Club Members

Power Level: 104,308,128,356,933,593,750,000,000,000,000,000
Money: $428,548,088,572
Race: Namek
Gender: Male
Height: 7'1"
Weight: 309lbs.
Moves: Saiko No Kogeki This is a Ki blast that is shot out of the mouth Makkankasappo (finisher) a.k.a. Special Beam Cannon, Kakusan Kikou Ha A very slow-moving ball of energy that can break into several parts and hits numerous targets, Tsuibi Kikou Ha A blast of energy that follows the user's opponent wherever they go, Kousengan The attacker shoots energy at the victim from their eyes, Zanzouken A popular move used throughout Dragon Ball where a person moves so fast, they leave an after-image of themselves, Shyougeki Ha Character's ability to cause long distance explosions by raising their fingertips, Chyou Kyoshin Jyutsu The special ability to increase his body size to the height of an apartment complex, speed does not suffer because of his increased mass Kikouhou He targets his opponent in a triangle formed by his hands. He then shoots a fantastically powerful energy blast at his opponent. This attack is very dangerous though. It uses an enormous amount of ki and could easily kill him if he over-used it. Ki no Tsurugi A sword made out of Ki Ki Chou Kikou Ha (finisher) Pheadrus's "Trump Card" it uses an extremely large amount of energy and practically killes Pheadrus himself, it causes a dome shape explosion that is over a mile wide and destroys everything in the area. Kanzouki a mind control attack that gives Pheadrus total control of his opponent. Bunshin A technique where Pheadrus sprouts indepedently thinking duplicates of himself. Kamikaze Bunshin Same as above but the duplicates grab hold of the opponent and self destruct. Shyouken An attack where Pheadrus grows two extra arms to increase blocking and attacking.
Description: Both of his parents were killed by Saiya-jins. He now trusts no one after being betrayed by all people he ever knew. He raised himself on the planet Namek in solitude. At the age of 17 he travelled to Earth. Very little is known about the rest of his life.
Items: Weighted Shoes(20%), Big Bag of Senzu Beans(5), Training Dummy
Member Since: March 8, 2000
Rank: All the Characters in Dragon Ball/Z/GT Combined(x2)

Power Level: 521,540,641,784,667,968,750,000,000,000,000
Money: $428,550,012,572
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Height: 5'11'
Weight: 187 lbs.
Moves: Kame Hame Ha, Solar Flare, Ultimate Destructo Disk: Karakus launches 10 disks in a row which then split into 10 each and follow the target. Karakus Sword Swipe: Karakus shoots a lot of energy beams in all different directions to distract his opponent then he teleports behind his opponent and hits him with a flurry of lightning fast strikes. Chyou Kyoshin Jyutsu The special ability to increase his body size to the height of an apartment complex, speed does not suffer because of his increased mass Karakus King Blast (finisher): Two huge blasts are shot out of each hand that can disintegrate anything in its path and he can control them. Kaioken(x1000): a sudden burst of energy that enhances power, speed, agility, sight, and everything else. Kengkotso: Type of destructo disk but when launched splits into five mini disks. Megnasu: energy blast shot out of the hand when hits stuns the oponent for a short time. Terden: Split form technique. Split into one mirror image that act as he does and one that acts on his own. Kifzensa: Wind attack that is made with a motion of the hand when shot the opponent falls and gets pushed back with a powerful force. Tanemusoppa: Ball of energy that is charged in the hand and when thrown and hits the opponent they get caught in a ball of energy that Karakus controls and you can't break out. Genki Dama (finisher) also know as the spirit bomb, Karakus asks all living things on Earth to give him some of their energy, he then uses the gathered energy to throw at the opponanent
Description: He was found in the woods by a old monk when he was 7. Doesn't remember anything of his past. Was raised in wilderness by the monk Tarkas. When Karakus was 18 Tarkas was killed by a monster that was later killed by Karakus. He then went out into the world to train.
Items: Big Bag of Senzu Beans(5 left), 50 lbs. Shoes(20%), Sword, Ginyu Armor, 20 lbs. Robe(10%), Hat
Member Since: March 17, 2000
Rank: All the Characters in Dragon Ball/Z/GT Combined


Tuchion (pronounced Toochin)
Power Level: 545
Money: $62,000
Race: Half namek & Half Saiya-Jin
Gender: Male
Height: 6'9'ft.
Weight: 192 lbs.
Moves: Mensako,Gallet gun,Big Bang,Trunk card,S.S. Dead Bomb
Description: At age 12 his parents were kidnapped by an unkown race. When he was at age 15 he found his parents dead. Ever since then he search for his parents killers. At age 17 he decided to stay on a planet called Earch.
Items: sword
Member Since: March 20, 2000
Rank: Junior Z Fighter

Power Level: 1,060
Money: $72,500
Gender: Male
Race: Saiya-Jin
Height: 4'6' ft.
Weight: 100 lbs.
Moves: Gallet Gun, Kame Hame Ha, and Special Beam Cannon
Description: An eight year old boy that escaped planet Vegeta before it was destroyed by hinding on a space ship. He slightly resembles Goten and Goku as a child.
Items: none
Member Since: March 23, 2000
Rank: Chibi Goku

Power Level: 300
Money: $95,000
Gender: Male
Race: Saiya-Jin
Height: 7'1' ft.
Weight: 236 lbs.
Moves: Hyper blaster- big red yellow ki blast and drains power. Atomic Ki blast- a matalic ki blast that finds a weak spot and explodes on impact. Gulert warrior- big blue bomb as big as the genki dama but more powerful. Kamehameha. Kienzan(destructo disk).
Description: No one knows about his past not even him.
Items: none
Member Since: March 24, 2000
Rank: Junior Z Fighter
Email: n/a

Goku(not "the" Goku)
Power Level: 2,450
Money: $202,500
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Height: 6'2' ft.
Weight: 269 lbs.
Moves: Kame Hame Ha, Destructo Disc, Fireball Crusher, Purple Spiral Flash Attack, and Energy Blast
Description: Ever since he was a little boy he wanted to be like Goku the mighty Saiya-Jin warrior and fight evil aliens.
Items: Big Bag of Senzu Beans(4 left), Small Bag of Senzu Beans
Member Since: March 25, 2000
Rank: Little Goku

Hiokin(pronounced Hee oh kin)
Power Level: 2,100
Money: $275,000
Gender: Female
Race: Saiya-Jin
Height: 5'6' ft.
Weight: Oh I'm flattered
Moves: Crusher Fire Ball ,Gallet gun, Kame Hame Ha, Destructo Disc, Solar Flare
Description: She is the last female Saiya-Jin who has raised herself secretly on a distant planet slowly dicovering her powers she doesn't know what happened to her parents.
Items: none
Member Since:
Rank: Piccolo (Nappa fight)

Gohan the 2nd (deceased)
Power Level: 56,328,780,480
Money: $-38,000
Gender: Male
Race: 1/4 Saiya-Jin
Height: 6'1' ft.
Weight: 255 lbs.
Moves: Masenka, Spirit Bomb Kaokien, Kame Hame Ha, Chou Kame Hame Ha, Super Kenzian, Solar Flare, Split Form Technique, Super Saiya-Jin, and Special Beam Cannon
Description: The son of Gohan. He was a little boy when his dad died fighting Brolly's son. He vowed to reach Super Saiya-Jin like his dad and beat Brolly Jr.
Items: Big Bag of Senzu Beans(0 left), 50 lbs. shoes(20%)
Member Since: March 25, 2000
Rank: Trunks

Power Level: 6,905,600
Money: $4,447,500
Gender: Male
Race: Saiya-Jin
Height: 6'5' ft.
Weight: 190 lbs.
Moves: Body Change, Time Freeze, Energy Cannon, Kame Hame Ha, and Regenerate Limbs
Description: He was banished from the planet Vegita.
Items: Dragon Ball, Sword
Member Since: March 25, 2000
Rank: Frieza

Dragon Man
Power Level: 1,935
Money: $14,500
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Height: 6'2' ft.
Weight: 327 lbs.
Moves: Gallet Gun, Big Bang Attack, Destructo Disc, and Special Beam Cannon
Description: He ran away from home when he found out about his powers. He became evil and killed everyone in his way.
Items: 20 lbs. robe, 10 lbs. hat, 50 lbs. shoes
Member Since: March 26, 2000
Rank: Junior Z Fighter

Power Level: 175
Money: $83,500
Gender: Female
Race: 1/2 Changling & 1/2 Saiya-Jin
Height: 6'2' ft.
Weight: 198 lbs.
Moves: Kame Hame Ha, Destructo Disc, Special Beam Cannon, Solar Flare, Crusher Fire Ball, and Time Freeze
Description: The daughter of Freeza and an unknown Saiya-Jin woman he ment before destroying Planet Vegita.
Items: none
Member Since: March 26, 2000
Rank: Angry Chi-Chi

Chibi Piccolo
Power Level: 200
Money: $97,500
Gender: Male
Race: Namek
Height: 6'1' ft.
Weight: 216 lbs.
Moves: Kame Hame Ha, Kenzian, Final Flash, and Big Bang
Description: He was born on Namek and left the planet when Freeza came. After that he went to King Kai's planet and trained until the battle of cell to help Earth's Special Forces.
Items: none
Member Since: March 26, 2000
Rank: Master Roshi

Kaishonan(pronounced ka-i-shaw-nin
Power Level: 14,073,127,787
Money: $149,000
Gender: Male
Race: Sub-God
Height: 6'4' ft.
Weight: 239 lbs.
Moves: Kenzian(destructo disc), Makkanspoka(special beam cannon), Kame Hame Ha, Kamakazi Ghost, Final Flash, Eye Beam, Masenka, Kaokien, Monster Transformation(like zarbon), Genki Dama(spirit bomb), Bakurikimaha, Inferno's Rage(the more he is attacked the stronger he gets)
Description: ... !!! ???
Item: 50 lbs. Shoes(20%), 20 lbs. Robe(10%), 10 lbs. Hat(5%), Sword, Portra Ear Rings, and Ginyu Armor
Member Since: March 27, 2000
Rank: Super Saiya-Jin 4 Goku

Power Level: 200
Money: $97,500
Gender: Male
Race: Fusion(Saiya-Jin & 1/2 Saiya-Jin
Height: 6'2' ft.
Weight: 240 lbs.
Moves: Kame Hame Ha, Big Bang Attack, Sword Swipes, Vicente, Gabusan, Gallet Gun, and Power Blast
Description: A fusion of Goku and Trunks using the Portra Earrings.
Item: none
Member Since: March 27, 2000
Rank: Angry ChiChi

Power Level: 13,140
Money: $145,000
Gender: Male
Race: 1\2 Saiya-Jin
Height: 6'7' ft.
Weight: 269 lbs.
Moves: Mind Blow its kinda like the solar flare that tien does except it blows the person away and freezes them. The Ikomiko this is just a combination of kicks and punches. Nomokino this is a beam that is a mix between the masenko and the kamehameha. The Kinkorin this is a mix between the spirit bomb that Yamcha does and the destructo disc that Krillin does so he can control it.
Description: Truub was trained under the famous Trunks and Uub (hence thename truub)
Item: 50 lbs. shoes(20%), Sword, Robe
Member Since: March 28, 2000
Rank: Chibi Goku

Power Level: 100
Money: $100,000
Gender: Male
Race: Saiya-Jin
Height: 5'9'ft.
Weight: 182 lbs.
Moves: Multi Form, Kame Hame Ha, Gallet Gun, Time Freeze, and Death Ball(can destroy planet)
Item: none
Member Since: March 28, 2000
Rank: Angry ChiChi

Power Level: 100
Money: $100,000
Gender: Male
Race: Saiya-Jin
Height: 5'9' ft.
Weight: 156 lbs.
Moves: Akumaitokosen, Bakuhatsuha, Bakurikimaha, Big Bang Attack, Burning Attack, Chonoryoku, Daichiretsuzan, and Energy Kyushu
Description: Born on eath as a Sayian. Loner that trained my powers by holding up bolders using weak eye blast to hover the rocks in air.
Item: none
Member Since: March 28, 2000
Rank: Angry ChiChi

Power Level: 100
Money: $100,000
Gender: Male
Race: Robot
Height: 6 ft.
Weight: 220 lbs.
Moves: Chou-Kamehameha, Kamehameha, Gallet Gun, Death Ball, Teleport, Fuse, Ki Charge (ki beam charger), and Barrier
Description: Made by Broli to kill Goku. Ruthless and will stop at no cost to kill him. Trying to find good but can be evil at some pionts.
Item: none
Member Since: March 28, 2000
Rank: Angry ChiChi

Power Level: 100
Money: $100,000
Gender: Male
Race: Saiya-Jin
Height: 6 ft.
Weight: 180 lbs.
Moves: Kame Hame Ha, Solar Flare, Fire Crusher Ball, Destructo Disc, Special Beam Cannon, and Furry Punches
Item: none
Member Since: March 28, 2000
Rank: Angry ChiChi

Power Level: 100
Money: $100,000
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Height: 6.1
Weight: 149 kg.
Moves: Death Ball, Kame Hame Ha, Special Beam Cannon, and Masenka
Description: Short Cut Brown hair spiked up, brown eyes, huge mucles abs you know, He was born in to a strong hearted family for fighting, he went to a few tournaments as a young child. That is when he found his power he was strong, very strong he used his talents mostly for good or to impress other people. Now he has grown up and wants to train as a proffessional fighter.
Item: none
Member Since: March 29, 2000
Rank: Angry ChiChi

Power Level: 53,600
Money: $560,000
Gender: Male
Race: Namek
Height: 5'8' ft.
Weight: 180 lbs.
Moves: Kame Hame Ha, Solar Flare, Special Beam Cannon, Gallet Gun, and Zanzouken
Description: Good guy, raised on Namek, left when Freeza came, went to Earth.
Item: 50 lbs. Shoes(20%), 10 lbs. hat(5%)
Member Since: March 31, 2000
Rank: Burter

Lord Jarsalamu
Power Level: 109,546,998,876,098,009,000,998,990,000,000
Money: $75,000,998,009,989
Gender: Male
Race: Namek
Height: 5'7" ft.
Weight: 185lbs.
Moves: Kame Hame Ha, Solar Flare, Special Beam Cannon, Kenzian, Akumaito Kousen(finisher)-An attack used to find the evil in a person's heart, then make the person explode. If there is no evil in the victim's heart, then the attack is useless, Bakuriki Demon Blast-He grips his right hand and lets loose an enormous blast of energy, Bunseki "Analysis"-the ability to analyze every aspect of his opponent such as speed, power, strength etc., Henge "Change"-The ability to shape-shift. Jarsalamu can keep a shape as long as he can concentrate, Ki no Tsurugi-A sword made out of Ki.
Description:He was the son of Piccolo and he trained with Goku and Gohan. He became close friends with another Namek name Shakahel. Later on in life he and Shakahel ranaway to a small planet that was inhabbited by other runaways. Two years later the evil Babidi took over his friends body. He was unable to save his friend but Shakahel, taken over by the evil spirit, started taking over the minds of all the other runaways making them his slaves and using them to take over the rest of the planet. The people turned to Jarsalamu as their leader because he was the strongest known on the planet at the time. After years of fighting they finally overthrough Shakahel. The survivors of the great battle made Jarsalamu the leader of their planet, since then no one has tried to take over the planet which was named after Jarsalamu's friend Shakahel.
Item: senzu beans, weighted clothes
Member Since: March 31, 2000
Rank: Super Sayin (Lever 4)

Power Level: 100
Money: $100,000
Gender: Male
Race: Saiya-Jin
Height: 6'4' ft.
Weight: 215 lbs.
Moves: Masenka, Renzoku Energy Dan, Hasshuken, and Sokidan
Description: A 23 year old man seeking revenge for his fathers murder.
Item: none
Member Since: April 1, 2000
Rank: Angry ChiChi

Power Level: 100
Money: $100,000
Gender: Male
Race: 1/2 Saiya-Jin
Height: 6'5' ft.
Weight: 220 lbs.
Moves: Gallet Gun, Kamehameha, Destructo Disk, Final Flash, and Zanzoken
Description: He was there with Bardok during the fight when Freiza blew up planet Vegita he got to a spacepod with serious injuries. He got to Earth reapeared with robotic parts by Doctor Gero later rebelled and became a profesional fighter.
Item: none
Member Since: April 3, 2000
Rank: Angry ChiChi

Power Level: 100
Money: $100,000
Gender: Male
Race: 1/2 Saiya-Jin & 1/2 Human
Height: 6'5' ft.
Weight: 200 lbs.
Moves: Masenka, Solar Flare, Kame Hame Ha, Kengkotso, and Limb Regeneration
Description: Left to die on a deserted island because of his mistified power to turn into a giant ape, Incinerator, made a vow to trust and love no one. He trained himself to fight and use his powers to go out and search for the father that left him to die and destroy him. He will destroy anyone in his way without remorse.
Item: none
Member Since: April 8, 2000
Rank: Angry ChiChi

Power Level: 5,700
Money: $200,000
Gender: Male
Race: Namek
Height: 6'7' ft.
Weight: 295 lbs.
Moves: Makkanspoka, Kame Hame Ha, Kenzian, Big Bang attack, Teleport, Heal, Solar Flare
Description: Looks much like Piccilo, but more intimidating. Always traing harder and harder, determained to be the best.
Item: Sword, 20 lbs. Robe, Ginyu Armor
Member Since: April 8, 2000
Rank: Angry ChiChi

Power Level: 5,100
Money: $45,000
Gender: Male
Race: Saiya-Jin
Height: 6'2' ft.
Weight: 210 lbs.
Moves: Kame Hame Ha, Fusion Dance, Kenzian, Fire Ball, Chobakuretsumaha
Description: Goran lived with his 2 parents. At the age of 3 they traveled to Namek, but at the age of around five the planet was destroyed but before it was he was sent to earth. A mysterious stranger raised him till he was 7. He raised himself from then on.
Item: 20 pound robe, hat
Member Since: April 8, 2000
Rank: Angry ChiChi

Power Level: 20,000
Money: $100,000
Gender: Male
Race: Changling
Height: 6'9' ft.
Weight: 1029 lbs.
Moves: Kame Hame Ha, Kenzian, Final Flash, Butt Bump, and Belly Bounce
Description: He was Dodoria's best friend before he (Dodoria) joined forces with Frieza. On their home planet he and Dodoria were the toughest and meanest kids around. He is ruthless, evil, and loves to kill even more than Dodoria.
Item: none
Member Since: April 8, 2000
Rank: Dodoria

S.T.G. Dude (deceased)
Power Level: 1,250,250,016,000
Money: $400,000
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Height: 5'2' ft.
Weight: 136 lbs.
Moves: My Lil Suptin Special-he makes a huge fire ball then compresses it into the size of a marble so it is super concentrated then controlling it with his mind he sends it straight through his opponents brain. Mario Style Fire Ball-a fire ball resembling the kind Mario uses in "Super Mario World" except much stronger. Last Blast-he shoots so many fire balls so fast it looks like a beam. Kame Kame Hame Hame Ha Ha-he gathers energy between his hands then launches half from each hand so it looks like a double Kame Hame Ha. Possum-after his opponent attacks he acts like he is dead then when the person lets down their guard he attacks with a Fire Ball. Chou Beam-a very powerful beam that can go through anything. Intimidator-his power level goes up by 10%, he grows 5 inches, and he glows red. Spinning Slice-an attack like Link uses in Zelda: The Ocarina of Time. Burning Soccer Ball-he gathers ki in the shape of a soccer ball then kicks it at his opponent. Owchy Wa Wa Beam-The Dude's version of a Kame Hame Ha, its pretty much like a Kame Hame Ha except its a little more powerful and is green instead of yellow.Kame Block-the ability to block a Kame Hame Ha.Vroom Vroom- really fast movement. Kiokan-after learning Kaokien from King Kai he created his own version of the attack.
Description: A 13 year old boy that plays to many video games and watches to much tv. He always has wanted to be a member of the Earth's Special Forces.
Item: Sword, Saiya-Jin Armor
Member Since: April 9, 2000
Rank: Super Saiya-Jin 4 Vegeta

Gopunks Jr.
Power Level: 1,050
Money: $105,000
Gender: Male
Race: Saiya-Jin and Subgod
Height: 8 ft.
Weight: 500 lbs.
Moves: Human Tornado, Fusion Dance, Garlic Gun, Ring Jyou No Energy Ball, Final Flash
Description: unknown
Item: Portra Ear Rings
Member Since: April 11, 2000
Rank: Raditz

Power Level: 5,400
Money: $330,000
Gender: Male
Race: 1/2 Saiya-Jin & 1/2 Human
Height: 6'0' ft.
Weight: 200 lbs.
Moves: Masenka, Kame Hame Ha, Solar Flare, Gallet Gun, and Destructo Disk
Description: He was born on the planet Earth and greatly respects Gohan.He loves to fight and is very intelligent.If he feels it is necessary he will take shortcuts in a fight but he is usually very kind. Like Gohan in moments of anger his power level increases.
Item: Ginyu Armor
Member Since: April 11, 2000
Rank: Nappa

Kio Shin(Pronouced Key-0-Shin)
Power Level: 400
Money: $92,500
Gender: Male
Race: Saiya-Jin
Height: 6'1' ft.
Weight: 160 lbs.
Moves: : Kame Hame Ha, Oozaru, Chou Kame Hame Ha, Tsuibi Kienzan, and Big Bang Attack
Description: He was with Goku when he went to Earth, but unlike Goku he ran in to a little trouble that sent his ship flying into a Desert. Finding all things for himself he gained independence. He learned to fight from the Master Trainer of the desert. Not remembering where he was from he decided that he was one of the desert people. The only difference was that he had a tail.
Item: Portra Ear Rings
Member Since: April 13, 2000
Rank: Junior Z Fighter

Power Level: 5,100
Money: $0
Gender: Male
Race: Unknown
Height: 7'2' ft.
Weight: 600 lbs.
Moves: Desructo Disc, Eye Beam, Tri Force, Recoom Boom, and Kame Hame Ha
Description: Quinn is a mysteries being from the distant moon of Quigon. He had no parents, but was created in the center of a black hole. He began trainig himself in martial arts when he was very young. He later moved to Quigon4 the most distant moon of Quigon. Since he was born in the middle of a black hole he dosent need air or food to survive. He is ready to make new friends, but be warned if you disturb him he is likly to go berzerk, as he does from time to time, and then you will have a bit of trouble on your hands!
Item: none
Member Since: April 15, 2000
Rank: Nappa

Power Level: 100
Money: $100,000
Gender: Male
Race: Saiya-Jin
Height: 8 ft.
Weight: 5,000 lbs.
Moves: Kamehameha, Ekishyou Ka, Ki Barrier
Description: Morpheus is a Saiyan that was secretly aboard Frieza's ship, inside the air shaft. When he saw that he was on planet Namek he didn't know what to think so he got out of the ship and flew away. After awhile one Namek that survived took him in and put him on a special space ship that is ten times faster than a Saiyan spac ship. He is sent back to Earth where he is secretly trained by Kame, Mr. Popo, Piccolo, Goku, Vegeta, King Kai, Master Roshi, Gohan and Krillin. He believes that the good in people always prevails and also that good will alwaays triumph over evil, no matter what the case may be. He believes that training is the most important thing. Whenever he is not defending the innocent and protecting the weak, he is training with his friends Goku and the others. Unlike anyone else Morpheus does not need to sleep or eat, so he never gets tired or hungry so he can go on training for very long periods of time. He has hair like and clothes look exactly like SS Gogeta's but his face looks a little different. He gets married to an Earthling and has five little boys that are just as powerful as he is.
Item: none
Member Since: April 16, 2000
Rank: Angry ChiChi

Power Level: 100
Money: $100,000
Gender: Male
Race: Saiya-Jin
Height: 5'0' ft.
Weight: 180 lbs.
Moves: Arale Kick, Wild Boar Attack, Oozaru, Yubisaki Kara No Kikou Ha, Renzokou Kikou Ha, Gyariku Hou "Garlic Gun", Zenshin Kara No Shyougeki Ha
Description: Trained by Vegita as a young boy-he doesn't care about or respect anyone but Vegita.
Item: none
Member Since: April 16, 2000
Rank: Angry ChiChi

Power Level: 100
Money: $100,000
Gender: Female
Race: Saiya-jin/Human
Height: 4'11" ft.
Weight: 75 lbs.
Moves: Masenka, Kame Hame Ha, Split Form Technique, Kai Kai, Kenzian
Description: Goku's daughter with all known arts of Kaokien, she has a very short temper which can explode at any moment. She loves to fight and carries a small pocket chain which can extend into a weapon.
Item: none
Member Since:
Rank: Angry ChiChi
