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Ronin Warriors Characters

Fear not! The bios behind all of these characters will be coming soon!

Good Guys:

Ryo Sanada/Ryo of the Wildfire (Sanada Ryo/Rekka no Ryo)

Rowen Hashiba/Rowen of the Strata (Hashiba Touma/Tenku no Touma)

Sage Date/Sage of the Halo (Date Seiji/Korin no Seiji)

Sai Mouri/Sai of the Torrent (Mouri Shin/Suiko no Shin)

Kento Rei Faun/Kento of Hardrock (Faun Xiu Rei/Kongo no Xiu)

Mia Koji (Nasuti)

Yulie (Jun)

White Blaze (Byakuen)

The Ancient One (Kaosu)

Bad Guys:

Talpa (Arago)

Anubis (Shuten)

Dais (Rajura)

Kale (Anubisu)

Sehkmet (Nazza)

Lady Kayura

