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Cid's Friends

Their names are Stormy, Deena, Mew, Angel85, Sephiroth, Troy, Rash, Neopanther, Angelking, Dor, Staok, CiaraJade, Pyrotess, Drayliss, Sarah, Sawa, Eddie, Rob, Andy, Mexchicken, Piccolo, Trunks, All of the Gokus, Zarbon, Z-28, Magius, Adrian, Zodiac, Morgan, All the Caoses, Hideki, Controversy the Immortal: I'm sorry if a spelled it wrong uncle Will, Shera, Calten, Caroline, Kaine, All of the vampires, and last and most of all my Etheral aka Jenn Jenkins. And to all the rest of you that have slipped my mind at this time. I'm very sorry that i have forgotten you.


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