, she is very quickly prone to violence, but fortunately usually has Author around to be the voice of reason. Author is a pretty laid back sort of guy, preferring to do his own visions of movies, rather than get pigeonholed into a typical genre. He has a long-standing feud with a fellow filmmaker named Lichfield, who prefers to go to even more extremes of personal visions than Author does. Lichfield thrives on the advent-guard style of cinema, and feels that people should immediately get all of his films, no matter how strange or bizarre they might be (lest they be beneath him). Kate and Author dislike Lichfield's bragging about himself and his work, and do what they can to knock his ego down a peg or two.

Irregular Webcomic

David Morgan-Mar is the cartoonist who creates Irregular Webcomic. Irregular Webcomic is a serial strip that features a medium of Lego pieces to convey the story, and focuses on several different themed storylines. Cliffhangers follows the life of Dr. Montana “Monty” Jones in the 1930’s, and his run-ins with the Nazi army as he tries to keep them from plundering the world’s archeological treasures. Death follows the dealings of the deaths assigned to collecting souls that died in various ways, and their troubles involved in the collection. Espionage follows the life of British secret agent 0x0A, James Stud, as he tries to save the world from evil masterminds bent on conquering the world. Fantasy follows the lives of a adventuring group and their explorations and interactions with the Game Master. Harry Potter is based on the works of J.K. Rowling and follows the lives of students at Hogwart’s Academy. Imperial Rome is set in the Roman era, and follows the lives of a senator, Marcus, and an aspiring senator named Julius. Martians follows the lives of three Martians who try to take over the world, but have to deal with inept plans and The Men In Black. Mythbusters follows the lives of the cast of the television show, Mythbusters, as they try to find out the truth about various urban myths. Nigerian Finance Minister follows the cast of the finance ministry of Nigeria and their various plans to try and raise money for various purposes. Pirates follows the life of Captain Long Tom Short and his crew of dastardly pirates. Shakespeare follows the life of Will(iam) Shakespeare if he was born in the modern era and the influences it has on his writing. Space follows the lives of a crew of explorers and their adventures in space and cyberspace. Star Wars follows the lives of the casts of all of the Star Wars movies that were created by George Lucas and their adventures and insights about their experiences in the Star Wars universe. Steve and Terry follows the lives of the crocodile hunter, Steve Erwin and his exploration of the natural and supernatural world. Finally, Supers follows the lives of The League of Good Guys, starring: Captain Spatula, Dino Boy, Refractive Man, and the Worm Master. They fight against the Axis of Antagonists, which is comprised of: The Hippo, The Sea Dog, Aqualich, and The Bug.


David Hopkins is the cartoonist who creates Jack. Jack is an anthropomorphic (animals who take on human-like qualities), serial strip that follows the life (or rather, existence) of an embodiment of the sin of Wrath, a green rabbit named Jack. Jack's job as the Sin of Wrath is to herd souls of those who died, to their final destination. Jack's punishment in hell is that he doesn't remember any moment's of his life on Earth, and finds himself questioning God's plan, and his role in it. He empathizes with those souls who are basically good, but fall prey to weakness, and end up being dammed for it. This is an uncharacteristic trait for a sin to have, and he is far different from his fellow sins, as he actually dislikes his job, but follows the rules (or rather, doesn't abuse them to cause more suffering). Jack finds himself slowly regaining memories the more he interacts with the angel Farrago. These same memories he finds is a curse to him, yet he drives on taking little bits of memories back here and there, and mulling over them in his vast expanse of time working. Farrago is an angel who had her wings removed from a previous battle in hell, but finds that she cannot help but be curious about the sin that displays compassion over his charges, and even takes interest in their well-being. Even so, by just talking to Jack, Farrago could end up in trouble, because fraternizing with the enemy tends to ruffle the feathers of some of the higher-ups.
Kevin & Kell
Bill Holbrook is the cartoonist who creates Kevin and Kell. Kevin and Kell is an anthropomorphic (animals that are attributed human-like qualities), serial strip that follows the lives of the Dewclaw family. The Dewclaw family came together when a rabbit named Kevin Kindle and a wolf named Kell Dewclaw fell in love from their frequent online chats. There was a little bit of turbulence when they realized how different they really were, but managed to overcome the traditional predator and prey relationship and build a marriage together. From his previous marriage, Kevin brought with him his adopted daughter, a hedgehog named Lindesfarne, and Kell brought her son, a wolf named Rudy. In order to stay as much out of public scrutiny as possible, they moved to the suburban town of Domain, which bordered the great Wild, where animals still held the traditional ways. Kevin started up his Internet Service Provider, Hare-Link, and Kell continued to work as an executive for Herd Thinners, a company that specializes in products made from prey species as well as trimming down the prey species population. Together, they had a child, a carnivorous rabbit named Coney, who looks just like a rabbit, but behaves like and has the same diet as a wolf. As for humanity as a whole, they are only known to most people as an online comic that Rudy draws in his spare time, but the various bird species knows of the existence of humans in another dimension, and provides a barrier between the two worlds.

Least I Could Do

Ryan Sohmer and Lar Desouza are the current cartoonists who create Least I Could Do, while Chad WM Porter and Trevor Adams are the former artists who worked with Ryan on Least I Could Do. Least I Could Do is a serial strip that follows the life of a writer named Rayne Summers. Rayne believes he is God’s gift to women, and frequently feels the need to share his gift with them. Aside from the pursuit of getting laid, Rayne spends a lot of his time scouting out new conquests and playing pranks on his friends. Rayne hates the idea of a continuous relationship, and for now plans on being a bachelor on the prowl until he dies. Rayne continues to chase his best female friend, Isse Alie, as they have been friends for years and she has been the one woman who he hasn’t been able to sleep with, not that he hasn’t tried. Isse prefers to keep Rayne as a friend, but seems to be secretly in love with him (due to the similarity of men she dates), but doesn’t want to ruin their friendship. Rayne rooms with his friend, John Gold, an elementary teacher, who is almost the exact opposite from Rayne. John seeks a long-term, stable relationship, and his sudden statements of asking women he just met to start a serious relationship, tends to keep him single. This has caused John to become a little bit desperate to find the right person for him, but not as much as his friend Mick Alfa. Mick is a mutual friend of Rayne and John, but ends up receiving the most abuse from they guys because of his almost utter failure to even get a date, let alone keep one. A lot of Mick’s problems stem from his habit of overeating and his lack of exercise. Rob Penfeild and Noel tend to get a lot of sarcastic remarks and outright insults from Rayne as they end up spending more time with their significant others, who rarely let them hang out with their friends.

Little Gamers

Christian Fundin and Pontus Madsen are the creators of Little Gamers. Little Gamers is a strip in the gag-a-day format (having no ongoing storyline, but keeping the same characters) that follows the lives of the incarnations of the creators of the comic. Christian typically runs the comic with his poking stick and access to the scripts. He is known for his skill with Tekken and his biting political commentary about the United States. He enjoys most games (or at least making fun of them if he doesn't like them), when he can get the controllers away from Madsen. Madsen is a longtime friend of Christian, and prides himself on his pr0n (porn) collection. He even accepted his current job with the understanding that they had high-speed Internet access. Not known for his spelling, or personal hygiene, he rabidly defends his pr0n collection with his life. Fortunately for him, Marcus doesn't know too much about computers, and is slowly being ushered into the idea that the Internet has vast access to pr0n. He is an avid fan of the Final Fantasy series, and is slowly trying to fix his reputation between Christian and Madsen's ribbings, but they aren't making it easy for him. They all have to beware of the Cute Ninjas and their perchance for playing various ninja games on the Playstation 2, lest they be duct-taped to the ceiling again.

Lost & Found

Matt Milligan is the cartoonist that creates Lost & Found. Lost & Found is a serial strip that follows the lives of a private investigator named Frank Chase and his partner Max. Lost & Found incorporates anthropomorphism (animals that are attributed human-like qualities) in the comic with the mix of talking animals and humans. Frank and Max have to take on a variety of cases from: The Trouble With Furbles, to The Case of Mrs. Pheel's Cookies, to even Death at the Drawing Board. Lost & Found is primarily focused on the world of a private eye, but also follows topics from relationships, to current events.
Macropod Madness
C. Farrington, also known as "Kevin the Lion", is the cartoonist who creates Macropod Madness. Macropod Madness is an anthropomorphic (animals who take on human-like qualities), serial strip that follows the life of a light-blue kangaroo named Jacky Mango. Jacky lives in an apartment with his friend, a dark blue kangaroo named Strawberri Kiwi Roodriver, also known as SK. Jacky loves to spend his time playing video games, and is quite good with playing them with his feet, and even belongs in a feet-gaming club. When not spending his time on games, he spent his time vying for the affection of a purple kangaroo named Jenna Grape. Finally, after a twist of events by SK's ex-girlfriend, a brown kangaroo named Valeigha, Jacky finally started dating Jenna, not that his problems ended there. Jenna used to date SK, but after Valeigha's spell and then his disappearance, she seemed to somewhat resign herself to dating Jacky, but only until the time when he would screw things up. She is still waiting for Jacky to flirt with other girls, something he was notorious for doing before he finally ended up with Jenna, but with Jacky's newfound resolve, he might be able to stand that test. Now only if he could get her to admit that they were in a relationship. Aside from the relationship issues, Jacky also has to deal with other problems ranging from: a magical Cheshire cat running around convinced that he is his ancestor from 1000 years ago, to wishes from a cursed wishing stone gone awry, to even sorceresses who use black magic.


Fred Gallagher & Rodney Caston (Piro and Largo) are the cartoonists who create MegaTokyo. MegaTokyo is a serial comic strip that follows the lives of two friends, Piro and Largo. Piro and Largo were supposed to go to Japan on holiday, and be back within a week or so. This was not to be the case. Piro and Largo managed to waste all of their money and end up stranded in Japan. Piro, the only one who actually speaks Japanese, managed to get them a place to stay, with his friend Tsubasa. Unfortunately, after long overstaying their welcome and spending some money they managed to get from home, Tsubasa spent almost all of his money and left to go find the perfect girl. Thus leaving Piro and Largo homeless again, but this time with their new friend, Ping, who happens to be Sony Playstation 2 compatible!


Steve Troop is the cartoonist who creates Melonpool. Melonpool is a daily serial comic strip that follows the lives of a group of stranded aliens on Earth. The aliens are as follows: Mayberry Melonpool, the captain of their ship, the Steel Duck; Ralph Zinobop, a coffee-loving alien that happens to be a incredible engineer; Sam T. Dogg, a telepathic dog-like alien who is the navigator; Sammy the Hammy, a five foot, 220 pound talking hamster, who is also the Steel Duck's “engine”; Roberta Smeffinfeffer, the same species as Mayberry and is the ship's doctor; and Ralphie Zinobop, a good clone of Ralph. The crew of the Steel Duck is trying to get the Steel Duck operational so that they can end up going home, but that doesn't mean that this is their only problem. The aliens have to solve other problems ranging from evading human notice of their extraterrestrial backgrounds to earning enough money to buy parts for the ship.

Namir Deiter

Isabel Gonzalez-Marks is the cartoonist who creates Namir Deiter. Namir Deiter is an anthropomorphic (animals who take on human-like qualities), serial strip that follows the lives of four girls. Tipper, a white and light orange cat, the youngest of the four, she is used to “benefiting” from the other girls advice, if she wants it or not! Tipper struggles through high school trying to find the right person to fall in love with, but hasn't had any luck as of so far. Fortunately, she has her sister, Snickers to help with her problems. Snickers Namir, a purple cat, is the oldest of the Namir sisters, and is one of the most levelheaded and responsible people around. She usually gets flack for sticking to the rules and tendencies toward mothering her younger sister, but she surprised them all when she married her boyfriend, Twix. Twix, a white and orange spotted cat, is eccentric in that he takes his mannerisms and manners from an earlier age of wearing tails and a top hat. He ended up taking the Namir name (much to his surprise) and moved into the Namir home when Snickers and Tipper's mother left the country on an open-ended trip. This amuses Blue Deiter, a blond cat with blue hair, to no end, because she gladly verbally spars with Twix from time to time. Blue is a free spirit, enjoying the moment, and the company of boys, but without the commitment. This stems from having come from a broken home, and running off to live with the woman she believes is her older sister. Fortunately, she has friends like Joy Satu, a formerly pink rabbit (now white), to amuse herself with. Joy loves computers, but is a shy person, as she felt self-conscious about the fact her fur would turn white in the winter. She is growing to accept this fact, but she seems to meet with several setbacks ranging from her longtime boyfriend leaving her and her friend Mallory having betrayed her. At least the others can take comfort in that she is getting better.
Natch Evil
Mike Rojas is the cartoonist who creates Natch Evil. Natch Evil is a serial strop that follows the life of a serial killer named Saffron C. Sativus. Ever since Saffron was a little girl, she was never really quite right. She has always had an element of the supernatural about her, and her lack of connection to human beings makes her completely unable to feel for her victims. Rather, she enjoys the feelings of pleasure and lust that take over her mind when she tortures and kills, and like any addict, yearns for more. Saffron has been dubbed by the media as the serial killer Jack Splatter, due the way in which she gets into her work, and the resulting mess of a crime scene. Saffron was irritated with the way that the majority of the bodies that the police found were due to a copycat killer, and thus raised the awareness level of the community as well as the police presence. Despite the increased awareness, she typically maintains a cool and collected demeanor, and is careful not to leave any evidence at her crime scenes. Often her victims are never found, but she is always sure to send a reminder or two to the lead detective on the Jack Splatter case, Nero Goodwin, to taunt him and remind him of the partner that he lost on the case. Of course, Saffron is not a heartless monster, but just lacks any real method of showing affection in a non-violent way. Her current crush, Daniel Clay, lives in the apartment below her, and she savors every moment of watching him afar, waiting for the right time to come and make him hers. Saffron also can recognize it when people demonstrate aberrant behavior, as she becomes very confused when Sherry San Muerte wants Saffron to kill her and has no fear of torture or death, as this turns Saffron's bloodlust off. Saffron is always amused by other supposed "killers", as often they are people who are sloppy, but rarely she does find those killer of a caliber that gain her attention.
Blue Dragon Online Comic Resource and website are Copyright 2000-2005, David Zelasco. All comics are copyrighted by their respective authors.
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