The Gundam Boy Galleries
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And a big thanks to Ohimesama, my favorite partner in crime! She kicks major website @$$!

I apologize for the shortage of pictures... More are on the way, I promise!

(Each gallery is devoted to one boy- ignore the descriptions...)

::THE Perfect Soldier Gallery:: The most grimly determined pictures gallery.
::THE God of Death Gallery:: The most manically laughing pictures join to make this gallery.
::THE Silent Mask Galley:: The calmest pictures come together to form this gallery.
::THE Noble in the Desert Gallery:: All the sweet pictures pull together to make up this gallery.
::THE Solitary Dragon:: All the hidden loneliness pictures enter this gallery.
::THE Other Gallery:: All the stunning pictures from various others make peace to be in this gallery.

::Home:: That's pretty self-explaining
::Communication:: Email me if you have any links for pictures, suggestions, or reports of broken links!