The Sailor Moon Aria Ver 2.0
The Sailor Moon Aria

Welcome to the Sailor Moon Aria Version 2.0, a site dedicated to becoming one of the best Sailor Moon fanfic sites on the internet. A star next to a link means it's been updated. Enjoy your stay at the Aria!

The Library
-Here it is people
-Listed in alphebetical order
-Listed in order of arrival
Send in your works
-E*mail all fanfics here

Thank Yous and Such
-Thank you's and such
-A weekly (hopefully) update guide
Japanese in fanfics
-A short guide to Japanese used in fanfics
-Links to a bizallion and one nice websites

The Aria Website Committee:
Kaioh Michiru- Head of the Committee; Main page updater
Tenoh Haruka- Recives and reviews fanfic
Meioh Setsuna- Also recives and reviews fanfic

Last Updated on: June 23, 2000
Created on: March 13, 2000

Please use this button to link to this site!

© 2000 Aria
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I've got a huge crush! Tenoh Haruka What's yours?

end homophobia

idealization ++ Nephrite
goddess eyes :|: Queen Nephrenia
scented // poinsetta