Here comes Utena! Mr. Mongoose growls (as much as a mongoose can) and stomps into the Utena area of the site and rips off the pink wig and outfit that Shashunk managed to con him into wearing. The mongoose throws them into a corner, then realizes there is junk EVERYWHERE. The tiny good side of Mr. Mongooses’ personality (VERY tiny) manages to override his normal evil tendencies, which results in him cleaning up the dirty Utena section.

Shashunk finally enters the page and has a very surreal moment. In the middle of the site is Mr. Mongoose clad in a housecoat and curlers sweeping. Shashunk turns to the guest that she spied sneaking in and laughs,
“Now, that's something you don’t see every day.” Mr. Mongoose being the truly self-conscious creature he is begins to ‘eek’ and ‘squeak’ very madly at the two unwanted onlookers. After flaying the broom at the two onlookers, Mr. Mongoose gives up his fight and continues to clean up the junk that is lying around. Shashunk shrugs as she too begins to clean, “Sorry about the mess. We’ll have to clean this up, then we’ll show you around.” She smiles broadly and begins to grab the garbage and shove it in the magically appearing garbage can that has (you guessed it) magically appeared.

Mr. Mongoose sweeps some more and starts working toward the back corner of the disorderly site. As he continues walking backwards and sweeping, something seems to push his back. The mongoose pauses then and turns to find a very large door that wasn’t previously known of, behind him. He ‘eeks’ slightly at the very ominous door, then despite his better judgement he reaches for the doorknob with his stubby paws. Shashunk turns toward Mr. Mongoose just in time to see the VERY large VERY ominous door swing open. The door sucks in all who are residing on the Utena page into its dark recesses. A light at the end of the void seems to open, then spits up the travelers in their new location. Shashunk stands up cautiously and takes in her surroundings. They are on a long spiraling staircase complete with strange battle music in the background. Far above them, the sounds of a huge battle float down. Shashunk listens intently to the calls from above.
“Where is my shining thing!?” “Chu-chu!” “Big brother, Big brother!” “Anthy, come here!” “I am nothing but the rose bride.” Mr. Mongoose rises from one step and wiggles his nose strangely. Suddenly his big eyes grow even bigger as he holds up one tiny sign: ‘I’M HOME!’ Shashunk looks at him with confusion, “Home? We’re in the Ohtori Academy?” Mr. Mongoose nods his head briskly as he begins to run up the billions of stairs before him. Shashunk sweat-drops, then turns to the guest, “Well, I guess we should go with him. Who knows what chaos is going on up there?”

Dun...Dun DAHHHH! Part two...