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*I would like it if you read my profile before you read this page. You would understand it more.

Ki is standing on a big stage singing "Oh Stary Night" to the cast of Sailor Moon and Revolutionary Girl Utena.

"Oh Stary Night tell me is he my one true love...."

When the wall behind her explodes and Seikou(Ki's guardian cat) walks through the reckage dressed in combat boots, a red bandana on her head, army clothes, a bazooka, and war paint on. "I'll save you Ki-sama!! No one touches her!! Especially you Akio." Akio smiles and Seikou's knees stat to melt."Stop that I'm a cat!! I dont even think I have human knees!!"Ki ,totaly flabbergasted, stumbles ot of whats left of the wall and shouts"Seikou what the HECK do you think your doing??" "I'm protecting you of course."Ki does the trademark anime fall down"WHAT DO I NEED PROTECTING FROM???"Seikou looks around and says "Hey there are no elephants in here...."Ki falls down again, then every one except Akio and Diana fall down.(Diana)"I don't get it"Ki gets up shaking"WHAT ELEPHANTS!!!I WAS SINGING AND ALL OF A SUDDEN YOU COME OUT HERE LOOKING LIKE RAMBO AND NEARLY KILL ME BY DROPPING A WALL ON ME!!!"I got this letter in this pink envelope that said that a bund of elephants were going to attack you at about this time.Ki, trmbling with rage, turns to Akio."Akio this is your falt!!!!"A herd of elephant run tirectly at Ki and Ki runs away screaming....smack into Nanami. The two girls run screaming down the halls followed by a heard of elephants.

Seikou (without all of her combat gear) gets up and politly curtsies to the audiance."I'm Sorry for the interuption so with out any further disruptions I give you the updates.



"April 21,2000= Ki-sama put in this page and the Adoption page. She will be tinkering with this site for a while so please come back for more.



"April 27,2000= Ki sama put in the rpg and is thinking up a topic. She will have it soon.



"May 21, 2000= Ki-sama put up the rpg boared and fixed her mistake with the board room. She is okay with people e-mailing her about joining so E-MAIL HER!!!!!!!!!



"June 26,2000= Elara-Sama helped Ki-sama do some advanced HTML on her site. She put up a few new links and redesigned and thus The House of Anime V:::Blue was born. Oh and Elara-sama made her a new title thing.

About an hour and a herd of elephants later Ki comes out from a curiously elephant shaped foot print dazed and quite confused. She muters something about a truck and a license plate, and pulls a very flat Nanami off her back."Well, well. Isn't this cute." Ki slowly turns around and Akio is standing right infront of her. She "eeeps" and Akio grabs her. A scream erupts from the school and lots of rip sounds, then an explotion. Combat Seikou is standing over a very dazed Akio and barely dressed Ki runs screaming through the school to her dorm room. Akio gets, up brushes himself off,and says,"Later."
