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Q's Miko: Konnichiwa minna-san! Welcome to the new (and hopefully improved) 124 Gundam Wing Lane! ^_^*

Wufei: Sure took you long enough to revamp the site.

Q's Miko: Oh be quite Wu-man.

Duo:*snickers*Wu-man. Sounds pretty close to-

Wufei:*draws schimitar*Don't you dare.

Duo:*looking innocent*What? What are you talking about?

Quatre:*waves*It's great to be back minna-san!

Duo:*whispers to Quatre*We weren't really gone.

Heero: It's nice to actually have the site neat for once.

Q's Miko: What's that supposed to mean?! You didn't like the other format?!

Trowa: Heero does have a point. The other version was a bit too sloppy.

Q's Miko: ALL RIGHT ALREADY! That's the past! Let's just live in the present, please.

All: Welcome to 124 GW Lane v2.0!

-Site Map-

Home: By going "home", you'll be coming back here. ^_~*
Character Information: Well, this one's pretty self-explanatory. ^_^* Quatre-kun is in charge of this sector.
Mobile Suit Informatin: Yet another self-explanatory section! Duo-kun will be your guide to all those MS's and such.
Images: Boy, these are really easy to tell what what's. -.-;;; Trowa-kun is handling the image gallery.
Miko's Corner: The Miko's Corner has finally been moved out of the Miscellaneous section! ^^* This section from now on will contain all fan works. Of course, being called the Miko's Corner implies that the miko will be in charge of this section.
Miscellaneous: This section is for all that stuff that doesn't fit anywhere else. That means the message board, polls, survey, downloads, etc. Heero-kun gets to manage this part of the page.
Updates: Hmm...quite obvious, isn't it? ^^;;;
Links: Just what it says! It is also where you can find banners to link back to this site. Wufei gets to handle this sector.
Sign the Guestbook: can this be made more clear?
View the Guestbook: Precisely what it says.
Contact the Miko: Send an email to the miko! ^_^*