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Sailor JAM-Boree FAQs

Have a few questions about our organization? Get all of your questions answered here!
If you have questions that aren't answered here, feel free to e-mail us at
We're also going to add a specific costume,wig and accessories FAQ section.


Tristen Citrine's Costume FAQ Forum:
*Coming soon*
For urgent costume questions, please reffer to these informative sites with answers to many cosplay questions and concerns.  Method: Cosplay and  JASPER Cosplay Closet's TIP Section

General Sailor JAM-Boree FAQ Forum:

Does SJ make costumes for other people?
Currently we do not make costumes for other people. Please do not e-mail Charlene about having her make a costume for you - it cannot be done at this time. We are too busy with our own costumes usually to do so. Note: It is against masquerade rules to wear purchased costumes for the contest. We also cannot make costumes for other people who are entering the masquerade - please review convention masquerade rules carefully.
If you wish to find someone who does make costumes, please reffer to our LINKS site under the "SM Costume Purchasing" section.  LINKS However we are willing to give advice and tips to anyone who is having problems with their costumes.

Does SJ make costumes themselves?
Yes, all costumes used in the masquerade are worn and made by SJ members. Most members make the costumes themselves,or recieve help from each other, or from relatives (usually mothers or grandmothers). Charlene, our costume coordinator, also makes some costumes for members who don't know how to sew very well. She also organizes and advises us in the costuming area.

Will SJ costumes ever be on sale?
Depending on the costume and the wearer, it is possible that some costumes to be put on sale. Please check EBAY for any costumes from us on sale. Some members have spent a lot of money on costumes and may be forced to sell costumes in order to continue cosplaying. *again you may not use bought costumes for masquerade contests*.

Is SJ affiliated with any companies? If so, doesn't that affect the judging process?
SJ is an independent, non-profit organization. However we have members who work for anime related companies, but the companies do not sponsor us in any way. As for the companies who sponsor awards in masquerade contests, no member has been with SJ while working for the company at the same time. So the companies had no influence in handing out awards.
In the future, if the companies we are currently working for DO sponsor awards, we will not accept them (or those who do not work for them will be given the award) - however the company will already have the mentality of not awarding their own employees.

Is SJ a professional cosplay group?
Technically, no. Even though we've had some gigs, cosplaying is not our jobs -  it is our hobby. Then who do we consider professionals? Real studio models and actors/actresses that are hired by companies to wear company-bought costumes. (e.g. The Sailor Dancers, booth girls in '99 for E3).

How do we recruit people? What kind of people do we look for?
We used to have an application process to recruit people online. Since it was only semi-successful, we are trying to go on a refferal basis and are mainly looking for people during conventions. We are basically looking for hard working individuals, who love cosplaying and have excellent abilities in costume making. Currently we are looking for people who are fans of Sera Myu - the Sailor Moon Musicals - for 2001.

Will SJ ever do any cosplay besides Sailor Moon?
The answer is YES. Right now we are working on a cosplay idea for hall cosplaying. As for masquerade contest entires,  we are discussing that idea at the moment, but it is possible that we will continue our cosplay for other anime after 2001.

Why do we use Sera Myu as a basis for our skits?
Sera Myu is the only on-going Sailor Moon saga that is taking place right now since both the anime and manga has ended. Everything about it is amazing to us and we love to show the American audiences what it is about. We want to share the joy of watching Sera Myu with other otakus that haven't had the chance to learn about it. Hopefully when they see us at the masquerade, they'll like what they see and then start having an interest in Sera Myu or at least, be curious about it. More and more cosplay groups are incorporating Sera Myu  in their skits and its wonderful to see the growing numbers of Myu fans each time!

When was SJ created?
It was created in May of 1999, and we have attended the following conventions: AX '99, CC '99, Fanime 2K. We are planning to attend: AX 2K and CC2K this year. As for 2001, we are still deciding.

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