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Nutty Nickanmes
What is "Nutty Nicknames" you ask. Well, it's a section that I come up with involving giving your favorite/hated characters nicknames. The idea was given to me by my mom while watching Dragonball Z on CN, so alot of these are contributed by her. And no, my mother is not a dirty and perverted, she just tells it like it is! If you have any, you know the drill...

These are by me
Trunks- Trunksy, The purple muffin man (don't ask), Stud Boy, My Man
Vegeta- Turd, Veggie, guy with bad hair
Piccolo- The green boogar(don't ask)
SMR Rini- Oh no, not her again!
SMS Rini- Oh she's cute now
Goku- Weenier Head
Gohan- Weenier Head Jr

These were by my mom
***These are surposed to be for funny purposes, but they could be offensive, beware!***
Krillin- Bald boy
Frieza- Pussy lips, pussy mouth, faggot
Vegeta- That guy has god awful hair, Bastard
Chi Chi- bitch

Submitted by: Ken
Trunks- O'Trunksy
Vegeta- Veggie, Veg, Veggire boy
Piccolo- The pickle

Submitted by: Juuhachigou
Trunks- hotty, underwear
Vegeta- vegetable head, littleman, tighty whitey man(dont ask)
Goku- airhead, carrot
Pan- bread
Bra- double d(dont ask)
Juuhachigou- deadlybeauty, a lean mean beauty

Submitted by: Artemis
Trunks- The Purple Wonder, Hottie, Boxer Boy
Vegeta- Carrot Top, Sir Spandex, His-royal-pain-in-the-ass
Bulma- spaz
Bra- Spaz jr.
Goku- Baka (I think that says it all)
Goten- Mini-me, Baka jr. Goku wannbe
Gohan- Nerd Boy (eh.) Chi-Chi- Demon spawn, Mistress of Goku
Chao-tzu- Little Mime Boy
Tien- 3-eyes
Chao-tzu and Tien- The local factory defects