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Juliette Gordon Low

Juliette Magill Kinzie Gordon Low was born in Savannah, Georgia, on Halloween: October 31, 1860. She was called "Daisy" by her friends and attended private schools far from her home, spending most of her time without her family. One of her schools was in Virginia and was headed by Thomas Jefferson's granddaughters. Another was a French school in New York City.

The turning point in Juliette's life was when she visited England and Europe. When she came home at age 52, she brought back the idea of an organization like Boy Scouts, except for girls instead. She began the Girl Scout movement. She handled the movement's needs until 1916, but then she created the National Board to help her. The National Board, to this day, plays an important part in the running of the Girl Scouts of the United States of America.

Juliette is also responsible for bringing the Girl Scout Promise, which she had translated into English. The current promise that every Girl Scout knows and recites reads:

On my honor, I will try
To serve God, and my country,
To help people at all times,
And to live by the Girl Scout law.

Juliette died in 1927, gone but never forgotten. Her birthplace in Savannah, Georgia, has been made into a national landmark. Also, in 1929, the Juliette Low World Friendship Fund was created in her honor as a tribute for all that she had done.

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