Welcome to my ode to ODDNESS...
'It's suppose to be ugly...heh'

It's Sluggy, the spokes...creature for the oddness page.

Shashunk barely manages to stumble into the ‘Oddness’ page. Wrapped around Shunkie’s eyes, in an effort to block out the page’s horrible color scheme, is a rather tightly tied handkerchief. Shunkie keeps stumbling along, then finally gives up, deciding she needs to make eye contact with the guest. She takes a deep, brave breath then pulls off the blindfold with a sharp yank. Almost instantly her eyes tear up in pain. Shashunk groans then begins to speak, one hand shading her eyes, “I know what you are thinking, ‘Shunkie what is with all this TACKY JUNK?!’ The truth is this ‘Oddness’ page in an outlet for just that...tackiness. Along with strange, stupid, and down right odd things I have found and/or made. This area is where my ‘special talent’ for identifying and displaying tackiness is fully vented. You may notice this page isn't as organized as the rest of the 'Shunkie AND Mr. Mongoose' Universe. I decided that this 'Oddness' area should simply be split by horrible lines like Mr. T. Froggie. Trust me as you scroll, it gets worse. On the other hand, some of the stuff here (quotes and such) I actually DO like, but I couldn’t find anywhere else on the site I could stick it in...soooooo it got shoved in here. The background I made because hey...I needed a really cheesy background! Now that I think about it, this area of the Shunkie and Mr. M universe might be considered an ode to the sites around the world that look like this...on purpose. (Ugh) My quest to find the tackiest images and such will continue and my results will be posted on the grotesque but amusing page.” Shashunk pulls the handkerchief over her watering eyes and ties it good and tight. With a wave Shunkie exits the ‘Oddness’ page leaving the guest to poke around at its strange contents.

Mr. Tacky Froggie does a wonderful tacky job doesn't he? TACKY TACKY TACKY...

Yeah...you read it...REVENGE!

I put

Things to do:

Confuse guest
Disturb guest
Annoy guest
Steal ALL of Mr. Mongoose's signs
Write stupid checklists
Post stupid checklists
Hang head in shame

This area of 'Shashunk AND Mr. Mongoose's Humble Little Site' is very , don't you think?

I really don't need to tell you...well I guess I do this pencil page line thingie is UGLY