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"The Life of One"

Life seems calm; sweet
Protective; relaxing
You go to work,
You come home.
You go to school,
You come home.
You go the bar,
You get Drunk,
You come home.
The same routine
day after dull boring day
THEN it happens

The world turns to chaos
Everyone is plunged into darkness
Everywhere you look it is black upon black
Slowly thought the shroud splits,
Making way for red and white
With seas of dust and rock
Am I in hell you wonder
Maybe yes, Maybe no
Ah is that my backyard I see
Or yet another illusion brought by death
I think I hear my mother calling
Mother I call, mother over here
Nothing, just Silence
I begin to cry
Why me, how me,
God why not someone else
I hear another voice
Are you ok can you hear me
There is an arm upon my shoulder
I look up to see myself being lifted toward the light

Am I dead is this heaven I wonder
I blink and look to find a scene of snowy white
The white of a snowy Christmas
Mixed with the heat of hell
Everywhere flashes of red and blue fill the sky
I look to my savior who's arms I rest upon
No wings; No gown of white
Just black and yellow
Mixed with a paste of white
Ah am I alive nothing to fear
Then I look at the snowy fields before me
Dreams shattered, light shed
Realization that life would never be the same again
Then you come home


As it is promised
by the wind,
As it is tendered
in the heart,
As it is written
across the sky
Love makes all things possible
Love is hope's shining star


Tale of Two Cities

Two Worlds Apart
Two Worlds clouded in dark
One of fire and excitement
The other of uncertainty and logic
When the clouds part
Blue skies brighten their parks
For every white cloud though
there is really a silver lining at heart
Though it may create uncertainty and
bring questionable thoughts
With it strength and foundations it can
bridge two cities and become one metropolis
One of strength and power
Two cities now leaning on each other
for guidance and acceptance
Now one looked upon with awe and jealousy
as if the star themselves beheld
the eleventh wonder of the world

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