. . . .Goddess. . . v. Gone PUSSYCATS!
Links, links, more links!
Just a bunch of sites I probably couldn't live with out.

Usagi and Mamoru.com -- A great site for lots of information on Usagi and Mamoru (Hm, I wonder...) and there's also some pretty great galleries, too.
Moonwings.com --Moonwings Otaku Community -- A site where you can find me at a lot. There's great web design, and lots f stuff, like Japanese help, HTML help, RPGs, graphics, and lots of other stuff. Check it out!
SenshiDiaries.com -- Slowly becoming one of the web's largest Sailormoon resource center! I love this site, it has so much information on Sailormoon, and all the Senshi, and on top of that, it has three great RPGs, two of which, I participate actively in.
Ice-Queen.net -- It hosts some of my favorite sites (too many to put up here) and I love it.
EternalMoon.com -- Lots of great web design, and lots of great sites hosted, lilke LadyWren's Sailormoon Gallery.
Ashley... -- My friend Ashley's homepage. Even though it is on AOL Hometown, I think it's a really great age, with some really great HTML design. Just check it out.

If you want to have your like here, just e-mail me.
