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The Blue Dragon Online Comic Resource was originally just a group of text links that I used as bookmarks for a group of comics I regularally read. After a while, I realized that that I could add descriptions to the comics and present the links in a comprehensive fashion for others to read.

After all, these comics helped me through a dark point in my life, so it's only fair that I help the cartoonists out in return. I still read all of the comics on the scheduled portion of my site and maintain the links on a regular basis.

If you find your comic (or your favorite comic) on my site (or if it is not listed), please feel free to e-mail me and let me know that found this site, and would like to be on the scheduled portion. I will then put the comic at the top of my reading list, read the archives, then craft a synopsis for my site. I'll then send you a copy of the synopsis to the cartoonist to see if they want to add/change/remove anything to the synopsis, and then link it on the site appropriately.

Here are some ways to link to my site:

The Blue Dragon Online Comic Resource

The Blue Dragon Online Comic Resource

The Blue Dragon Online Comic Resource

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Blue Dragon Online Comic Resource and website are Copyright 2000-2006, David Zelasco. All comics are copyrighted by their respective authors.
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