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[Pagey Stuff]

Welcome to the pagey stuff portion of my page. This just has a small history,updates,my banners and the kudos section. Please, if you want to advertise me, take a banner at the bottom!!


07.27.00I changed the Main page,changed layouts, added my Idols, Added new links, posted the reviews and made a little shines page!

05.05.00 Re-vamped everything, new layout, added misc stuff (Gifs, new banners ,and links ect.) Umm...New Section: Recomended Anime. I think sometime last week I reached 300 vists! Arigato Gozaimasu!

3.05-06.oo WAI!!! I *finally* organized all the pictures, did a drop down link list and started ULing the Eva pics!


heh, this is for all you peoples who want praise and mention! The biggest goes to Cassie, who really taught me the basics of HTML. Then I got this page: Funky Chicken's HTML help! If you wanna have help with HTML, Go here if you need help!. Next, thanks goes to my Blue-chan, the love of my life. I'm just thankful he put up with my webpage ramblings and listened to me!umm...maybe I should thank Angelfire for having a easy to build webpages and nice service. And the biggest thanks, goes to the vistors! All 40 of them -_-;;;hee hee, oh well!


Ugh...I made new banners a while ago, thankgod I got rid of those awful old ones.
