Christmas in July Part 2

Happi-Chan's empathic senses were better in her female form. She could hear Alex's true feelings in his voice. She put one hand reassuringly on his shoulder.

"It'll be alright, Alex, my boy. There are dozens of women out there who want you, You'll be back into it in no time." Happi paused for a minute with a wry smile.

"C'mon Alex, I'll show you how to dance."


Perfume and Konatsu had a very pleasant walk to the Kunou manor. Perfume smiled to herself, she was waiting to see how much Konatsu would like his gift.

People who didn't know Konatsu and Perfume good enough would have thought the two 'girls' were a little strange.

Perfume knocked on the Manor door. "Let's knock 'em dead, Konatsu-Chan."


Something was hunting Ranma... something not altogether good. In fact right now it was planning to gnaw off Ranma's foot... Assuming that it could find him of course. In short Ryouga was lost, depressed and currently a pig. Looking down at the floor P-Chan didn't notice that he was about to walk

into someone until it was to late. Looking around he realized that he wasn't outside anymore and that he had walked into someone looking up he instantly felt the nose-bleed approach. Before he fainted P-Chan silently thanked the Kami that Ukyou hadn't been wearing a skirt.

"Huh?" Ukyou felt someone or something bump into her right leg. Looking down, she saw a fainted P-Chan. Her face lit up for a quick second before she scooped the konked out piglet in her arms. "Excuse me for a sec, will ya, sugar?" she said to Alex before she took off towards a bathroom (which was marked out with a fat Santa on the door). Once inside she put P-Chan in the washbasin and turned on the hot water while she gently poked the piglet. "Hey, wake up. Come on, sugar."

Ryouga was aware of something when he came to, mentally he checked things off in his head.

Human - Check
In presence of Ukyou - Check
Naked - Check
Something was still tugging at his mind. Naked. In presence of Ukyou. Naked. Ohmygod. Naked. With Ukyou. Ohmygod! Now that realization dawned Ryouga did the only thing his body let him do. He screamed. loud. "AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!"

Kodachi was just about to answer the door when she heard Ryouga's scream. "Sasuke! Answer the door" she Commanded." I'll see what that was!"

"Yes mistress" Sasuke shouted as he opened the door for Konatsu and Perfume.

Kodachi ran don the hall to the bathroom, and threw open the door with her ribbon at the ready. She had thought to find someone in trouble, but only found a Naked Ryouga in her bath and Ukyou sitting nearby.

"That's not fair! I want to play too!"

Ukyou, realizing that maybe she should have arranged for some clothes first, cowered her eyes with her hands. "EEEP!" was the most intelligent thing she could blurt out. Then her mind told her that Kodachi was in the room. "Ah! No, it's nothing like that at all, he's just na-, ehh, we'll tell ya later, okay sugar?" she babbled as she shoved Kodachi out the door and threw a bathrobe engraved "TK" to the birthday-suited Ryouga.


Silk and Keisuke were already dancing to the Christmas carols playing on the stereo when Happi-Chan dragged Alex onto the floor. Silk was having a great time, just spinning and moving to the beat. She knew she probably looked a little silly, but she felt like laughing, so she did. Keisuke gave her an odd look, "Hey, it's supposed to be fun, ne?" she grinned.

"Oh, of course." he replied, grinning back at her. An upbeat Christmas swing song began to play. "Now, for the real fun." he said with a devilish smile as he lifted her into the air and twirled her around him. She followed his movements and pretty soon, the entire dance floor had cleared, giving way for Keisuke and Silk's routine. The already fun to watch movements of swing combined with the martial arts skills of the both of them just made it an amazing number. As the song closed down, Keisuke hoisted Silk up on his shoulders and with one grand movement, she somersaulted into an aerial off of his shoulders and landed in his arms as the final beat hit. Keisuke held her in his arms just a little bit before setting her down. "Now that," he said. "Was fun."

Alex went out and danced with Happosai, thinking to himself, --Oh, how the mighty have fallen.-- The only thing that anyone who was watching could really tell for sure was that Alex was definitely a talented dancer. As he danced along, he happened to see a piano, and his face began to lighten. "I wonder if anyone would mind if I played a song," he thought out loud.

Fujiko walked in and over heard him. "Go for it. If you play, I'll sing along. Anyone have any requests?" Fujiko said with a Cheshire cat grin.

Alex sat down at the piano, and after playing a few bars, began to play in earnest, singing a song he had been working on, in a pleasant baritone-tenor voice.

"Ooh...........oh...oh....yeah......yeah.... Sorry didn't notice you there, then again you didn't notice me. So we remain, passes by. Until next time we speak, I hope that I can make you mine. Before another man steals your heart, and once your beauty is mine I swear we will never be apart.

Walks by me everyday, (hoo....hoo...o) herd her love all the same. (hoo...ho) The woman that stolen my heart and Beauty is her name. (and ah....) I'm hoping I can make you mine. (yes I) Before another man steels your heart, (whoa....) and once this beauty is mine. (baby) I swear we will never be apart. (ho....say)

I didn't take much time to think about it, but I didn't want to move to fast. Cause I knew that when I saw you again, That I wouldn't wanna let you pass. Cause my eyes have seen the glory, in the coming of your smile. So once where if, you ever come around again. Please stay for awhile....

Walks by me everyday, ( baby) herd that love is all the same. (herd her love all the same) The woman that stolen my heart (Oh..ooh...oh....) and Beauty is her name. I'm hopping I can make you mine. (I'm hopping. I'm hopping....) Before another man steels your heart, (ooh...oh...) and once this beauty is mine. (In my eyes, In my eyes) I swear we will never be apart. (You are...)

You are so beautiful, (baby baby. mmm......) When I'm down. (when I'm down) I never seem to get. (silent) (Hook) I never seem to get tired......(tired of your love ooh, tired of your love) Cause you are wonderful (your wonderful) When I'm dying, you make it seem. (Anything you want) Anything (The side your on) and be fine right here beside of me.....

Walks by me everyday, (oh.....ho....oh o.....) herd her love all the same. (ugh...huh...o) The woman that stolen my heart (I'm think here babe) and Beauty is her name. (have you ever had something) I'm hopping I can make you mine. (I just couldn't of explain. ha) Before another man steels your heart, (that takes your mind and twist it

all around) and once this beauty is mine. (When all you can think about was this..) I swear we will never be apart. (one thing, what if this was her. and beauty is her name) Walks by me everyday, (walks by me everyday) herd her love all the same. (herd) The woman that stolen my heart (oh yea) and Beauty is her name. ( beauty is her name) I'm hopping I can make you mine. () Before another man steels your heart, (another man steels your heart) and once this beauty is mine. (ooh....yeah) I swear we will never be apart. (never....will never be apart, never be apart. never babe)

After he finished up, he asked, "Any requests?"


Outside the Kunou Manor, Rinse had arrived dressed up in what looked like a little tux with a red bow-tie. A large panda with a sack of presents strapped to its back silently followed its young friend. Rinse saw Perfume and Konatsu and ran up to join them.

Perfume smiled at the younger Amazon and his bear companion. "Merry Christmas Rinse-Chan!" She gave Rinse a big Perfume patented Bear hug. Just as Sasuke opened the door for them.

But just as the small ninja opened the door, he was pushed aside by his master, The Blue Thunder.

"Greetings!" he declared, eyeing the area outside the door for signs of Akane Tendo or the Pigtailed Girl. "The other guests are inside, much to my sisters merriment." he added as he turned around and walked back inside, not having seen any of his two darlings.

Kodachi meanwhile had gone back to mingling with her guests. She was having the time of her life. With all the distractions and all the fun she was having, the other Kodachi was kept in check and unable to bring the young gymnast down.

"Shhhhhhh, you're gonna spoil the surprise," Akane whispered to Ranma as they sneaked in through the backdoor. After standing in the front entrance for several minutes without getting any response from inside, the two decided it would be best to just let themselves in. Passing a few guards that roamed the premises, the pig-tailed boy helped his fiancée carry her large gifts down the hall.

"I don't know why you're makin' such a big deal outa this. It's just a bunch of fans." Sounds of a melodious tenor voice lingered in the decorated corridors adorned with Christmas wreathes and colorful lights.

It's song was beautiful but a hint of sadness touched the melody as the crooner sang his last note.

Akane placed the box down for a moment and stood still, "Hmmmmmm, that sounds like Alex. "

Ranma picked up the case and proceeded to walk towards where the music was coming from. "Yeah yeah, let's just hurry up and get there so I can put this down."

"Good idea, our gifts should help cheer everyone up." Closely following the martial artist, they made a grand entrance when she burst through the doors yell "MERRY CHRISTMAS! Everyone, grab a fan from here; they're your presents!" Her brown eyes sparkled with delight as she gave a cute smile and directed Ranma to place the box on a table nearby.

Rinse, being the child he was, ran up to the fans and looked at them with childish glee. He spotted one that had a small blue kitten on it with a large panda next to it. He immediately sensed it was the right one for him. With a smile he picked it up and bowed to Akane and Ranma. He motioned to his panda friend, Won Ton, to set his presents near the large ornate tree.

Alex, done with his piece and wanting to continue, began to play 'Jingle Bell Rock' on the piano.

At the sound of the upbeat carol, Silk seemed to come out of a trance, singing brightly, "Jingle bell, jingle bell, jingle bell rock, jingle bell rhyme in jingle bell time..." but her mind wasn't on what she was singing. The song Alex had played was the one he'd written for her. Hearing it again made her heart do a neat little flip flop. She had good reasons for breaking off the relationship, but her heart had always lagged a bit behind her head in these matters. She rested her arms on the top of the piano as she sang, staring resolutely at a patch of wall above everyone's heads. "It's a bright time, it's the right time, to rock the night away."

Ukyou, who now was out of the bathroom, took a fan and opened it, looking at the beautiful picture of a mountain and a tree on it. "Wow, thanks, Akane," she marveled, "this is great. It's beautiful.

Ryuu snorted at the sight of Ranma and Akane. Then proceeded to cough up all the punch now resting in his lungs. "Ranma! Now's my chance!" he thought

"Wait, its a party! Nows not the time..." Seeing nothing better to do he went and got a fan, but not before pausing to glare at Ranma. Ryuu opened his and grinned. Randomly picking and he got the one with a platypus beating up on a wild horse. Life can't get any better than this.

Keisuke noticed the look on Silk's face as she walked away from him. He smiled discreetly to himself, shaking his head. "Some girls," he said to himself "Will never change." Despite Silk's sporadic change of character within the last few months, he knew that the young Amazon was still a softy at heart...especially for Alex. He quietly slipped away and took a fan. Opening his, he found a picture of a frog. "Uh..." he quickly closed the fan and pulled another one out. This time it was a picture of a gleaming blade. "Nice." he said in admiration. He turned over to Ryuu who seemed to be eyeing his fan intently. "So," he said to him. "What'd you get?"

Happi-Chan smiled and greeted her two live in students. She picked out a fan with a Geisha girl painted on it. "I like this one."

Kodachi was delighted finally Ranma-Sama had made an appearance. She was next to him almost instantly. "Hello Ranma-Sama, welcome to my little party. I'm so happy you came!" She was talking in a happy but slightly fast voice. She kissed Ranma on the cheek and took one of the fans. "your present is under the tree." She grinned as she leaned over to whisper in his ear. "I wouldn't mind if you unwrapped me as a present."

She opened her fan as she whispered to Ranma. Of course her fan had a Black Rose on it.

Suddenly, Kuno appeared from seemingly nowhere.

"Akane Tendo!" he yelled in his usual manner. "You have at long last arrived! Surely to gaze affectionately at mine noble bearings," he babbled on as he reached for a fan and got the one with the frog on it. "Ah, such young innocence, to gift me with such a sublime fan indeed. Lucky is the dandelion that knows the sun will set. Akane Tendo! I will allow you to date me!"

Fujiko walked over and perused the fans. She finally saw one with a blue haired girl in Chinese clothing. Fujiko grinned an evil grin, picked up the fan and thanked Akane for the thoughtful gift. "Hey, Silk!" Fujiko shouted to get her attention. The redhead the waved the fan so she could see. "Does this bring back any memories for ya?"

"'Don't you wish you had the guts?'" Silk smiled and winked at Fujiko.

Ryuu opened his fan out so Keisuke could get a good look at the design. "Its a design symbolizing the future." Despite the cool design, Ryuu couldn't help but frown. A quick look around told him that everyone who got a fan seemed to get one that had a design that they enjoyed. It couldn't be a good thing if everyone got something they liked right? It was a Christmas party! Half of Christmas was exchanging your gift to get something you REALLY wanted...

Perfume and Konatsu walked up to Akane and her fans. Konatsu didn't have much of a choice considering Perfume was still holding his hand. She placed her gifts under the tree and chose a fan with a depiction of Tokyo with a sunset behind it.

"These Fans are very nice, Akane-Chan." That's when she noticed Kuno glomped onto Akane. "Hey You there! Let go of Akane!"

Silk shook her head at Kunou's antics. "Tatewaki, it's impolite to glomp only one of your guests, so unless you want to glomp everyone in turn, and suffer the consequences, I suggest you let her go." Silk suggested as she looked at what remained of the fan selection. There was one with a red and black coral snake weaving in and out of a background of autumn leaves. She picked it up and tested the balance, spinning it and making it dance over her fingers, tossing it into the air a few times and catching it behind her back. "Very Nice, Akane." she grinned as she continued her 'play'. Fans were Silks' favored weapon, and this was a nice one.

Ukyou eyed the little show Silk put on. Contemplating if Ryouga had gotten out of the bathroom yet or if she should try and rescue Akane from Kuno, she reached the decision that Akane was more than capable to beat up Kuno.

It was at that point that Kuno fell, poleaxed by a blow to the head courtesy of Ryouga. Ryouga stood there, mildly annoyed wearing a dark green tunic and Black trousers Seeing Ukyou's slightly surprised look he explained. "They're from one of my hidden stashes of spare clothes." Smiling at Akane he picked up one of the offered fans and opened it. The picture was one of some sort of traveler armed with a sword. Ryouga smiled as he looked at it. "Not bad, Not bad at all."

At first, Ukyou began thinking why on earth Ryouga would have a stash of clothes in the Kunou manor, but then exiled that thought out of her head. Reasoning with Ryouga's direction sense was useless. So she just nodded at the Lost Boy and nudged Tatewaki with her left foot. "He never learns, does he?" she mumbled.


Alex, from his seat at the piano almost reached into the box to grab a fan telekinetically, but stopped short when he sensed something...odd about the fans. He looked over at the box, and saw some odd aura of power around it. "Umm, Happi? I think you should take a look at those fans everyone has."


Ryouga smiled back at Ukyou before picking Tatewaki up, still smiling he stood the 'blue blunder' up against a wall. Surprisingly he was as stiff as a board. "Ahhhh... maybe I hit him a bit too hard."

"Umm, yeah, kinda, maybe," Ukyou said, her legs for some reason a bit weaker than usual. She guessed Ryouga's smile had done that. "He deserved it," she added in a whisper.

"Arigatou Ryouga-Chan, Silk-Chan," Akane thanked for helping her out of the "death" grasp of Tatewaki. "But I'm in the Christmas spirit... so I'll forgive him." Leaning over the unconscious Kendoist a smile crossed her face when she saw him slowly open his eyes. "I think I'll pass on the date," he heard a kind voice say as his vision cleared, revealing the object of his obsession. Quickly reaching out to grab her once again, the silk material of Akane's dress allowed her to easily leap out of his reach.

"No, STOP THAT!" she screamed hiding behind her fanged friend, she held up the metal fan of Tatewaki and waved it around. "I just wanted to give this back to you!"

Happi-Chan took a look at her fan, then cast a short spell. Her fan began glowing red. "They have some minor enchantments on them, but appear to be harmless. I wouldn't worry about them Alex, my boy."

"Ah, such a gift from such a fair maiden!" Kuno declared as he grabbed the fan again. "I shall treasure this gift forever, my healthy Akane Tendou, for unlike the fair Pigtailed Girl, you are always close at hand." After this doubtful compliment, Tatewaki opened the fan, admiring the frog on it.

Fujiko pocketed her fan with the blue haired lady and thanked Akane. The redheaded artist turned towards Kodachi. "Are we now all exchanging gifts or do you have some other festivities planned?"

Alex looked again at the fan, as if deciding. Messing with unidentified magical items was ALWAYS trouble, in his experience. But since Happi had concluded that the fans were harmless, he picked one up, and looked over the dragon design on the fan. "This is pretty cool." He then reached for his own bag of gifts and started handing out the rest of the presents: A set of Oak bokken for Kunou, some rare healing herbs from around the world (and several other worlds as well) for Silk, a case of waterproof soap for Ryouga and one for Ranma, new ninja uniforms for Konatsu, a cookbook for Akane, and various other items for the other people there.

Kodachi thought exchanging presents was a grand idea. " I have other activities planned, Alex-Chan, but who ever said you had to exchange gifts at the end of the party? We're here to have fun right?"

She had Sasuke gather her presents from under the tree, she had something for everyone. For Alex she had a tailored Armani suit (you don't want to know how she got his measurements) For Ranma she had a gold chain with a wild horse charm on it, the card in the box had instructions for getting into her bedroom window. She had swords made by Angelsword for all of the amazons, Keisuke and her dear Brother. Each sword was made for their fighting styles, and every one was unique. She had also gotten Akane a cook book, She had a new mega spatula for Ukyou, A GPS (Global positioning system) for Ryouga, some dual purpose Ninja weapons for Konatsu.

Kodachi seemed to be enjoying the looks on everyone's faces as they opened her gifts.

Before Perfume could open any of her presents she had brought out the ones she bought for every one else. She had found these little wooden statues at a craft mall and had bought them all. Each statue was about six inches tall. She had chosen a statue that seemed to match everyone's personality or Jusenkyou curse.

A griffin for Alex, a cat for Rinse, and owl for silk, and so on. She had bought one for everyone. She had that and something special for Konatsu.

She handed him his Christmas present, a box just big enough for an outfit. "I think you'll like this one Konatsu Chan." Inside the box was a woman's naval uniform.

Konatsu accepted the gifts offered to him before pulling out his gifts from somewhere inside his dress. They were simple knitted scarves that he himself had made.

Opening Perfumes gift, his eyes widened as he saw the uniform inside. "I-i-it is just-" he started, but felt the tears welling up in his eyes, so he shut up instead and simply hugged Perfume. "Thank you," he whispered in her ear.

Perfume was surprised to say the least. She hadn't expected Konatsu to react like this. She wrapped her arms about him gently, and stroked his hair. She had a very puzzled look on her face.

Ryouga looked at everyone, and panicked, he didn't have any real presents for them since he didn't know about this party (what with him being lost and all). Perhaps... He glanced at his backpack. There was something he could give them. Standing up he opened his backpack and took out a small folder full of various pieces of paper.

"Well, I uh... didn't really have time to get anything... but... well... I do have these to give you." He said nervously opening the folder. Inside were various sketches and a few paintings of the Nerima crew.

"I did most of them whilst traveling. It gave me something to do, take any ones you want." He said as almost everyone picked out pictures of themselves.

Only two people hadn't got any pictures, Akane and Ukyou. Blushing slightly Ryouga pulled out a second folder and opened it, revealing it to be full of pictures of both Akane and Ukyou, the ones of Akane looking slightly older than most of the pictures of Ukyou.

Silk smiled as she wrapped her green and blue scarf around her neck, finding an excellent sketch of the entire Curses and Cures crew, Perfume, Scarf, Keisuke and herself standing in a group. "Thank you Ryouga. these are really good." She then pulled out her own gifts. A small ceramic turtle for Ryouga, "Your home in on your back, just like his is." A deck of hand painted bridge cards for Kodachi, a new pair of Hakama pants for Kunou, a magic forged knife for Perfume, a set of hair clips for Konatsu, a pair of wrist weights for Akane, a new red silk shirt for Ranma, and a Basho Print for Fujiko. She handed Alex a framed poem about flying. "because you love to fly." And for Ukyou she brandished a new bandoleer and the mini spatulas she usually wore, but these were more polished, bright burnished steel. "Formal gear." She dug into the bottom of her bag, "Where's Keisuke?" She looked but hadn't seen him for several minutes.

Keisuke looked up from the very pretty sword Kodachi had just given him. "Wow, this is very pretty. Huh? Oh, sorry Silk-Chan, I was just admiring this really cool sword Kodachi gave me." He flashed her a warm smile. "But I'm still here."

Silk smiled as she pulled the last item from her bag. "Here." it was a cheery wood sword sheath with stylized mountains etched down one side. it was a simply gorgeous piece of work. "Once you wear it long enough, it will always be with you." Silk explained, "After a while all you'll have to do to draw your sword from it is to think of it, even if you're not wearing the sheath, they'll both appear when you need them. A very useful tool for a sword fighter."

Keisuke grinned at Silk. "Thank you. This is the best gift I've gotten tonight. I really appreciate it." He reached to pull something out of his own bag. "Here you go." he said, giving her an extremely beautiful silk wrap embroidered with all kinds of different Chinese historical pictures. "This is said to increase the wearer's life giving powers. Since you are a healer, I figure it would do you a lot of good. Not to mention it's very pretty, just like you." he said grinning, aware how cheesy that last addition might've sounded. He couldn't help it. It was Christmas.

Silk lifted an eyebrow, Keisuke's voice held no sarcasm. She would remember this as a red letter day for that alone. She fingered the wrap for a moment, admiring the craftsmanship before tying it on. "It fits." she smirked. "Thank you," she kissed him gently. "it's perfect."

Akane picked up the two massive cookbooks Kodachi and Alex gave her. "Guess people are trying to tell me something, eh?" She thought to herself while small smirk crossed her face showing that she was slightly embarrassed. "Oh well, I can work on that later." For now her attention was fixated upon the red weights that tightly clung to wrists as she tried them on. They were heavy enough to provide resistance yet light enough for her to pull off quick jabs and punches. "Thanks Silk!," the brown eyed girl beamed.

Finally she noticed the thick folder of drawings that Ryouga drew of her. One in particular caught her cute smile during a fleeting moment of happiness. There was even a drawing of her and her former pet "P-Chan" sitting near the Koi pond outside of her house. "Ryouga was a good pig... and he's an even better friend!," her thoughts proclaimed as she gave the Lost Boy a hug and proceeded to walk towards the Christmas tree. "Maybe this party isn't as bad as I thought it would be. Even KODACHI is acting ok." (She had yet to see the note that was included in Ranma's gift.) Finally letting all her usual tension go, Akane sipped on some eggnog and watched the Christmas lights glitter and reflect off the colorful ornaments.

Kodachi was smiling brightly, She loved all the gift's she had received. This party was the best idea she could have had. Plus with all the socializing the other Kodachi couldn't get a foothold in her mind.

She called for the servants that she had hired for the party. "More Food, eggnog and Sake!" She ran up to the stage she had built in the party hall. Giving a few soft commands the band came up on stage.

Everyone recognized the band as Aerosmith.

Alex raised an eyebrow at this, and gave Kodachi a thumbs-up. "Not bad. Not bad at all." He got up from his spot at the piano and found himself some empty wall space to lean against.

Silk's eyes widened when she recognized the group. The Kunou's really do have money to spare, she thought. But that thought went out of her head quickly: the song they were playing was good for dancing. She walked onto the dance floor started dancing, hands and feet moving quickly through the motions of a traditional Chinese dance, at about twice the normal speed. It was much more fun that way.

Kodachi smiled and walked over to where Alex was leaning against the wall. "I'm sorry about earlier Alex. " She smiled sweetly at him. "would you like to dance?"

Alex looked up, and replied, "Sure. I'd love too." --It's not like I have anything else better to do,-- he thought to himself as he let Kodachi lead him to the dance floor.

Keisuke was still enamored by Silk's kiss. "Guess she liked it." he said, grinning like an idiot. He looked up and noticed a band was playing...Aerosmith. "Aerosmith??" Keisuke was surprised by this. "Wow!" He walked up to the stage, trying to get Steven Tyler's attention. "Hey, psst. C'mere." The bands lead singer walked over to him and Keisuke whispered something into his ear. Tyler grinned, nodding his head. "Attention guests," he spoke in to the microphone. "But this next song will be sang by none other than Nerima's finest vocalist, Keisuke Yamada!!" Keisuke grinned and flashed Silk a wink, who was staring at him in amazement. "I'd like to dedicate this next song to a very special woman. Without her, I wouldn't be this happy right now. This is for you, Kodachi Kunou." he said, beginning the song 'Crazy.'

Kodachi leaned closer to Alex as they danced. She was as happy as she had been in a long long time. This night was perfect, the best party she had ever been to. She couldn't help but smile when Keisuke dedicated a song to her.

Ryouga of course hadn't heard a word since his mind was currently trying to sort something out after being nearly short-circuited by Akane's hug.

'I like Akane' mentioned one part of his mind, ' I like Ukyou more' mentioned another. After a few moments (and after everyone had noticed the smoke coming from his ears as he thought long and had) he suddenly spun around, walked up to Ukyou and asked. "You want to dance?" he failed to notice - of course - the shocked stare sent his way from Ranma.

When she recovered from her initial shock, Ukyou smiled up at Ryouga. "Yeah... Yes I do," she replied and took the lost boys offered hand as they walked out onto the dance floor. Even though Ryouga had been heading the wrong way at first.

Perfume walked right up to Konatsu, her confidence was a lot better than it once was. "Konatsu-Chan, would you like to dance?"

Happi Chan sat down in one of the many comfortable chairs in the Kunou Manor. She smiled and watched the kids having a good time. She was remembering other Christmas parties long ago, most of those party goers were dead and gone now. For the moment they lived on in the heart and memory of their old (and Long Lived) friend.

Alex continued to dance with Kodachi, and his mood lightened a little. --I guess this wasn't a total loss.-- As the song ended, the gifts Alex had received floated unnoticed out the window, into his window next door. Then Silk and Keisuke twirled past him, reminding him why he'd been feeling down in the first place. He excused himself to go to the window next to Happi, and looked out at the sky.

Fujiko just walked out to the dance floor and started to dance by herself. She briefly looked at the other couples, not out of jealousy, and shrugged her shoulder. "Guys, you don't slow dance to Aerosmith." She thought to herself. "It's just not done."

Tatewaki observed his twisted sister dancing with Alex. The wheels in his head spun slowly and finally reached a decent thought. Okay, so it wasn't all that decent. But it was a thought. "Akane Tendo!" he exclaimed. "The answer to your question is Yes, I shall allow you to dance with me!"

From across the room Kodachi facefaulted. Her dear brother was deluded beyond what could be humanly possible. "And they call me crazy." She whispered to herself.

Silk just laughed at Fujiko's comment, "I've never been very good at conforming, sorry."

Alex looked at Kuno, and merely shook his head. "He's a few cards short." He then looked back out the window, and pondered his next move. He looked over at Silk. --Well, she seems happier now than she used to be. Perhaps it's for the best.-- He decided to go to the roof, to get some air and think. He vanished as silently as the ninja he was, only Happi noticing his absence.

Silk did notice, simply because Alex wasn't in the habit of shielding his thoughts from her, so she caught the thought that went in her direction. --It will be, for all of us.-- She sent back, not checking to see if he received the message. Right now she was enjoying dancing with Keisuke, toying with the idea of kissing him when the song was over. Just to see how he'd react.

Happi watched Alex depart, she was just coming back to reality from her memories. She couldn't hear the thoughts but could feel the mood. She and Alex did not always see eye to eye, but it was never fun getting dumped. Happosai was the expert on being dumped.

She knew that Alex couldn't hear her but she spoke to him anyway. "It's true what they say Alex, my boy, You never realize what you had until it's gone."

Sometime later, Fujiko had given her gifts. For the most part, she had given gift certificates to shop at various places. There were some exceptions, though. For Perfume, there was some books and a huge sampler of modeling clay. Silk received some scandalous red lingerie as a gag gift, but a pendant in the shape of a cat's paw as the real one. The hosts of the party got paintings, to be delivered later. Fujiko took a photograph of the whole cast and promised to make that one of the paintings. Both of the Kunos could decide who (or what) they wanted in their individual paintings.

Fujiko also said that if anyone else wanted an individual painting, she'd be happy to talk with them. She made sure to thank Kodachi for the party once more.

The Idyllic night continued on for a little while longer. There was music and dancing and food, but no more chaos. Had it not been for the rising temperature outside, it might have actually been the ideal Christmas party.

As the night wound down and the guests began to leave. Kodachi was at the front door, saying goodnight to everyone. For the first time ever, she felt as though she had friends.

A smile played across her lips as he guests departed. Kodachi wiped away one happy tear.