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Hello, mysterious visitor, and welcome to Sailor Starr's Sailor Moon Page.
I am your host, Sailor Starr, and I am honored at your presences.
Please feel free to visit me at any time!
Due to the fact that I have recently learned how to build frames (Thankies, Rachel!)
I have decided that I would condescend to building a site with and without frames.
It will take awhile to get the new frameless site up and running, so please check back in awhile if you don't like frames.
Also, if you are working in someone else's frames, please click
(If someone could provide me with the breakout code,
it would be much appreciated.)
Thank you, minnasan, for all you have done to make my site great!

Your host,
Sailor Starr

Now, you have three choices.
Frameless (not running)