Sky Haven Studios.  Yes, we ARE God!!

All that you love will be sold for cheese!


  • Comics
  • The Little Villain
    (Coming Soon)

    Mockery-na of Time
    Sprites of DOOM!
    Misc. Comics
  • Art
  • My Archive
    Marshal's Art
    Requests, etc.
    Message Board

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    hits since July 28, 2000.

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  • August 22, 2002
  • Art

    Uploaded Marshal's Art and gave it a link. Have fun.


  • August 13, 2002
  • Lotta Stuff

    Made the side menu work better. I also linked up a new comic, "Mockery-na of Time." Enjoy.


  • July 15, 2002
  • Comic Upload

    Uploaded the ultimate comic. Read and be happy.


  • June 24, 2002
  • Ultimate Site Revamp

    At last I've decided to really work on the site. Stuffs gonna start being updated, especially the comics. Most of the stuff is still down. I'll fix it later.


    The Ultimate Comic
    by D. Kittrell

    Copyright 2002 D. Kittrell

    All Site content Copyright © D. Kittrell and Sky Haven Studios. All rights reserved.

    "The Little Villain" is Copyright © D. Kittrell.

    "Sprites of DOOM" is Copyright © Josh Miller.

    This site is the work of one person.
    This site is not meant to offend anyone. If it does, um, too bad.

    Copy me and the wombat hordes will forever feast on you.

    Thank you, come again.