
So, you've decided to escape the cluches of my box-like pages. I have a array of links to escort you.

I am not putting up descriptions of the sites listed here. They will be in order of which I, personally, think are best- good at the top, so-so at the bottom. Take my suggestions, or experiment. It makes no difference to me. Oh, one more thing- if you have a favorite GW website not listed here, or have one of your own, email me.
~ Site 1 ~ Site 2 ~ Site 3 ~ Site 4 ~ Site 5 ~ Site 6 ~ Site 7 ~ Site 8 ~ Site 9 ~ Site 10 ~ Site 11 ~ Site 12 ~ Site 13 ~ Site 14 ~ Site 15 ~ Site 16 ~ Site 17 ~ Site 18 ~ Site 19 ~ Site 20 ~ Site 21 ~ Site 22 ~ Site 23 ~ Site 24 ~ Site 26

Other, non-gundam wing sites made by me or my comrades:
~ Nachiko's Fire & Blood Neon Genesis Temple
~ Sailormoon...Aeko Style!

~ Home