TOKYO BABYLON VOLUME FIVE BY CLAMP TRANSLATED BY MENE TYPED BY MENE Vol. 6/OLD * CLAMP Human beings aren't eternally young…one day or another, they find themselves old. * SIGN Mr. and Mrs. Nomura MRS SACHIYO NOMURA No…it's not possible…I'm sorry, but starting next month, you must cut down on your personal expenses. MR NOMURA WHAT?! But than I'll never get to go out! MRS SACHIYO We have no choice! Next year Soko starts elementary school and Shinya starts kindergarden…and with the mortgage due on our house, it's financially impossible to survive without making some sacrifices! MR NOMURA Ok….calm down. I thinki it's mean of you to reproach me like this when I work so much…. SACHIYO I do all I can with my two jobs…even so the little money I earn is never enough for us to go out. But… * SACHIYO I don't want us to go commit suicide…like our neighbors, the Miuras, who killed their child too! Do you know how much money we need to live comfortably!? Don't forget the three year mortgage on the house, we have another. * GRANDPA Kanae…Still one thing… * * * SUIT 1 You're done? SUBARU Yes SUIT2 Thank you… SUIT1 Yes, me too! We can finally sell this house! Since the old owners committed suicide three months ago…we've had numerous problems with the new buyers…They say they see ghosts, and hear their cries! All this has obviously stopped the house from being properly sold, right Mr. President? * SUIT2 (Mr. President) Be quiet, please watch what you say! I imagine you've already aquinted yourself with the documents I gave you? I am aware of what this family endured to pay the mortgage on their house…they called an established financeer, but by then their debts were already too high…they saw themselves as hoplessly trapped and killed their ten year old daughter in cold blood, with a knife blow….Then they hung themselves in the living room…I'm a CEO of an immovable company and it's not in my best interests to say this sort of thing, but I find it unconscienceable that a family with an average revenue couldn't even own this house…today, because of the economic crisis, the price of land in Tokyo stays too high for the large minority of people….Most of them are obligated to ride four hours on a train to get to work, just to have a normal quality of life…but the rent keeps rising and everyone knows it's impossible to have a big house… * MR PRESIDENT Because…houses are so small…It's often the old people who suffer the most. Pardon me! I've held you up with my talk and Ibelieve it can't interest you that much! SUBARU No, don't say that! MR PRESIDENT It's surely because I'm getting on in years that this problem interests me so much! SUBARU No no no! * SUBARU Sir…you're…marvelous!! Oh? * GRANDPA I believe this little bird really likes you! SUBARU How did you attract so many birds without giving them any food? Is it a special talent? GRANDPA Don't be so impressed, it's not hard. SUBARU I think even a great master of Yin and Yang….couldn't call so many creatures at one time…. GRANDPA What's a great master of Yin and Yang? SUBARU What? GRANDPA In fact, these birds are just my friends… And I meet them here everyday, just to pass the time with them! * SUBARU They're your friends? GRANDPA Yes…because you know, animals are very good at perceiving human feelings…they feel sadness as well as joy… that lets them adjust their behavior to interact with people. Those who approach them…and really want to be friends, only need to wish it from the bottoms of their hearts…sadly humans are different from animals, and they don't know how to read…other's hearts. SUBARU Really! That's exactly what I think! I love animals! And I'm sure they understand everything that I say!! Pardon me! I'm acting so familiar and we don't even know each other… GRANDPA. Oh well, we do now! * SUBARU What? GRANDPA Now we know each other. SUBARU Yes, that's true! Long ago, when I was little I had a dog… * SUBARU We really had a lot of fun together…we were inseperable…Then one day he fell ill…I stayed with him all the time, unable to alleviate his pain…I didn't even know what pain was…I was totally powerless…He died in my arms…without a sound….that day I said to myself I must help animals… * SUBARU To begin with I wanted to be a vet, but to obtain the degree, I had to dissect an animal, and I refused to do it…so, I thought I wanted to become a zookeeper…because that seemed like a nice job, it allowed me to stay near animals. Sadly, I can't do either…I have a job that doesn't suit me well, but I don't really have a choice…I know it'll never happen…but I won't abandon my childhood dream, even for the world… GRANDPA Why do you like animals so much? SUBARU Oh, well…I've had bad experiences with humans…I often can't make them understand how I feel! * SUBARU Anyway, I prefer to say nothing…because animals understand me without my needing to say a single word… GRANDPA I know… SUBARU What? GRANDPA I used to work at the Ueno zoo. SUBARU Really? GRANDPA At 18 that was my retreat, I never spent a day away from the birds! I almost never talked to human beings, but instead I spent all my days with the birds… SUBARU That explains the incredible relationship you have with birds now! GRANDPA The dog you told me about…it died at your side, right? * SUBARU Yes… GRANDPA It never left you for a single instant even though it was suffering… SUBARU No, it never left me… GRANDPA I believe that dog considered you…as his best friend. Usually dogs don't show themselves when they're going to die, even to their masters. Animals are intelligent and very intuitive…your dog knew he was going to die…but he wanted to stay with you up till the last moment. * GRANDPA That dog was your friend and he admired you. This story confirms what I thought…I'm sure your dream will come true! SUBARU It was my friend… GRANDPA What ever happens, I beg you, don't abandon your dream! Take a good look at me, if I'm still alive, it's because I've always dreamed… * SUBARU I'm really sorry…to burden you with my stories…look how the time has passed! Your family must be waiting for you…they've surely worried! GRANDPA No one worries about me… SUBARU Why? You live alone? GRANDPA No, but…my wife passed away 30 years ago and I live with my daughter's family… SUBARU Oh…pardon me, I didn't mean to be…so nosey! GRANDPA But it's like I don't have a family… SUBARU What? * GRANDPA I know very well they resent my burdening them… SACHIYO Papa, you're late again! I told you to come home earlier for dinner! I'm getting fed up! Soko! Shinya! Calm down…dinner will be done in a minute… * GRANDPA Ah, it's you my little ones! What do you want?! Come in! SOKO Say Papa GRANDPA Yes? SHINYA When are you going to die? * SOKO Mommy says when you die, we get your room! SHINYA So, Papa, when are you gonna die? GRANDPA Soko, Shinya, tell your mama very nicely that I'm not hungry tonight, that I'm very tired and I'm going to bed! SOKO 'kay! GRANDPA Kanae….there's still something I must do… * GRANDPA And once I do it…I'll come join you… SEISHIRO It's been a longtime since I've seen Subaru…I wonder if he has a lot of work right now? HOKUTO I even made him a lunch box! He's been visiting Grandpa a lot lately. SEISHIRO Hey, I had no idea your grandfather was still alive?! HOKUTO But he isn't…Check Mate! He's not ours! Subaru's just off to se someone else's grandfather…and what do you say about this move?! SEISHIRO Someone else's? Oh, you've got me.. HOKUTO Yes, he met an old man in the park after work…it seems he's really likeable, and he used to work at the Ueno zoo! SEISHIRO Ok, I get it! * SEISHIRO But why does he keep meeting this grandfather? HOKUTO Oh well…I think he plans to ask his advice. You know very well that his big dream is to become a zoo keeper! SEISHIRO Yes, that's true…he's always attracted to that sort of person…is it their age or physical appearance. HOKUTO Actually….between you and me he often empathizes with old people and animals! SEISHIRO I'm almost an old person! HOKUTO What a coincidence! CLAMP Children's Garden * SUBARU I'd like to ask you a question…help yourself, my sister made it for us! GRANDPA Go on, I'm listening! SUBARU Tell me, Grandpa….what is your dream? GRANDPA You really want to know? SUBARU Yes, if you don't mind! GRANDPA After trying to conceive for many years, my wife had the joy at thirty of giving birth to an adorable little girl…we decided to show the happiness this little angel brought us by naming her Sachiyo (world happiness). * GRANDPA Sadly….our happiness was short lived because my wife was very weak, and died of a terrible sickness six years after Sachiyo's birth. On her death bed, she asked me to make a promse…since she didn't have time to give Sachiyo all the things she needed. She asked me to do 100 good deeds for our little one. I promised my wife to grant her wish…And to do everything in my power to make our daughter happy. * GRANDPA Today, I'm proud to be able to say that I've already pleased my daughter 99 times….still one more thing to do before my spirit can finally go to heaven in peace! Then I can join my wife…and tell her I kept my promise! There! You surely must think that's stupid…. SUBARU No, to the contrary, I think your dream is really marvelous! GRANDPA All that's left is this picture…my daughter threw away all my family albums under the pretext that our house is too small and we need to conserve space… * GRANDPA When Sachiyo was little, he favorite fruit was bananas…she liked to use being a bit sick as an excuse to eat more…but I argued with her each time, because I dislike lies…Today…all that seems so far away… * SACHIYO Do you understand what I told you? We don't have the means to buy this kind of useless stuff! Mr Calm down, don't I even have the right to buy a golf club?! SACHIYO Don't you think there are more important things?! You don't seem to understand the lengths I go through to make ends meet! * MR The salesman was presented to me by my superior…I had no choice! But if you want I'll borrow some money… SACHIYO No! Don't talk to me about ever borrowing money!! KIDS Mommy!? MR Sachiyo!? * MR Sachiyo! Sachiyo! KIDS Mommy! SOKO Mommy, I'm going to school, take care! SACHIYO I can't even remember how many times I wasn't sick…I think I've been too worried about my job right now… * SACHIYO Where are you going? GRANDPA Go to bed, you need rest…I'll go do some shopping. SACHIYO Shopping! I really seem to think you don't care about our financial troubles! I remind you that what little pocket money you have comes from me! * SACHIYO You shouldn't spend our money if you can't make any yourself. GRANDPA see you later… * SUBARU It's weird…I feel like he's not coming today… VOICE Kyaaaaaaaaaa * VOICES Kyaaaaaaaaa Look an old man was hit by a truck! SUBARU It's not possible… * SUBARU Pardon…excuse me…Grandpa?!! * SUBARU Grandpa! Hold on!! Grandpa!! MAN He crossed the road without waiting for the signal, and he was thrown forward by the truck! SUBARU Quick! Call an ambulance!! * MAN U… GRANDPA Please…Give this bay…to my daughter Sachiyo…since she was little…she'd pretend to be sick so I'd bring her bananas…. * SUBARU Grandpa! Don't speak! GRANDPA Sachiyo will be happy for the 100th time…And I can finally join my wife… * SUBARU Grandpa!? Grandpa! * SUBARU Grandpa!! * EFX Ding! Dong! SACHIYO Papa? Did you forget your keys again?! I've really had it with living with an irresponsible old man…But….Who are you? * SACHIYO Oh… SUBARU Your father died crossing the road by the park… SACHIYO What? * SUBARU He went to get bananas, because he knew it was your favorite fruit… SACHIYO No… SUBARU But he was in such a hurry to get them to you that he forgot to look where he was going…A truck hit him and he was dead within moments…He explained to me that your mother died long ago…and that he'd promised to make you happy 100 times before he died….I believe he was proud to say…that by buying these bananas he'd kept his promise… * SUBARU He said you have loved bananas since childhood…and today he was truly in a rush to make you happy. He asked them to hurry in the store…then he started back to the house, walking fast even on his fragile legs… * SACHIYO Papa…Papa!! Papa! * SUBARU That woman explained to me that she'd transferred all of her frustrations to her poor father…He'd become her sad sufferer and she took out all her anger on him, because he was defenseless…she cried, because she regretted being so unfair…and while she sobbed, she asked him to forgive her… * SUBARU …there…It's over…no matter what this woman does, nothing will bring back her father…and they can no longer try to live happily together… * SEISHIRO Old people represent an anguish, because they are the image of our future. The anguish falls into illness and impotency…the anguish depends on who you can mistreat….we age everyday…and mostly we feel unhappy with this prospect. * HOKUTP I think we're wrong to not want to age! Because old people have had lots of time to learn, and they're much more intelligent than we are!! SUBARU Old people can be seen as living history books…people don't even understand when their lives are rich, unique and indispensable!! SEISHIRO You told me this grandpa wished to join his wife and tell her he'd kept his promise, right? * SEISHIRO Oh well, I'm sure he's already in the middle of telling her! HOKUTO Of course…come on, courage Subaru! SOKO Mommy…were are we going? SACHIYO We're visiting your Grandpa and Grandma. SOKO But you said Grandpa died! SACHIYO Yes, it's true…he died because of me. You see dear, your mommy's not very smart….because she made your poor Grandpa suffer needlessly… * SACHIYO Even if he can't forgive me…I'd like him to know how truly sorry I am… MR You know kids, it was my fault too! Soko and Shinya, you loved your Grandpa a lot, right? KIDS Oh yes!! SACHIYO So, I'll ask you to keep this promise…never forget your Grandpa and continue to love him… KIDS Okay!! * HOKUTO Come on Subaru! If you don't hurry up, we'll leave without you! SUBARU No, wait! * Vol. 7 Box CLAMP Most people sing tragic love songs….It makes them feel like they are not alone in the world… * HANDS We'll go…where you want, when you want…la la la…And we'll still love…even when live is dead…All our lives…la la la…it'll be the same this morning…with the colors of Indian Summer!! HOKUTO I think the best duet song is "Indsian Summer" SEISHIRO Bravo Hokuto! I already knew you were the marvelous master of the maison, but I had no idea you sung well too! * HOKUTO It's so obvious I'm talented! Come on sing! Time's a wasting and I remind you that this studio isn't free! And now. Your turn Subaru! SUBARU Me? But I don't know how to sing! * HOKUTO What? You don't know how to sing!? You don't seem to understand why we've come here. Seishiro rented this space specially to make you happy. You don't want to ruin this surprise, that was paid for up front, just for you!? SUBARU Oh well, I don't know any songs…and I really don't have an ear for music… SEISHIRO Come on Subaru, I'm sure you have a pretty voice…And you must be able to sing! SUBARU Sei…Seishiro… * HOKUTO Since it's like that we'll play yami-karaoke! SEISHIRO A yami-karaoke (blind karaoke)…but what's that? * HOKUTO The goal of the game is to randomly choose numbers that correspond with the songs we must sing! It's a bit like yami-nabe (a potluck stew usually made for picnics), because the result is always a surprise….The rules of the game are that you must sing everything that comes up on your turn! SEISHIRO Got it…now I understand why it's called yami-karaoke! Ah…the young these days have a real sense of humor! What fun! HOKUTO And you're just an old fogey! Listening to the way you talk, you'd think you were 100! SEISHIRO But…what will we do if Subaru decides not to sing! HOKUTO Oh, well….I have an idea! Starting now…you must do everything that Seishiro asks! * SUBARU WHAT?! SEISHIRO Truly, I think you have really good ideas! HOKUTO But if it happens that you don't sing, you're the one who will become his slave! SEISHIRO Tell me Hokuto, and if you're the one who doesn't sing? HOKUTO Oh well….I can't go for that, because I'm the only girl! SEISHIRO Actually you're lucky being the only girl… HOKUTO And go! Go for it Subaru! * SEISHIRO Ahat! Damn, I'm out of cigarettes! Tell me Subaru, would you be nice enough to get some for me…at the vending machine at the bar entrance? * SEISHIRO Get me a pack of Mild Seven, please. SUBARU Uh…Ok! HOKUTO You think I didn't notice you did that on purpose!? SEISHIRO But…I don't know what you're talking about? HOKUTO It's true you smoke….But you never do it in front of Subaru. * HOKUTO You missed a great occasion to have him fall into your arms… SEISHIRO Maybe…But I know too well how much you love your brother, and I didn't want to suffer the consequences! * SEISHIRO Don't cry…don't cry! Because I want you in my arms….la la la (Hiroshi Tachi song). * SUBARU I won't go back…Hokuto always has such weird ideas…Seishiro saved me…He surely realized I didn't know that song… * SUBARU In any case, I know Seishiro's nice….and he never would ask anything embarrassing of me…..It makes me wonder what is his real personality….who is Seishiro? * SUBARU Waaa!! WOMAN Your fiancé is called Seishiro? SUBARU Uh no…not at all! WOMAN Pardon me but…you're a boy? SUBARU Of course I'm a boy! * WOMAN You're really cute…so I thought you were a girl! Well, it's better this way, I'm really pleased to meet you! Here, come with me! I was starting to get tired of singing alone! SUBARU Waaah! WOMAN Tell me, what do you like to sing? * SUBARU Well…I came here with some friends…And I also don't sing very well…so…. WOMAN Don't tell me that you smoke?! I suppose you're still in high school, right? SUBARU No, I don't smoke! These cigarettes are for Seishiro… WOMAN Ah…you bought them for your fiancé! SUBARU No way, Subaru is not my fiancé! * WOMAN I remember he smoked the same cigarettes… SUBARU What? WOMAN Come on! I'll sing first! And here's one of the classiest top ten songs in our country! It's office people's favorite! Let's go! * SUBARU This woman is… * WOMAN Each time I sing Akira Nakamori's "nanpasen"…I feel too serious and I'm moved! SUBARU What is it? This song, what about it makes you sad? * WOMAN Would you like it if I sang…"Daite"(Hold me in your arms) by Seiko Matsuda? SUBARU It happened to you recently… WOMAN What? SUBARU You seem like you were suffering when you sang earlier… Your voice was so sad… * SUBARU Pardon me…I shouldn't stick my nose in your business! WOMAN No…to the contrary…You're right… * WOMAN You're not like the others…your eyes are magnificent…they're full of mystery…in fact…I committed adultery. * SUBARU You committed what? WOMAN I mean I went out with a married man. I worked with him…he was my superior…I think my story must seem boring… it's like a popular song! You're sure it won't bore you to listen…the story of a woman you don't even know? The story of a lone woman…met by chance, in a karaoke… * SUBARU No! No! WOMAN From the moment I saw you, I knew you were a nice and attentive boy! I had a liason with my department chief…in the beginning, I was very naïve, and I was flattered to go out with a man his age…the first time we talked, then he invited me to dinner, and after that our relationship began….I came to the Nagano department. * WOMAN The first time I stepped foot in Tokyo, I only knew this town from television and manga…I was very scared, and I didn't feel safe…I told myself I should be vigilant every moment….sadly, three months after I arrived, I fell in one of the traps I was avoiding! In the beginning, things were clear cut in my mind because I knew he had a wife and children. This relationship was fun, we weren't serious, not him nor I…I had planned one day to break it off, to marry and have kids… * WOMAN And then…something suddenly changed for me…But not for him. He smoked the same brand of cigarettes. He smoked nearly two packs a day…even though I told him it bothered me, he didn't bother listening….so I became angry! He wasn't a very seductive man…and our conversations were always banal…I wanted him to fall in love…me with such a stupid man! To get rid of my anger, I started frequenting this karaoke bar. * WOMAN Listening to all the song lyrics, I realized other girls were much more unhappy than I…and I finally understood, that my story seemed a lot like the others….most people love to sing tragic love songs…because it makes them feel like they're no longer alone… * WOMAN I know all the karaoke songs that talk of deceptive love that I was living myself….sadly, none of them ended well. Deep down, I knew it couldn't work. I knew that from the beginning…But I committed the error of hoping mine would end differently from the others…I was naive enough to believe he'd get a divorce, and I'd become his wife. Then one day he coldly announced…That it was finished between us. * WOMAN And there it is…don't you think my story is like all the others? It's like…all these songs…at that moment when he said those words///I felt the world crash around me… * WOMAN When I think back, I mocked those girls living that kind of sentimental deception…I was far from realizing that I was doing the same sort of thing as them…Today, they mock me! SUBARU No one can mock you…because you are the only one who knows the intensity of your sadness. * SUBARU No one has the right to mock you! * SUBARU Don't compare your life anymore to those songs….because each story is different…And it's not because the other girls never feel regret…that you should stay unhappy…for eternity! Please… * SUBARU The next time…promise me to have no regrets. * * WOMAN Thank you! * SUBARU Good bye. In your next life, don't commit suicide…I hope you'll be happy… * HOKUTO Like a virgin…Hey! Touched for the very first time! Subaru, you're very late!! SUBARU Waa! HOKUTO Where were you? SUBARU Oh well…how should I say… HOKUTO And so? Where are the cigarettes? SUBARU Uh…that is…in fact…It's no big deal…I'll go buy some! * SEISHIRO Don't worry Subaru…In any case, I still have a pack in the car! SUBARU Then… SEISHIRO I'm sure…that you really did a good thing for that girl… * SUBARU Sei…seishiro! HOKURO Wait! SUBURAU You mustn't do that in front of my sister! Why did he say I'd done…a good thing? SEISHIRO Ha ha ha ha SUBARU Maybe he knew of the presence of that girl? HOKUTO Subaru, don't think you can get out of it like that! You're condemned to sing Wakaretemosuki Nahito (We are separated, but I love you still) With Seishiro!! Sing! SEISHIRO Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! SUBARU Hokuto!! * Vol. 8/ Rebirth * CLAMP Rebirth:Regeneration;Resurection;Reconstruction * SUBARU Don't worry Hokuto, the doctor said I just have a cold…Anyway, he gave me a vaccine! HOKUTO You are my only brother…it's normal for me to worry about you! Subaru, I'm very upset to see you like this! Remember you often had a fever when you little! * SUBARU Thanks, you're sweet! SPEAKER Ding Dong…Sumeragi Subaru…Mr. Sumeragi…you are requested to come get your medicine… HOKUTO Don't move, I'll go get them! SUBARU Thanks Hokuto… * SUBARU Did you come here alone? YUYA Yes, but…My mommy's coming for me today! SUBARU You seem very wise! YUYA Did you catch a cold? SUBARU Yes, but since the doctor gave me a shot, I'll get better quickly…and you, do you also have a cold? YUYA No, oh… * YUYA Look over there, that's the operating room I'll go to later…While I'm waiting, I must stay here because it's not yet my turn… NURSE Yuya…Yuya, you can come! YUYA Will you come back soon…to the hospital? * SUBARU Yes, I'll come back after tomorrow to get my medicine… YUYA After tomorrow!? At what time? At the same time as today? So, you'll come see me! Because, I'll be here everyday… SUBARU Everyday!? NURSE Come on Yuya, it's time… YUYA Ok! See you day after tomorrow! * SUBARU He's called Yuya…that woman must be his mother…she seems….very tired…she must surely be worried about her son… HOKUTO Here they are Subaru, I got all your medicine! Also I've got a surprise for you….I found a chauffeur to take you home! * HOKUTO Ha ha ha! SUBARU But…it's Seishiro! SEISHIRO I'm your new chauffeur! Hello Subaru, how are you? SUBARU I'm much better thanks…but how'd you know I was here? SEISHIRO When I went home, I found a message from Hokuto on my answering machine….she told me that my dear little Subaru was at the hospital, and I should come quickly! SUBARU Oh, I'm sorry…I've gotten in the way of your work again… SEISHIRO Of course not! I didn't hesitate for an instant…I came here because I knew you needed me! * HOKUTO Bravo Seishiro, you racked up lots of points this time! SEISHIRO I'm Seishiro Sakurazuka and I'll do everything in my power to prove my love to Subaru! SUBARU Sei…seishiro! HOKUTO By the way Subaru…who were you saying good bye to? SUBARU I said good bye to a little boy about ten years old, who comes to the hospital regularly…her told me he often comes alone… HOKUTO That must be very hard for a child his age…but…in what department is he? SUBARU He said he was going to that operation room over there….down the hall…apparently he comes everyday…I may come see him… * SUBARU Because I have other medicines to pick up the day after tomorrow… SEISHIRO I think this child comes to the hospital for dyialysis… SUBARU Why? * SUBARU He's dialysised… SEISHIRO The place that Subaru pointed to is in the area where they practice dialysises…that's why I think that little boy must have trouble with his kidnes… * SEISHIRO Dialysis is indespensible to everyone who has dysfunctional kidneys…they need help from a special machine, two or three times a month, In any case…the malady is always a difficult thing to accept…but, in a child his age it's even more difficult to take him to the hospital all the time… HOKUTO That's terrible…I hope that Subaru doesn't get too worried about this little boy… SEISHIRO Hokuto, you really are a very nice girl! HOKUTO No, it's not me who is nice…it's Subaru… * HOKUTO Subaru has always had a tendency to be too caught up in other people's feelings….when he sees someone suffer, he suffers…when he sees someone who is desperate, so is he…he can't do anything…he's like that to the core…Being a master of Yin and Yang, he must live those experiences. He's very moved by human nature, because he invests himself completely each time he works…the problem is that Subaru never got used to the harshness of life… * HOKUTO I'm sure he remembers every person he met to this day, who he worked on….most of them have probably already forgotten him, but he will never forget them…All those memories embedded in his mind…and he'll never get rid of them… * HOKUTO Since we were children…I thought that with his character, he'd never survive! I said to myself that his soul was so pure….that in the end it'd break, under the weight of life's burdens…Happily, Subaru loves no one…thus nothing's happened… SEISHIRO However, Subaru feels strongly about you, Hokuto… HOKUTO Yes, but…I'm family. * HOKUTO Subaru has a lot of love to give, but he never thinks of himself…he's incapable of being self absorbed…and yet he thinks of others as easily as breathing! But… * HOKUTO If he ever loves someone in particular…and that person betrays him… * HOKUTO I'm sure Subaru will die! * SEISHIRO Hokuto, let me say that…you are really an adorable girl! HOKUTO Ah! That nice compliment deserves the specialty of the house…a cup of royal tea with mild! While I'm at it, I'll make some for Subaru! Maybe I should make a hot ginseng drink too?! SEISHIRO Such sweetness…such purity of the soul…these are the feelings I know nothing of… * SEISHIRO I believe the day of our promise draws near…Subaru * SUBARU I wonder if Yuya is already here…Yuya!! * YUYA Ah….it's you! SUBARU Yuya…are you feeling ok? YUYA Yes. I'm just a bit out of breath…I'll calm down and it'll get better…. NURSE Yuya, promise me to stay calm…while waiting for your mom to come. YUYA Ok. * YUYA Will you stay with me for a bit? SUBARU He looks truly unhappy…I've already got my medicine…In fact, I was waiting for you to come! YUYA Oh…thanks… NURSE Yuya! Yuya! * SUBARU He's so young…he always comes to the hospital…for diayalysis…I think he'd rather play with kids his age… YUYA'S MOM I can't wait any longer! * Y. MOM Yuya's waited for a kidney transplant for three years…Each day, he has more medications that I can count on one hand…and three times a month, he's submitted to diaylysis! I know he suffers…but he holds back his tears, so I won't worry! I…I can't take it anymore… DOCTOR I'm sorry Ma'am, but your child isn't the only one awaiting a kidney transplant! And sadly, this hospital isn't the only establishment in Japan to order organ transplants for people…. * DOCTOR: Be patient…And think that if your child hear this, he'd be very worried… YUYA Mommy…I hurt…I hurt… *(times3) SEISHIRO Are you done with your work? SUBARU Seishiro! SEISHIRO Look! I brought you a cake that your sister made with love! I didn't know there was a Shinto temple on the hospital roof… SUBARU It's true…to celebrate the spirits of the earth, a yin/yang master of the Sumeragi family comes each year… * SEISHIRO Hokuto explained to me…that…you have asked your grandmother to celebrate the earth spirits in this hospital even though she'd already designated a yin/yang master from your family to do it…I know that you had lots of work the other day, and you don't often rest…Hokuto was very worried about this…she told me about your young friend who is hospitalized…And since she had a gallant date today…sje ,ade a cake for the boy! * SUBARU Thanks for coming Seishiro, because I don't doubt you have a lot of work right now… SEISHIRO Subaru, please…Subaru…if you knew the reason I became a vet…I think you'd be terrified… SUBARU What? SEISHIRO No, nothing… * YUYA Come in… SUBARU Hello! YUYA It's you, Subaru! SUBARU You look good today… YUYA That's normal, I don't have dialysis today…Look, I've already read more than half the book you gave me! SUBARU Hey…my twin sister made this cake you. YUYA Thanks, that's nice! Oh…it's so beautiful! Did she really make it? SUBARU Yes, Hokuto is a very good cook… YUYA It looks delicious! * YUYA Subaru who is this sir? SUBARU Sir… SEISHIRO Hello Yuya, I'm Seishiro Sakurazuka, I'm a vet, and I work near your friend Subaru! YUYA Hello Mr. Vet! SUBARU You know Yuya, Seishiro is a young man…you shouldn't call him sir! DOCTOR So Yuya, are you doing well? YUYA Yep… Y.MOM Hello… * NURSE Doctor!! We have a problem with the patient in room 302! DOCTOR Excuse me Yuya…I'll be back later! * SUBARU Ma'am…wait! DOCTOR Your husband…has encephalitis…for the moment he's breathing artificially, but without this machine's aid, he won't survive…I'm sorry, but there's no hope… * WOMAN My husband! My dear…sniff…my love… Y.MOM His kidneys…his kidneys…for Yuya… * SUBARU Ma'am!! Y.MOM Let me go! Maybe if I ask her, she'll accept. * Y.MOM There's still enough time for him to do a graft! SUBARU Wait!! Ma'am! Ma'am! Y.MOM Get lost, his heart will stop beating! Please! Let me go!! It's for Yuya!! For my little Yuya!! SEISHIRO Ma'am you who have a sick child…try to understand what that woman is going through, terrified at the idea of loosing her husband! * SEISHIRO She knows he's condemned…but still she keeps hoping…There's nothing more terrible than watching a dear one fall ill…And nothing else to be done…but watch. * SEISHIRO For you, a man with encephalia is deadman. But for his family members, he's still alive. Y.MOM Waaa. I know…I know how this woman feels…living with such a burden…and yet…what I wish is terrible! It's very terrible to be sick…Who envy those who had the luck to be healthy… * Y.MOM You may not understand…but…health is the most important thing for a human being's life! Yuya…Yuya…I'm sorry…I'm sorry to not bring you into the world healthy… SUBARU Ma'am… * DOCTOR The disease is often very difficult for both the sick and their family to accept…poor woman…she lost her first child at four years, from a kidney disease…It was a girl…she was named Maya. After her husband's death, she lived only for her two children…at the time, she knew they both suffered from the same disease...Once she learned about it, she donated one of her kidneys to save one of her kids…each normal human being has two kidneys…and we know it's possible to live normally with only one…sadly, this mother had two children, and she was forced to choose… * Y.MOM Yuya…or Maya? DOCTOR Finally, she chose Maya…but the kidney was rejected..and the little one was submitted to new dialysis…then her condition continued to worsen and she died during winter…that was four years ago…Yuya's body may not have rejected a new kidney…He wouldn't have needed any more dialysis, if he had been chosen… SEISHIRO For different reasons, organ transplants…are not well known in Japan… * SEISHIRO Most people don't like the idea of their organs being removed, even after death…others think that dead are Hokote (Buddhist god representing death), and that it's wrong to remove organs from sacred beings…have you ever seen some one with encephalitis? Even if their brain no longer functions, and they've no chance of ever awakening…their hearts continue to beat, thanks to the machinery…they breathe…and their body stays warm. It's an ideal situation for organ harvesting…and organ transplants… * SEISHIRO The organs most often harvested in this case are the heart, kidneys, liver or cornea…but…None of it can be done without the sick person's family's permission… SUBARU I…I wish my body could save many people's lives…I'd like them to continue to live…and prolong my life a bit… * SUBARU In anycase, I can't do much to help others…I'd be happy to save one life, one last time, before being crudely turned into ashes…True is my wish…even if it hurts my sister and grandmother. SEISHIRO But I don't think so… * SEISHIRO In fact, I believe that Hokuto would be proud of your choice…those who let their organs be donated, think that they can prolong their lives a little… * SEISHIRO The victim's family's are given new hope…In imagining their lost one still lives on, in a sense, in someone else's body… * SEISHIRO I'm sure Hokuto and your grandmother will respect your decision…But…If you ever leave this world before you sister….I believe she will be furious and she'll never forgive you! SUBARU I wonder how Yuya is today? I brought him the book he asked for last time…will he be able to get up? * SUBARU He'll get better soon…maybe we'll be able to take a walk together? I hope that his mom feels better…I'll go tell her…that I'm ready to donate my kidney… Y.MOM Yuya!! * HOKUTO Subaru, I don't know why he brought him books? Kids his age prefer video games! "Street Fighter 2" and "Super Mario Kart"… SEISHIRO In any case, he loves the books! They adore talking animals, the both of them… HOKUTO When I see them together, it's a little like seeing two Subarus! SEISHIRO Ha ha ha ha. Y. MOM I'm…sorry… * Y.MOM I'm…sorry… SUBARU Ma'am… Y.MOM Yuya…Maya…it's all my fault…No one wants to give you…their kidneys…Yuya… SUBARU Ma'am… Y. MOM A kidney…for Yuya… * SUBARU Ma'am… Y.MOM But you…you could give Yuya a kidney…Please, I beg of you… SUBARU Ma'am… * Y.MOM It must be done quickly…or he'll die… SUBARU Ma'am, listen to me! I'd be happy to give him my kidney! Y.MOM Yuya!! *(times2) HOKUTO Subaru!! *times2) Y.MOM I must have a kidney…it matters not who's! HOKUTO Seishiro!! Y.MOM Kyaaa!! * SUBARU Seishiro… * SUBARU Seishiro! Seishiro! Seishiro! HOKUTO Subaru! Control yourself, Subaru! SUBARU Seishiro!! Seishiro!! * SUBARU Seishiro!! HOKUTO Subaru… SUBARU Seishiro!! * SUBARU Sei..shi…ro… * Vol. 8 Rebirth: fin