DBZ Chat

This chatroom can either be used for just talking to other members or battling. When you register PLEASE use you characters name as your handle. To battle there must be two club members that have agreed to fight. The one with the lower power level makes the first move. If the two's power levels are the same they each pick a number. The closest one goes first. When battling certain moves take a certain amount of time to do like Genki Dama (spirit bomb) it takes) 4 moves. Makkanspoka (special beam cannon) takes 3 moves. Body Change takes 3 moves. Those are just a few examples. Other moves like Kaokien and Super Saiya-Jin you do first then attack. In Kaokien you first do Kaokien then your next move you attack. In Super Saiya-Jin you go Super Saiya-Jin the 2 moves later you attack. Other moves like Solar Flare prevent your opponent from attacking for 3 moves. You should have the page that shows members out during a battle to see what attacks do, if they don't tell what moves do in there profile, click here.