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Here is the man we know as the Joker, aka Mista J aka Puddin'. Master criminal genius, he is the foremost of the Rouges Gallery, brilliant, cunning and absolutly insane. We don't know who he is or where he comes from. Maybe he's a failed comedian, maybe he's an ex-hood, maybe a lot of things. Nobody knows about his past, because not only is he a liar, but he himself isn't so sure.
One thing we do know about him is that he's manipulative and charing, and while under the "treatment" of Dr. Harleen Quinzel he managed to seduce her and hasn't been rid of her since. We know she is deovted to him beyond all reason, especially considering her really isn't overly fond of her. If he loves her or not is another thing only he, if anyone, knows. He obviously cares about her or at least acknowledges he needs her, or she would be dead by now. Even if he doesn't like her, he's a control freak and doesn't want her with anyone else. One thing is for sure, though, he'll never accept their relationship in the way that Harley wants him to. He's an obsessive guy, and his obsession is focused on Batman, and elimation thereof. He really doesn't leave much room for affection at all. Will he ever kill her? It's not like he hasn't tried. He probably will one day, being a capricious kind of guy. But I'm sure that somewhere in his twisted heart he'll feel bad about it.

Interesting fact: Harley was orginally created because Fox Kids Execs were worried people would think the Joker was gay. Yeah, and they have a convincing argument, considering he won't even touch her with a ten foot pole!