No More: Supporting Arab-American and American Muslims During This Tragic Time
Supporting Arab-Americans and Muslim Americans Suffering in the Aftermath

In the past few days, I have been made heartsick by the way many people in this country have been treating Arab-Americans and American Muslims in light of September 11's tragic events. These people are innocent; they are just as shocked and hurt as anyone else born in this country, yet they are suffering more because too many jackasses are using them as scapegoats. A woman and her children were even chased out of a Wal-Mart on Wednesday.

It sickens and saddens me that in a time when this country is pulling together to show that we will overcome adversity that we are alienating an entire faction of our society. So, I decided to do something, even if it is just a minor thing.

The above image was created to show my support for Arab-Americans and American Muslims during this trying time in our history. For obvious reasons, Quatre is the central figure. For anyone who needs it to be explained a bit, the simple reason is Quatre is both an Arab character, and has been listed in fanfiction time and again as a Muslim. The other figure in the image is Duo--the only American national appeaing in Gundam Wing to my knowledge.

My message is very simple: They Are Hurting, Too. No More Anger, No More Hate.

Anyone wishing to use this image on their site to show their support, use the code below and don't forget to save the image to your browser. Angelfire doesn't like direct linking. If anyone would like to me to create any other images to support this nation during this period of mourning and healing, please let me know by writing to me at


Image HTML Code:
<a href="">
<img src="hurting2.gif" alt="Supporting Arab-Americans and Muslim Americans Suffering in the Aftermath"></a>


[1] On Saturday (September 15), I unexpectedly recieved an IM from one of my list siblings (for privacy reasons, I will not reveal her screen name or AIM name without her permission). She thanked me for the understanding and love I am showing to the Muslim community in this country during this trying time, revealing that her family is Muslim and had been shut in their house since Tuesday. I haven't heard from her or been messaged from her since then, and I pray that she and her family are doing all right. If she is reading this, IM me via my regular AIM (rsaotomechan). I just want to check in and see how you and your family are holding up one week later... and keep in contact as much as you can. I love you, sis, peace be with you and stay safe.

[2] On Sunday (September 16), I attended church services for the first time in nearly a month (first Sunday off work in a month). I was moved by the show of support for this country from the members of my church, who have been bickering on and off amongst themselves for the past year and spurring my decision to become a non-denominational Christian woman. The guest speaker for the morning made a very clear point that Arab-Americans and American Muslims were just as much victims of the tragedy as the rest of us. My heart is still burdened to pray for this entire nation, every one of us, so I will be keeping this page indefinitely. Thank you and may God bless you all.

[3] Two weeks have passed and I haven't heard anything more from my list sibling who contacted me on 9/15. Sweetie, please write to me, let me know if you're okay.


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