U.S.A.S.F <- Now that's just stupid by itself! WOOHOO!

Shashunk nods happily at the guest upon entry. She patiently waits in the middle of ‘The Utterly Stupid Adventures of Shashunk and Friends’ main area clad in a ridiculous court jester outfit (goes with the decor). Just as Shashunk is about to speak a rather annoyed Mr. Mongoose stomps his way to her. Shashunk places her hands on her hips (which causes a chorus of jingles from the many bells on her costume) and growls to her disobedient sidekick, “What is your problem? Can’t you see I’m talking to a guest?” Mr. Mongoose holds up a VERY large wood sign scrawled with the anger words: ‘WHY AM I NOT IN THE TITLE???’ Mr. Mongoose’s little furry lip curls in a threatening manner as he shoves the sign in Shunkie’s face. Shashunk sighs heavily, keeping her cool, and explains herself, “For it to read ‘The utterly stupid adventures of Shashunk, Mr. Mongoose, and friends’ would be too much. I needed to shorten it.” The sidekick growls some more, his tail twitching with irritation. Shashunk leans forward and pats Mr. Mongoose squarely on his mongoosian shoulder, “Remember you will soon have your own area of the site...all yours.” The once irate mongoose completely brightens up at her words, his large black eyes opening even wider then ever. He swings the large sign over his shoulder and skips away, planning HIS area to come. Shashunk chuckles as she watches him exit then turns back to the guest, “As you may have guessed this is the main page of (deep breath) ‘The Utterly Stupid Adventures of Shashunk and Friends.’ As the title implies these are the strange accounts that are just simply...stupid, idiotic, without value (you get the idea). If you are looking for a cheap laugh, feel free to read these crazy adventures...and remember to laugh heartily at my misuse of free time.”

“This little ditty involves many anime and game characters. Remember not to take anything on this page seriously...these stories are essentially the garbage of my brain!”