Mr. Mongoose strolls into the quiz area with a smirk on his mongoosian face. He totes a smaller, polished wood sign in one paw. He approaches the guest and holds up the sign which reads: 'If you want to take the 'Pick your brain quiz' simply click the vote button below. The correct answers to the quiz will be posted regularly on this page...check back to see if you were right!' Mr. Mongoose struts away very proud of the fact that he didn't need Shunkie's help this time.

Shashunk tippy-toes in after the overly excited sidekick waltzes out. She stalks over to the guest, dodging back and forth like some kind of hyperactive bunny desperately in need of sedation (or Ritalin). After finally reaching the guest, she tosses a rather crumpled piece of notepaper at the guest’s general footwear. Her eyes dart back and forth, scanning the room, as she waits for the guest to pick up the paper. A soft ominous ‘eek’ echoes through the page, Shunkie’s eyes grow wide at the noise. She glances in the direction of the ‘eek’, then turns and runs as fast as her legs can carry her towards the exit. Puzzled, the guest picks up the paper and gazes at it.

So here finally are the correct answers to the last ‘Pick Your Brain’ quiz:
1. What show did Mr. Mongoose come from?

Correct answer: Revolutionary Girl Utena
2. What is a Kudzuhopper?
Correct answer: The master of all evil minded, slobbering plants
3. What is Shashunk's weapon of choice?
Correct answer: an ever-present mallet

0 right -I really am not quite sure why you turned in your quiz….did you think there would be a grading curve?
1 right -Congratulations…You managed to retain only one of the multitude of subliminal messages that has been thrown at you by this site…BRAVO!
2 right - Mongoose’s evil tendencies have managed to drill TWO of the many major concepts of this site into your head…..yes you read right the mongoose…it’s always HIS fault…not me…noooo…no…not me…I’m the innocent one…(darting glances) ahem….excuse me…I have things…to….do…….yeah…(cough)
3 right - Actually you kind of ….scare me if you got three out of three right. I mean why do you know so much about the mongoose and myself? (gulps) Are…are you stalking us? Anyway, if you did get three out of three you deserve…………drum roll……………….a HUGE…pat on the back (what were you expecting money? Jewels? Anime? HA!) Just be extremely proud of yourself, strutting around and such. I’m sure someone you know will see your inflated ego and slap you back into line! MUHAHAHAHAHA