Original Images

Ah, images. Ashley did quite a job. *cough* Actually, this section SUCKS. I'll get to work on it right away. The fanart is still pretty cool though, and the 3rd section is downright WIERD. The scans take pretty long to load. I do not suggest it. Email me if you see any problems, besides the suckiness and lack of content.

ScreenCaptures- All of these images are of Trunks during his first appearance before the Cell Saga. Takes long to load. Well, at least they aren't stolen like all the rest of the sites. Images were captured with an Afga ephoto780c digital camera. Hey, and no annoying Cartoon Network symbol at the bottom. That's a plus for those who wish to steal the images. Have fun.

Fanart- Ah, the infamous fanart section. Ashley did quite a job of posting up these pictures as well. I'll have to re-do them, mostly in part because they are horrible quality. Maybe it's just my high expectations for this section which makes me speak so harshly of it. Maybe. Still, the images are cool. I'd check em out if I were you. But I'm not.. so, I'll leave it up to you.

Wierd Scans- Woah. This section freaks me out. I'm not sure at what Ashley was getting at here. However, the things in here are just so plain FREAKY, I'd look at em if I were you as well.