FANCY LALA VOLUME 1 (FIRST HALF) BY RURIKA KASUGA TRANSLATED BY HECATE TYPED UP BY MENE MIHO: Owwww! Who the…?! Yoshida Taro! What are you doing?! You want to totally mess up my hair?! YOSHIDA Huh? Gosh, it didn't look very neat to me…It always looks like that! MIHO Shut up! Look, from today on you're a third grader…and you still haven't learned to comb your hair! You aren't ready for third grade! YOSHIDA Oh…knock it off! Shut up! You're just running off at the mouth… * MIHO That's not true! YOSHIDA Hey, if the shoe fits, wear it! MIHO Jerk! MOGU Come on, let's follow her! PIGU Man…I don't wanna… AKIRU Miho! This's awesome! We're in the same class again?! MIHO Akiru! AKIRU Oh, you're here too, Taro! M and Y Rotten luck… MIHO I'm feeling down…why does he have to sit next to me?! Isn't it enough to live next door to him? AKIRU It's lucky that you guys are childhood friends… MIHO Knock it off! AKIRU Hey, Miho, look! These'll cheer you right up!! MIHO Clippings of Hiroya Aikawa! Thank you, Akiru! That one with the smile…it drives me crazy! YOSHIDA Looks to me like he needs to fix his hair up too… MIHO You are nothing at all like him! Compared to him, you Re a snot-face! He's…intelligent, sexy, wild, attractive…Hiroya is all that and more! * ANNA Umm…you really like…Hiroya, right? MIHO Yeah. AKIRU Nozaki… ANNA You can all me Anna. I like him a lot too! Do you have any photo stickers from "Print Club" with Hiroya? MIHO Huuh?! Nooo! What's that?! ANNA Want to see one? MIHO Definitely! ANNA Look! AKIRU Wow, a picture with Hiroya! MIHO How cool! I want one too! Where'd you do it?! ANNA In Harajuku. MIHO You went to Harajuku?! ANNA Well yeah, what of it? MIHO But isn't that a dangerous area? ANNA Why? MIHO Well, a while ago my big sister told me that in Harajuku there are lots of really dangerous men…who try to 'test' you. BIG SISTER "You know who my dad is? Tommorrow they're gonna be fishin' your body out of Tokyo Bay!" MIHO That's how my sister got rid of him… ANNA That must have been a talent scout…a really weird one. There are some imposters too! And there are a lot of people trying to make their way into the art world there too… MIHO Huh…talent skirt? AKIRU Scout! ANNA If I wasn't in elementary school, I'm sure that they would seek me out too… * MIHO I'd like to be an idol too…If I was, I could meet Hiroya… HIROYA "You're really cute…why don't you take a photo club sticker with me?" MIHO A photo sticker…how cool! PIGU Photo sticker…? What's she talking about? MOGU It must be something really tasty… MIHO Huh? Hmm? What on…? Those voices…? Oh! Hiroya dear! Wooow! I want that poster! SOUND EFFECT Ecstasy GUY What? You want that poster? You're really lucky, that's the last one. * MIHO Whoopeeee! Thank you so much! But where are the mice that Hiroya had on his shoulders?! PIGU Mice?! Did you say mice?! You got eyes in your head?! MIHO Eh? Whaaaa?! MOGU Pigu! MIHO Hey…is it dead…? …oh…I'm sorry, you're not a mouse, you're an iguana! PIGU No! You're wrong? MIHO F-fairies?! * PIGU Yeah, that's right! I'm Pigu. Ow ow ow MOGU And I'm Mogu! We come from the world known as "Memory of Time"! Pleased to meet you, Miho! MIHO The world "Iguana in the Wind"? ? PIGU The world "Memory of Time"! MOGU To tell you the truth, Miho…we wandered into your world and got lost. Could we maybe possibly stay with you until we find a way to get home? PIGU Hey, Mogu, the chick looks confused, but I think she'll go for it. It's scary! MIHO Let's see…this is all very sudden…and Mama and Papa hate reptiles… PIGU Fairies! We're fairies! MOGU Look, they won't find us! Please! If you let us stay, we'll teach you magic! MIHO Ma…magic?! That's awesome! What…what kind of magic? MOGU U-um… PIGU Don't get your hopes up… SIDEBAR: Notes on Pigu and Mogu Pigu (male) Mogu (female) Pigu has a star attached to his tail and Mogu has one on her ear. When I'm tired, I forget to draw the stars! * MOGU Let's go, Pigu! PIGU Ok! MOGU The magic that we know is that of the temporal dimension…it's not much, really. What it will do is allow you to become a adult. Here, use this. MIHO "to become an adult"?! PIGU First thing you hafta do is use this pen and draw in this notebook the clothes you're gonna wear when you're a grown-up. MIHO Mine won't work? MOGU Once you change children's clothes won't fit you! PIGU Although… MIHO Umm… * MIHO Gosh, let's see, what should I do? I can't decide…oh yeah! Last night on the TV I saw Miki Yumeno wearing a floral-print outfit! I'll wear that!/ Yes…that's it…just like that…I did it! PIGU Oh…that's really good! MOGU Right. Now for the magic words! MIHO Magic words? PIGU When you put the cap on the pen, you hafta say "Dabu dabu". MIHO Um…Dabu dabu!/Wooow!! What what the?! Ugh! MOGU And here's your change of clothes! * MIHO Yep! How do I…? Oh oh…I feel a little like royalty! PIGU Now, put this around your neck…and say the magic words aloud. MIHO Uh-huh…uh-huh…Concentrate your thoughts on the memory of time! Now become splendid! Grow! * LALA Impossible! How could it have worked?! MOGU It's simple. You cast a spell! PIGU Yeah! LALA Whoopeeee!! * LALA Is this really me?! Look how tall I am! Is this really me? It seems so impossible! PIGU Even though she changed, under that bod, she's still little Miho. MOGU Judging by your appearance, I'd say you're about fifteen. LALA Fifteen…wow, this is SO COOL! I'm even better than Miki Yumeno is in this outfit! I could be a real idol! (much laughing) I look like that girl in Hiroya's song "La la"…A girl with short hair…Lala…Lala… PIGU Lala! MOGU The girl's a little cheeky! Yeah girl! Take the name and make it yours! You're so cute, Miho! LALA You're embarrassing me! Ok! Now let's go take a walk! MOGU What? LALA I want to know…if the transformation really did make me cute! * MOGU Ehhhhhh?! PIGU What have we created?! Wait! We're coming with you! YUMI Whaaaaaaat?! The model Linda is sick?! PERSON Do you want to change the date of the photo shoot? YUMI I'm going! Get the car! This job is a big break for our agency! I can't let it fall apart! CONDUCTOR Hey you! This is a kid's ticket! LALA But I'm in elementary school. CONDUCTOR Don't tell lies, kid… LALA Huh…? Oh! * LALA I'm sorry! He's right! Look look…I can reach the rings! PIGU Where are we going? LALA Um, let's see…Harakuku! Today is a beautiful, wonderful day! /Look! I found it! MOGU I'm hungry! Let's get something to eat, Miho! LALA Pff. I already paid for the photo sticker and I still have to buy the ticket home. I don't have anymore money… PIGU Get us something to eeeeeaaaaaaaaat! SOUND EFFECTS Hungry hungry LALA Ok, shut up! SIDEBAR A while ago…Yoshizumi made a full-body photo sticker with Morimoto and Yazawa. It's a real masterpiece. * ASSISTANT President Haneishi…we've gone over all of the models we have exclusive contracts with, and not one of them is the same size as Linda. YUMI Of course. GLASSES MAN What? Linda's…sick?! God damn it. That magazine attracts the attention of the center of the fashion world. YUMI It's unforgivable…and to make it even worse, the photographers can't come tomorrow. GLASSESMAN This won't do. I told you that the deadline was today… YUMI Plus all the clothes are in Linda's size…we don't have any models who fit. The only thing left to do is to turn this over to an agency…I understand. Please give me…thirty minutes. GLASSESMAN It will be hard to find a model in so little time. YUMI Time is passing… MOGU Stop eating, Pigu, it's my turn!! PIGU I barely got a taste! LALA Wow! What great clothes!! * LALA Aiya! Owwwwww…ops! Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry! What am I going to do? I'm in trouble! She's looking at me funny! YUMI Good things come…to those who wait! SOUND EFFECT Checking out LALA Uh…what'll I do if she wants me to pay for the cleaning? YUMI Look like you're laughing. LALA What? YUMI Come on, do it! LALA She's crazy. Ha…heh…heh heh…she's a nut. YUMI Great! Let's go! * LALA Let's get out of here! YUMI W-wait a sec! LALA I'm sorry…I'm sorry, I won't do it again! YUMI I'm sorry I frightened you. My name is Yumi Haneishi, and I'm the president of Lyrical Productions, a model recruiting agency. LALA …Huh? This…oh my lord…must be…! YUMI What's your name? LALA Oh, dear…I …what should I say?! I…Miho…no no, I…my name is…Lala. Yes…Lala! * YUMI Lala! Please, I'm begging you! Be a mench, help me! LALA What? YUMI Call the sponsor! Tell him that we've found a model to substitue for Linda! ASSISTANT Yes, right away! LALA Me…a model?! MAGICAL STAGE FANCY LALA STAGE 2 * PHOTOGRAPHER Mmm, good. You're very beautiful, Lala. Now lower your eyelids a little…great! Yes! Ok! * DRESSER Great, time to change your outfit. LALA Is it that late already?! I'll be late for dinner! DRESSER We'll eat after the photo session! MAN Lala's very cute…where on earth did she come from? YUMI I have no idea. She didn't give me her address or phone number. She's a very mysterious girl…It would be a real shame if she limited her modeling work. MOGU Miho! I'm hungry! MIHO Oh! Man, how much do you guys eat?! I already spent all of my job money on munchies! PIGU Thank you, thank you! MOGU What's that noise? MIHO Oh…that's the cell phone miss Haneishi gave me! * MIHO H-hello! YUMI Lala? It's Haneishi. MIHO Huh? Lala? Oh yes! That's me, Lala! YUMI Sorry to bother you, but we have more work for you. MIHO Yes. Yes…I…I understand. MOGU What's up? MIHO Work. PIGU Again? MIHO What should I do? If they expect too much and are disappointed…and I do need to think of school… PIGU But we need money for snacks…yeah yeah. MOGU Pigu! Miho should only do it if she wants to! MIHO It was the first time I'd worn make-up…then they took pictures of me in a gazillion poses…It was a lot of fun! The more I work, the more famous I'll become…and the greater the chances of getting to walk arm in arm with Hiroya. Just like a couple. Could it?! It must happen! Yaaaaa! What should I do?! Heeelp! YOSHIDA Boooo! * MIHO What're you doing?! You scared me! YOSHIDA You were just standin' there while I was cleaning! Move it! AKIRU Ok…you can stop now. ANNA Hey, Miho, have you seen this magazine? It's got a face-to-face with Hiroya Aikawa and Miki Yumeno. MIHO Lemme see. YOSHIDA What what? "If my fiancé cheated on me, I'd never talk to him ever again." And since when has Miki been engaged? MIHO What do you want?…Don't tell me you're a fan of Miss Yumeno? YOSHIDA Dummy! Miki's my cousin. GIRLS Eeeeh?! No way! MIKI Hello. YOSHIDA Wooow!! Miki!! SIDEBAR: RURIKAWA KASUGA I always want to dress Lala and Miki in cute outfits. So many dates (as in calendar dates)! To do this I go buy fashion magazines./Looks like the tank tops are in this summer! I really like them. The whole outfits are really cute too. I want some sandals./ The more I look at them, the more they look like camisoles…and really transparent! Do you really wear all of these things?/ Despite what I said, of course I bought one…Hurry heat, come soon! Even though I only wore it once…/my tank top -> * YOSHIDA I can't believe you came, cuz! MIKI Well I promised, Taro! Where's Auntie? And who are these ladies? Your fiancées? My my, three of them! YOSHIDA No, not that…they didn't believe that you were my cousin, so I invited them over! MIKI Nice to meet you. I'm Miki Yumeno, Taro's cousin. YOSHIDA There! You see?! GIRLS Autograph! MIHO Hey, Miki…how do you manage to do school and be an idol? MIKI Um…it's really hard… YOSHIDA Hey! Why're you still here? Everyone else went home! MIHO Leave me alone, Taro! I live next door, remember? And when you're so busy, you don't have time for a steady boyfriend, right? MIKI Yeah, pretty much. MIHO Yeah, it's pretty bad… YOSHIDA What are you babbling about? MIKI Miho, by any chance…do you want to be an idol? * MIHO Well, if I…could…at least, it'd be nice… YOSHIDA (barfing noice) Geez, you looked in a mirror lately?! MIKI Ha ha. I was dreaming of becoming an idol when I was Miho's age too… MIHO Annoying twerp! YOSHIDA Help! MIKI Here, I want to give you this necklace. MIHO Huh?! Are you sure? MIKI Absolutely! It's a momento of our meeting! YOSHIDA No fair! I want something too! MIHO Thank you, Miki! Woooow! Miki's such a nice person! SECRETARY Yes? Lyrical Productions, how may I help you. He, boss! What?! Lala's not there?! MIHO Argh! What should I do?! SIDEBAR Kids really like to draw. Taro's particularly good at it. He always wants to practice. * MOGU You're not gonna make it, Miho! PIGU It's a good thing it's Sunday, 'cause you really overslept! MIHO I was so excited about having met Miki that I didn't sleep well! MOGU Come on, transform! PIGU You can't go in like that MIHO There's no time! GUARD Hey! Hey, you! Where's your ID! MIHO Huff! Where can I transform? MOGU Hey, what about in here? MIHO Good, there's nobody here. MOGU Hurry, hurry, Miho! PIGU Put on some speed! MIHO Dabu dabu! With this kind of magic…you really have to change…at the same time. MOGU Come on, stop complaining! * MIHO Concentrate your thoughts on the memory of time…Time to become the splendid Fancy Lala. Grow! PIGU I think we hafta help her be Lala to work… MOGU Yeah. LALA Alright, let's go! I'm here again, go me! YUMI Lala! Where have you been?! LALA Sorry! YUMI We still have time, but we have to hurry. Goodness…that girl's going to be the death of me. Oh well, she's here now… RURIKA KASUGA I got a passport. It's good for ten years. Ten years…I can't even imagine myself in ten years! Nothing in life is certain…I wonder if I'll be here then?!/Actually, I got a passport because I'm a fan of the Japanese Soccer team. This year the World Cup wil be in France! (soccer nut for fifteen years) Done with my work, I will go to France, the land of my dreams!/But instead…this happened… VOICE I'm very sorry, miss, but we couldn't get your tickets and we had to cancel your trip! RURIKA It can't be!! I had looked forward to that vacation all year!! After that, I didn't even want to work! Of course I did anyway… ARROW Author who has lost all hope. * LALA I'm sorry… YUMI It's ok, but please try to remember your appointments. MIKI Hey. Hello! LALA Miki! YUMI Hello. LALA Welcome. NARUMI Hey, Miki, your turn. MIKI Yup. ASSISTANT That's Asao Narumi, president of Five Star Productions, the agency Miki Yumeno works for. He and the boss don't get along at all… LALA Oh… NARUMI Hello all. Ah, this must be Mimi…no, it's Lele…no, it must be- YUMI LALA! Narumi, did you want something? NARUMI No. I just wanted to wish you both good luck. In this business not only size counts, but who you know; your relationships…and that I believe, is what your agency is lacking. YUMI I know, I know! My agency is small and worthless! NARUMI You know, I had to make a lot of scacrifices. To head up a large organization requires a lot of tiem and bother! You should consider yourself fortunate, Haneishi! Ha ha ha ha ha ha! YUMI Why thank you! * NARUMI Oh, yes, I remember! It seems that today they're going to make a final decision about Hiroya Aikawa's movie. LALA Hiroya's movie? NARUMI The scuttlebutt at the production house is that Yumeno will play opposite Hiroya in the movie. Of course…a final decision hasn't been reached yet. YUMI How nice! Thank you so much for giving all the details. NARUMI Why don't you have your Meme audition too? YUMI Her name isn't Meme, it's Lala! NARUMI As always, hang in there…well, see you around. YUMI What the hell did that guy want?! ASSISTANT Calm down, boss! HIROYA Well well, Miss Haneishi. Hi! What's going on? I heard shouting! You're making a good face. YUMI Hiroya? Hello. LALA What?! Hiroya?! Where, where, where?! * LALA No way! Is it really…? YUMI My new acquisition. This girl…! LALA N-n-nice to meet you! La-la…lala…I'm Lala! HIROYA Lala-la? I'm Hiroya Aikawa. LALA He really exsists! (in mouth: damn damn damn etc) HIROYA It looks like you were studying the script…sorry if I disturbed you. LALA Don't worry about it, you didn't disturb me at all! My part is really small and I don't have very many lines. On the other hand, I can't remember any of them…I don't have a lot of confidence that I can do it… SOUND EFFECT Mumble mumble mumble HIROYA Of course…your character has a name at least. In my first part, my character only had a nickname…pistol. Um… LALA Pist… HIROYA Try not to think about it. The important thing is to have fun. * MIKI Who's that girl Hiroya's being so friendly with?! Who is she?! HIROYA Well, I've got to go to work. Good luck! LALA Y-y-y-yes…thanks so much. Hiroya! Hiroya! Hiroya! I got to meet Hiroya! He's awesome! MOGU Today's the photo shoot for the magazine! Hurry! LALA I knooooow! PIGU "This time I'm late because I was thinking about Hiroya!" You never change, Miho! ASSISTANT Late again! LALA I'm sorry! ASSISTANT We have to go apologize to Miss Miki right away! You kept her waiting! LALA What?! Miki's the lead?! Wow! We're working together! How cool! ASSISTANT Excuse us, she just got here. MIKI Hmpf! PHOTOMAN Ok, let's get going! LALA Miki… * A-KO and B-Ko Hello! We're new models too! Nice to meet you! B-KO Is this your first time working outside? LALA I'm Kaka from Lyrical Productions. A-KO It's not a good idea to get here late…it's not a problem for us, but that Miki Yumeno…man, she has really got a nasty temper. LALA Miss Miki? But she's really nice! B-KO They say she's really different than she seems on TV… LALA I can't believe it…something like that can't be true. B-KO Wow! The ocean, the ocean, Lala!/It's so cold! Why do we have to wear sleeveless dresses?! A-KO Nothing we can do about it! Fashion magazines are always a season ahead! LALA Oh! Miki- MIKI Feh! B-KO She's awful. Who does she think she is?! A-KO What a snob! Just because she's had a little success! LALA What…could've gotten into her? She was so different when I met her at Taro's house… PHOTOMAN You, in the middle! Move a little to the right. Yes. Oh, that's too much! Ah, ok! Muss Yumeno, we're all set. MIKI Ok. * PHOTOMAN Alright girls, let's do it! MIKI Excuse me…just a minute. I think that Lala's dress, right behind me, attracts too much attention…more than mine. Does that seem right to you? LALA Huh? NARUMI Yeah. That girl's outfit attracts attention…. LALA I…is it that gaudy? B-KO Absolutely not. She's just decided to torment you. NARUMI Couldn't we just have two models in back? Cou'dn't we just leaver her out? PHOTOMAN Given the arrangement with the designer, absolutely not. The only solution is to move the girls farther back… LITTLEMAN Ok! So the group needs to move back a bit! A little more! A-KO If we keep this up, we're gonna end up in the water! B-KO Wouldn't it make more sense to have Miss Yumeno move forward? LALA Wow it's cold! * A-KO She's gonna pay for this! B-KO Damn it…that Yumeno! LALA Why? She's completely different. Miki…I…I'm going to talk to her! A-KO La…Lala?! B-KO Stop it, please! SOUND EFFECTS Stomp stomp LALA Miss Miki! It's time to stop playing games! We want to get this photo shoot started! MIKI What? Games? LALA The ocean is really cold! If it was summer, we wouldn't mind- MIKI So we should wait for summer?! I think you're the one playing games! LALA Wha…?! What…what? Keep this up and we're all going to get the flu! * MIKI I get it. Fine, go back to where you started. Move it! LALA Miki… MIKI But let me tell you one thing…you'll never get to play opposite Hiroya in the movie! LALA What? * Magica Stage Fancy Lala Chapter 3 * LALA Good morning! SECRETARY AND YUMI Welcome Lala! LALA You wanted to talk to me? YUMI Yes, sit down! You must know that Hiroya is starting a new TV show soon…and it's been decided that you'll sing the ending theme! * LALA Hiroya's show…huh? Whaaaat?! S-sing?! Do you mean me?! YUMI You got it! Lala, you're going to debut as a singer! SECRETARIES Congratulations, Lala!! LALA Me…a singer…awesome, awesome! Fantastiiiic! IMAGINARY VOICE Ladies and gentlemen, this year's top idol…Fancy Lala! HIROYA Congratulations, Lala. LALA Thank you, everyone! I'm so happy! YUMI …This is your new work schedual…Lala? LALA Wow!! YUMI LALA! LALA Ah, sorry, I didn't hear you! * MOGU Congrats, Miho! PIGU That's awesome! MIHO I still can't believe it! Hiroya's new TV show! Tell me I'm not dreaming! Ow, ow, that hurts! PIGU It's not a dream. MIHO It's real. YOSHIDA The wind sighs in the blue sky… MOGU W-what is that?! YOSHIDA Clouds are rising and falling without weather…I am protected from the sun beneath the leaves until the hens go to their nests! Today was beautiful and tomorrow will be a lovely day! MIHO Heeeeelp! What the hell was that? MOGU It's deafening! PIGU It's awful! MIHO Taro! You're bugging the neighbors! Geezum…he only knows that one song and all he does is sing it! How embarrassing! SIDEBAR A short story: While I was working on chapter three, I ran out of the screen tone I use for Lala's hair. That was two days before it was due. This story usually goes pretty quickly, and I usually finish in time. But when I saw that it was gone, I started to cry. /I learned my lesson, and we bought four similar colors by mail. /thank goodness! It's annoying when all our hard work comes to nothing…this is Lala's hair. The more we work, the more we need! * TEACHER Today we're going to do a science experiment. You'll be able to understand how it is that you can hear your voice recorded on a tape or on a video or karaoke…ok, Shinohara!! MIHO Yes? TEACHER Would you please say something into the mike? MIHO This's embarrassing. Ahem! YOSHIDA So then give it to me, I'll sing! MIHO Stop it! No one want to hear you sing! If you do, the windows'll break! YOSHIDA What d'you mean?! TEACHER Good, thank you. MIHO AND YOSHIDA Huh? TEACHER Now we can listen to it. TAPE This's embarrassing. So then give it to me, I'll sing! Stop it! No one wants to hear you sing! If you do, the windows'll break! What d'you mean?! MIHO What's that? No…it can't be! That can't be my voice! YOSHIDA What do you mean?! Your voice is always like that. MIHO No way! * TEACHER I imagine there are others who would like to hear their own voices to see if they sound strange. MIHO This's awful… KIDS Me! Me too! Me too! TEACHER In reality, what happens is that we hear our voices directly in the inside of our ears, the sound carrying across the cranium… MIHO How could I have been talking with that weird voice? YUMI Hey Lala. You're right on time. I was sure that I'd have to call you. Two teas please! LALA Look…Miss Haneishi. YUMI The recording already came. Try to learn it before your lesson… LALA How can I do this? I have to tell her! Oh, really? I…I can't…I have to tell her. I…look…I'm sorry! I can't! You have to find someone else to sing the theme. YUMI What are you saying, Lala? * YUMI Are you serious? SECRETARY MALE Lala! The boss worked really hard to get this for you… YUMI In any event…you need to explain yourself! LALA …it's weird. YUMI Weird? LALA My voice is really weird! YUMI Do you have a cold? LALA No, that's not it! Look, my voice is…I'm really sorry. YUMI You won't get out of this with a "sorry". A huge staff has already started working on this project, and it all revolves around you! I will not tolerate any of your caprices! * LALA Miss Haneishi… RECORDER You've learned the song, right? Ok, today is only a test, so we won't strain your voice too much. LALA Ok… RECORDER Ok, begin. LALA …Ah… RECORDER Start again! Why aren't you singing?! Start again. LALA Please, no…I can't do it! SIDEBAR If I could use magic…I'd like to be 15 too! Of course I wouldn't have to grow like Lala. Say, what is the opposite of growing up?! * MAN There's nothing for it. After three days in the studio, we have nada. The recording date is getting closer, and we can't fool around anymore. We'll give her one more chance. YUMI Thank you so much. MAN However…if she can't do it…the part will be given to Miki Yumeno. She was also a candidate for the role…when we know that Lala can't sing, we will substitute her immediately. LALA What can I do? I won't be able to…I can't do it… YUMI Lala… LALA I'm…sorry. I want to sing so bad. I want to, but my voice won't come./I don't know how to do it… YOSHIDA Um. Hasn't she been really weird lately? ANNA It seems that the science experiment really shocked her. YOSHIDA Whoa, really? AKIRU She hasn't spoken since. YOSHIDA What a moron. AKIRU Miho is a delicate girl! ANNA Could it be that you like her? YOSHIDA I don't want to have anything to do with Miho! * YOSHIDA Where're you going? Your house is in the opposite direction. Hey, listen to me! MIHO Don't follow me! Tomorrow is the day of the recording. I don't wanna go. YOSHIDA Yoshida Taro is the man! Better stay out of his way! Yeaaah! Waaaaaah! MIHO Yoshida Taro! * MIHO Take it. What're you doing? Take my hand. Help! YOSHIDA Hee hee hee! MIHO I don't believe you! You see? You're still a twerp! If I get a cold, it'll be your fault! Why're you laughing?! YOSHIDA Nothin', it's just that you're back to being Miho. I mean, you haven't talked since the recording thing… MIHO Pfooey… YOSHIDA The wind sighs in the blue sky, clouds are rising and falling without weather. I am protected from the sun beneath the leaves until the hens go to their nests! It's a beautiful song, let's sing it loud, let's eat! MIHO …their nests…today was beautiful, it's a beautiful song…let's sing it loud, let's eat! * YOSHIDA Alright! Let's do the second verse! MIHO Yeah! MIHO ANDYOSHIDA The gulls are flying in the limitless sky. The clouds are great and the sea pearly! An unexpected storm! MIHO I didn't remember how nice it is to sing out loud. It's funny how relaxed I feel… PIGU Miho! Are you really going? MIHO Sure am! It's all good….I'm going to be able to do this! Concentrate your thoughts on the memory of time…now, Fancy Lala, you will be wonderful! Grow! PIGU AND MIGU You go girl! Give it your best! SIDEBAR The only error… RURIKA That color is ugly…I think it went bad…go, hang on! Always kept it handy! MUG Coffee INK Damn it! * YUMI Is everything ok, Lala? You have to have faith in yourself! I'm convinced that you have been given a mysterious fascination. I've always thought so. Everything will be fine, you'll see! LALA Yes. Yeah. Maybe Miho couldn't do it…but Lala definitely can. Everything will be fine. I can sing. HIROYA Hello. LALA Hiroya! HIROYA I came to say "Break a leg"! How're you doing? Relax. Relax. LALA Yyyyyeeeeessss, of of of course! YUMI It would've been better if he hadn't come…darn it! GUY Ok, Lala, get ready! HIROYA Good luck! MIKI Lala… * LALA Miss Miki… MIKI Break a leg. If you can sing…I think that you'll have earned this place…and it doesn't really suit me. I'll be watching from the studio. LALA No. What am I doing? I'm shaking all over. What should I do? GUY Lala, are you ready? Lala? LALA Um…! Can I have a trial run first, please? MAN It's unheard of! HIROYA Come on, let her do it… MAN Grrr, hurry up then! My patience has a limit. LALA Thank you very much! * LALA The wind sighs in the blue sky…clouds are rising and falling without weather. I am protected from the sun beneath the leaves until…the hens go to their nests. Today was beautiful. It's a beautiful song. Let's sing it loud, let's eat. Ok, I'm ready! Let's go! * GUY Ok, good! LALA I did it…I really did it! All right! YUMI Good job, Lala! You were great! The producer's pleased too! LALA I'm sorry I made you worry! YUMI What are you talking about?! There are lot's of other problems in this world…good work! LALA Yes. MIKI You did well, for a first time. LALA Thanks. HIROYA Good job. You have a beautiful voice. * LALA Eh?! Really?! HIROYA Yes. A relaxing voice. What's the name of the song you sang for practice? LALA Look…that… HIROYA I really liked it, I think I'll sing it in a concert. LALA What?! It's better if you don't… HIROYA Good work on your debut! From now on we're rivals! Let's always wish each other good luck! LALA Yes. Let's work hard. PIGU Miho's great! End of chapter 3 To be continued… These sound similar in Japangese=Italian