This is a page of some of the silly stuff I did one night, or what I thought of.. I just came up with these off of the top of my head, if someone else claims these as theirs, then they have severe mental issues and should seek psychiatric help immediately...

The Work room-What happpens behind the silly scenes of this place of horror.

Previous Workrooms;
Workroom #1
Workroom #2
Workroom #3
Workroom #4
Workroom #5
Workroom #6
Workroom #7

Similaraties-People that look or act alike from the video game & anime world

FF9 Refrences-The many cameo's from other Of Squaresoft's Games in FF9; Revealed here!

About This Site-Something I did when I was kinda bored, and just because I wanted to have something good to do.. Besides, i've gotten lots of questions about this type of stuff. Beware... this is music on that page. ^.~ So turn up, or down, yer speakers.
