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The Otakon 2001 Travel Log!!

this is going to be a VERY long trip...

And, thus it begins.... from here on in i shall post the travel log of "the mighty convoy" as we like to call it--our trip to Otakon.....bear in mind, these pictures are temporary until i scan the images jenny drew of all of us!

Let the hunger/sleeplessness induced rants begin! (**try not to think too hard about everything!**)
August 10th, 6:43 a.m.


Whoo-whee! Boy howdy- great start to the day! stubbed every sinlge one of my toes this morning AND was yelled at many a time! Happy Birthday indeed! no, im not bitter!...

But i get to go to OTAKON(!) so all is well! i am armed with a camera, a powerpuffGirls birthday balloon and this log, along with the cheesy birthday hats and a pink "birthday girl" pin. I don't want coffeeeeeeeeeeee! i am awake just fine without it. bah to caffine! i don't need it - I-I don'tneedit!!! okay, i'm done ranting now - we are off to Cynthia's where we shall officially depart on our journey.

Aug. 10, 7:27 a.m.


we are at the begining of our journey, we have aquired two new passengers and i have froced tham all to wear my party hats. It's all coming together, my master planis quickly becoming a reality. Mwahahahahaha!

Anyhoo - i have coffee now, despite my protest against it, i have caffiene in my bloodstream - they will regret feeding me i think. okay. end of the toydian entries for now - ja ne!

Aug 10th, 7:35 a.m.


WheeHehe! We're finally trippin' on the road! Donned with festive bread + great expectations we begin outr journey. Rent is blasting over the unforgiving speakers. Besides being choked by my party-hat (yay-gah)we be chillin' oh man! this is one mighty convoy! happiness ensues--- Ja!

Aug. 10th 7:39 a.m.


Hi(insert chichiri face)! so we 'tis are on our merry way! im going to be Ranma-chan! if i see any bad chichiri's im going to kill them! he's mine! well getting car sickness! Ja!

7:44 a.m.


yo, g, iz b chillin. im stuck in this big grocery van (w/ 2 sliding doors) *culture shock* with a bunch of anime freaks. (**editor's note, dude became an anime fan becasue of this trip, scary, ne?***)It's scary...oh, but not as scary as it's going to be, oh yes we will await the coming, yes we will. my fingers seem to be peeling. it's awfully strange kind of dry, but only the fingertips, it must have been the bleach. bleach smells funny. i was cleaning some cat fecal matter and i was using bleach. it was all stingy in my eyes and stuff i was like woa, no wonder they don't let you drink it. All i can say is that i hope the trees do not begin their Pasted (**?**) festivities, again. and i had chinese food... AHHH I DO REMEMBER PREVIOUS EVENTS, that went along such as this, it may be disaterous i will caution you. but OUR SOng has begun so i must end. i flee. let the bloody mushrooms and puffy sugar and egg whites get goo along your journey, mate.--me

8:45 a.m.


ah, our first rest stop. my bladder is happy once again. we finished our Rent cd and now we "want to CHANGE the world!" anyhoo, dude got me a present(pretty flower) i stop writing car is too bumpy and i am getting nautious. ja!

9:00 a.m.


well, we seem to have wandered somewhere into the depths of new york. life is sparse. i have been living off a minty-fresh flavored toothpick which burns your mouth and it's flavor never dies. and yet how it burns!! Hmmm... the Rent noises have stopped and now our parental unit is listening to old people stuff which is supposed to be funny. and thus the third hour of our journey begins as we loom closer and closer to our destiny. Yay! i go sleep now. Oyasumi Nasai!

9:06 a.m.


alas, we have driven. rested and driven some more. i can only begin to imagine where this CHAOS is traveling in our small incomprehensible minds. i have often wondered why, why we must be children of a revolution when how do we even know we are amidst a revolution? it is similar to a bushduck administration, it's all bad and stuff but one way or another it doesn't really effect life all that much. maybe im mistaken, maybe this is just a big joke, like when we sent little froggies to their demise as their entrails spattered about us as a result of a rat trap. or maybe i am right and the happy doom child will emerge from it's resting place among the cats in taiwan and consume us so we will live in eternity in the digestive fluids of a SQUID. or maybe that chinese food DID get to me and despite the not really rested look now i am being affected in my thought patterns...i must go...the prarie flowers speak to me.


so we continue our way into the stars! everyone is trying to sleep. Wahahahahahaha not on my trip! i've been up since 4:30 a.m. and they gave me highly sugared iced coffee. and i am content now listening to Seki-sama while of chichiri. ahhh the excelence. how can people sleep! eight hours on the road is fun! enough of this mumbo jumbo.*hehe* im scared. i have so much money!... i miss my kitten Athena at Greece. I wanted to stuff her in my suitcase but noooo! * not fair i tell you! i feel sleepy. yuck, i bet it's becasue i desire to write. it's hot in the van but toydz is freezing. well i'll talk later. my butt hurts!

11:16 a.m.


creativity spawned by --> SYN.

we have a mighty convoy traveling to the depths of some unknown abyss of MD. I fear for my sanity. A rest stop ensued, but no shit happened. hideously overpriced soda runs rampant. that is all.

11:20 a.m.

monica: "something witty" - monica

(**editor's note** many random drawings that are not scanned yet)12:37 a.m.


we stopped at a random McMeatie and feased upon the goodness. and oh was it good. we also saw SUBWAY!SUBWAY!SUBWAY! leslie and i have escaped from the evil clutches of the Bystrak carriage(**pic**) don't take offense guys! the almighty convoy has gained yet another mindless victim. and we continue our journey south my friends. Otakon awats us my friends!

1:56 p.m.


***editor's note: this is all for now, my neck hurts! ja!