Gundam Characters
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Heero Yuy
He pilots the 01 and is said to be the perfect soldier. He says in the series soooo many times that he is going to detroy/kill Relena, but he never does. Why not? She deserves to be desroyed. He self detenated his gundam and still survived. He is one of the best pilots in my opinion.

Duo Maxwell
He pilots the 02 and is the happiest guy on the show. "The god of death", wow, who wouldn't be happy to have a title like that? I wish I was. Duo is my all time favorite. Even when there is no hope of surviving, he is funny. Just like the time where he is rolling around on the prison floor and the oxygen is running out.

Trowa Barton
He pilots the 03 and the most depressing character. He doesn't care if he gets killed or not. When fighting, he just stands there and shoots his gun. I beleive that is a very bad stragey. He is also a cutie.

Quatre Winner
He pilots the 04. He blames himself for almost everything. On the movie, Duo says that Quatre would blame himself if there was no air in space because of his lack of effort. Quatre is such a sweetie. He wants to be friends will everybody he meets. He did go crazy for a while, blowing up some colonies, but it was the other gundam he was piloting that made him go insane.

Chang Wufie
Pilots the 05. I think he is a Heero wanna be. Don't get me wrong, he is cool. Wufie has a shway hair cut and very good(in my opinion, of course) in combat(besides being a gundam pilot and all). He is my third favorite out of them.