Texas Tournament: Round 3

Texas Tournament
Round three

Silk Vs Ranma
Will the true heir please stand up?

Silk walked quickly to the point she had decided to start the match from. A good fifteen feet from her opponent. She looked over at the boy she had replaced. Such a small title she had relieved him of, but a lot went with the title. Heir to Any Goes martial arts, founding school. He had been, now she was. Choice of the current master. She'd prove that she deserved it, too. She had a plan that exemplified the style's motto. She was wearing a tank top and a pair of shorts. Definitely not standard martial arts gear. That was not her plan.

"The truth will set you free. But first, it's going to piss you off." she smiled at Ranma.

Ranma smiled back at Silk. "Lets make things a bit more fair." Ranma said with a smirk, "Can't give the advantage over to me at the start now can we?" He pulled a bucket full of cold water out from behind his back and emptied it over his head. Ranma shook her head and grinned. "There," She said as she warmed up, "Now I don't have the advantage."

"You didn't have the advantage in your other form either." Silk tilted her head to one side.

The referee lifted the start gun from his place at the sidelines. he had to intention of getting between these two... he'd seen what they'd done to their previous opponents and wanted nothing to do with that sort of destruction.

Akane, who was watching from the sides, was secretly rooting for Ranma to win but she made no noise or yells for either competitor. "Big talk," she thought as the two took their fighting stances, "but can they back it up."

*Boom* the match began.

Silk immediately faded from sight.

Alex started a stopwatch as soon as the gun went off, waiting to see just how long this fight would last. "Poor fool. I hope this teaches him not to hold back against someone just because of gender."

Ranma stared at the spot Silk stood before she vanished. "Coward." she muttered under her breath before mimicking Silk and faded into Nullspace after her. "Heir or not, this is my school and I won't let anyone take that from me." she whispered, mostly to herself. "Especially not some outcast voodoo Amazon." She added on a more humorous note, hoping to stir Silk.

Silk growled when Ranma disappeared also, but then smiled. Ryuu might not have been the most gracious opponent, but he had been kind enough to explain his attack when she asked... after she pointed out she wanted to use it to humiliate Ranma. it was amazing what people would do to humiliate that boy-girl. She'd even thought of a way to improve it's range. she hadn't thought she'd need it so soon. she hoped it worked.

Fading back into regular space, she recalled what Ryuu had told her. She didn't remember the words he had used for his vacuum pull attack, so she improvised. "Come out come out, where ever you are!" She swung her arms in the vacuum pulling motion, but used her chi to increase her speed and the amount of air that got pulled in. Such an attack had ripped her clean out of Nullspace earlier that day, and it should do the same for Ranma if she was within range.

Ranma felt a sudden tugging sensation at him. "She's pulling me out...? How?" Before he could come up with any reasonable explanation, he improvised and used the sudden burst of speed to catapult out of Nullspace and leave a nice red shoeprint on Silk's face before pushing off and landing on her feet. "Hmm, nice move." she said, smiling at Silk.

Silk wiped the dust from her eyes with one hand and used the pulling technique again. This time she didn't let her get a foot in between them. She used the technique she'd pirated from Shampoo, the Amazonian Glomp. She used the un-dodgeable rush to glomp the bosomy cursed form and started draining chi for all she was worth. (which is quite a bit). All the skin contact between the two only helped her pull the vital energy from her target faster, as she had intended. "Amazon voodoo my foot. I learned this before I ever met the Amazons." She pulled more and more or Ranma's chi out of her body. She didn't store it... there was to much for her to hold. So she sent it in a nice clean stream towards Alex. Maybe he'd appreciate it.

Alex felt the influx of energy, and decided to put it to good use, channeling it into his still untreated injuries from his 'training' with John and Felicia. "Thanks!"

Ranma let out a sharp "Yipe!" as Silk glomped her. This was something he'd expect from Happosai, but Silk? "I knew all ya Amazons were weirdoes!" she shouted before kicking Silk out from under her feet and juggling her in midair with the chestnut fist.

Silk was irritated that Ranma seemed to ignore what she had done. No matter. he'd feel it in a moment. Silk waited for another punch to come in and grinned. "Earthbind Revised: Tenacity!" Her formed her chi into a metaphysical tar baby. Ranma buried both his fists into the sticky wall of chi surrounding Silk, and the healer took up where she left off, pulling Ranma's energy out of him and sending it into herself or to Alex. "Anti-heal." she whispered to her opponent. "ANYTHING goes ultimate technique." She used Ranma's power to make the tar baby work. Ranma felt his energy level dropping very rapidly. It wouldn't take long for him to loose consciousness at the rate Silk was pulling.

"Yasha Tan Kai Hö!" she muttered as her energy level started to fall. She grinned as she felt the Demon deep sea wrap steal all power of the Silk's attack. She grinned further as the energy filled her, replacing the much needed chi lost before. "Chestnut fist revised!" she shouted as she attained the 'Soul of Ice', "Chestnuts Freezing Over an Open Fire!!" she used the freezing cold of the Soul of Ice to freeze the water molecules around her fists. Ranma smirked as below zero temp. hits nailed Silk, before the friction of the attack melted the ice.

Silk growled as she blocked most of the incoming fists. "Tenacity." she caught his/her fists again, "Anti-heal!!!" she simultaneously drained him of all the chi she could grab, and inflicted all the types of injury she could. Mostly internal injuries. She dropped Ranma's body on the ground, trying to avoid the spit up blood. "You're finished." she slammed her foot into his head, watching as her eyes rolled up into the back of her head.

"Damn, that looks kinda...painful." Alex said as he stopped his stopwatch. "45 seconds. Somehow, I feel like I got cheated here on viewing time. Can I get a refund?" he asked Silk.

"Nani?" Akane asked as she cringed from the sight of blood on the ground. She felt sorry for his mangled bruised form and yearned to go out and tend to his wounds, but she decided against it and instead urged her fiancée to continue fighting. "It's over?! No it can't be! Ranma you just got to get up! All that bragging you do and now you can't prove it. Jeez! C'mon Ranma get up!"

Alex went over to check Ranma, and he was out cold. "Sorry Akane, but it looks like your boyfriend is out for the count." Alex picked up Ranma-chan, and said, "Anything else before I drop him off at the bunkhouse?"

"This ain't pay per view, ya know." Silk growled. "Here, let me patch him up. I really messed him up with the last one." Silk put her hand on Ranma-Chan's shoulders and undid what she'd just done... well.. most of it. she sealed the internal ripping she'd done, and the cracked ribs, twisted spinal disks, and multiple muscle strains. She restored enough of his chi to allow him to heal like a normal person, but not at the inhuman speeds he was no doubt accustomed to. And He/She was going to be very SORE for a long time. Silk looked at Akane, "He's going to be a bit confused when he wakes up. Could you explain what happened to him? I healed him of most of his wounds, but he's not going to be able to do anything strenuous for at least a day after he wakes up. if he does... well... that won't be very healthy."

Alex shrugged as he lifted Ranma via telekinesis. He looked down at Ranma, and said, "Poor fool. Should have never let her get that close to you." Alex gave Ranma a brief look that seemed to say, 'This would have never happened to me,' be fore continuing. "Oh well, better luck next time." Alex then started floating her off to the bunkhouse.

Akane gave a faint "Congrats" to Silk and turned around to follow Alex and her fallen fiancée into the big house.

Silk watched as the trio followed by the judge walked towards the house. She'd executed her plan and it had worked, but a larger, much more troubling thought occurred to her as she watched the sun set over the ranch house. Now she had to fight Happosai. "Oh shi-"

Result: Win for Silk


Happosai VS Mimiku

Happosai was sitting high in the branch of a tree near the fishing pond. He had eaten lightly at Dinner, knowing that he would be fighting shortly.

He smiled to himself, this fight would be easy. He wouldn't play with Mimiku like he had with Keisuke.

Quite irately, Mimiku eyed the old man. He wasn't in a good mood after being woken up in the middle of a good dream, not to mention having to fight right after dinner. He would have to make this fight quick...that meant pulling out all the stops. He hadn't yet shown the results of his little training trip with Ryouga, and this would probably be his chance, considering how strong Happi was.

Happi grinned evilly, he would end this match in moments. "Are you ready to lose, boy?" Happi quipped as he tossed Mimiku a VERY short fused Happo daikarin

Mimiku did his cloak Furl, undraping the cloak that lay about him. The Happo daikarin detonated at the hovering cloak, but Mimiku was gone. His Cloak Furl was similar to Happi's "Now You See Me, Now You Don't" technique.

While in transition, Mimiku completed the costume he had under his cloak by changing his face and hair. A highly girlish voice called to Happi from the edge of the pond. "Is that all Happi-Sama? *giggle* Try again!"

Standing next to the pond was a gorgeous-looking girl garbed in a bunny suit. She winked at Happosai.

Somewhere deep down inside his mind Happosai knew that this was a trick. No pretty woman EVER acted this way toward him without an ulterior motive. It was a trick and he knew it. But it was also a very good trick, Happosai moved for the glomp.

The girl waited until Happi was well within range when her knee rose to meet Happi's face, leg extending afterwards to punt the old pervert away from her and the pond. She finished it all by leaping back and landing within the waters of the pond, sinking downwards. Most of the clothes she had been wearing floated to the surface.

Happi landed back on the ground, not the least bit surprised by what had happened. Of course that's how it always happened. Like a fool he fell for it.

Of course that line of thought he had gained from Lin Ran. She wasn't quite as foolish as he was.

Happi made his way to the pond, noticing the clothes floating there and remembering who he was fighting, he realized he had been had big time. Happi stepped into the cold water triggering the change and then stepping back.

"A good lighting bolt will get you out of that water!"

That's when Happi realized that there wasn't any water there. It all seemed to disappear all in a whoosh, seeping towards a central point as Happi was recovering from the punting.

Standing within the center was a singular figure, definitely male. He stood approximately six feet tall, dark sea-blue hair flowing shoulder length. The well-muscled figure was wearing only a pair of briefs, standing at the center of the pit where the pond used to be.

He resembled Mimiku greatly, but this man was well, a man. He had his hands held out before him, a swirling sphere of dark blue floating between them. The man leaped up and out of the pit, opposite to Happi. He smiled.

Happi chan grinned. She didn't know exactly what Mimiku did, but she knew how to beat him. The boy was using water as a weapon. Water was easy enough to counter. The fight was hers already.

"FREEZE ARROW!" She began firing magical bolts at Mimiku to nail him with the freezing cold ice.

Mimiku did a rising leap similar to his Rising Star attack save that instead of launching flash bombs, he launched the orb at Happi-Chan. "O-okii Tama Supeshyaru!" His evasive move had saved him from being struck by the barrage of freezing arrows, the O-okii Tama flying at Happi.

Happi saw the attack coming and disconnected from reality. She faded into Nullspace and reappeared behind Mimiku, giving him a good swift kick in the pants. then faded out again.

Mimiku snarled angrily. That hurt! Well, two could play at that game. He used the Exit Stage Down technique, similar to the Cloak Furl save without the cloak. The move could be done in any direction, but he happened to be falling downwards at the moment from his leap, so....

The O-okii Tama Supeshyaru detonated where Happi-chan had been. A loud eruption ensued as an explosion of the water and chi flowed outwards, covering a diameter equal to that of the pond and then some.

Happi reappeared from Nullspace. She noticed the strange absence of Mimiku. "The boy has his own fading technique, eh? I have a spell for that!""ASTRAL CHAINS!"

Spiritual chains leap from Happi's hands and yank Mimiku from his hiding space.

"Ready to finish this, boy?"

The funny thing about chains is that they have two ends. "Not just yet!" He snared at the spiritual chains, grasping them tightly and swinging as he found purchase on the ground. He twirled the girl in the air relentlessly, preparing for a coup de gra.

Happi simply dropped her spell and let the chains fade away. Just as the centrifugal force began to make her fly away she smiled and cast flight on herself.

As soon as the chains were gone, Mimiku rose with a powerful "Miso Orochino Tataku!" right at Happi's ascending figure. Spinning about in midair she used her magic to fly at Mimiku slamming him with the force of a gunshot.

The collision resulted in an immense eruption as the two met. A large cloud of steam rose and surrounded the collides. Of a sudden, one of them fell out of the mists. It was Mimiku.

Mimiku hit the ground hard, a loud crack resounding. He had been hit hard in the chest by Happi's super-fast attack. Slowly, he climbed to his feet. Blood trickled out of the side of his mouth.

The explosion knocked Happi back she managed to reduce the damage by reversing her fly spell to cause her to land softly. The explosion still took a lot out of her.. she was going to have to fight a little dirtier.

The dragon slave was right out, she didn't want to kill Mimiku, and certainly did not want to deal with Kodachi if she did kill him.

She knew exactly what to do.


The semi-burly man grasped his head as a wave of distortion fell over him. He felt numb and disoriented. He wobbled from side to side, trying to clear his head and gain a second wind.

Happi attacked Mimiku with a flurry of high speed punches. Not as fast as normal, she was still a little dizzy after feeling the effects of her and Mimiku's attacks.

Combined with the Stun spell Happi was able to get the upper hand. She was on Mimiku like white on Rice in a snowstorm.

Within moments The Grand Master of the Anything Goes school stood triumphant over the unconscious body of his opposition.

Result: Win for Happosai


Jackie Chan VS Perfume

Jackie Chan sat on a fence post on the outskirts of the Ranch. He was dressed in cowboy clothing, complete with a 10 gallon hat. He was always adapting to his environment.

He smiled to himself. He would enjoy fighting with that beautiful Amazon girl.

Perfume smiled at Jackie from where she entered their little battlefield. She rather liked Jackie but she didn't expect him to hold back the way Ukyou had. Then again neither would Perfume be holding back.

She had come to the fight unarmed, she knew Jackie's perchance for turning an opponent's weapon against them.

"Prepare yourself Jackie-San, are you ready?"

"okay let's have a little fun." Jackie smiled as he decided to go on the offensive with a complicated series of punches.

Perfume blocked punch after punch. Jackie was almost as fast as she was. He already had her on the defensive. Perfume had to do something to change what was happening.

She ducked low and slid between Jackie's legs. Grabbing both legs as she went by. Before the superstar could react Perfume threw him high and to the left.

Jackie yelped in surprise as he suddenly found himself flying for a moment. he turned about as he hit the ground and charged back at Perfume, not skipping a beat.

He leaped at her with a flying Kick.

Perfume dodged out of the way of the flying actor. That was pretty easy, maybe he wasn't as tough as everyone says. She turned back around and realized that the attack was a ruse.

Jackie had rebounded off of the fence and she caught his kick right on the side of the head.

Perfume rolled to the side and got back to her feet, holding the side of her head. That really hurt.

She wasn't going to be beaten.. Perfume charged at Jackie. She rained a full barrage of Amigurikan punches on the superstar.

Jackie put up a furious defense against Perfume's attacks. A few punches got through put Jackie was just as tough as rumor had it. A few punches were nothing compared to what he went through in some of his movies.

As his hands were busy blocking punches his left leg performed a close range foot sweep knocking Perfume off of her feet.

Just as Perfume started falling she grabbed Jackie's shirt, pulling him down with her. It looked like she was going to have to grapple with him.

Jackie wasn't going to have any part of this. As he began to get pulled down, he rolled to the right out of Perfume's grasp. he came back on his feet leaving the pink haired amazon wondering what had happened.

He smiled as he grabbed her in an arm lock and pulled her to her feet. "Say Uncle!"

There was no way Perfume was going to give up. Even worse there was no way a man was going to treat her like that. She kicked back, placing a good kick on the top of Jackie's knee, he let go of her when the pain hit him.

Perfume spun around and performed an open handed blow on Jackie's face. She stepped in to rain more and more punches on the Hong Kong superstar.

Jackie put up a valiant defense. He was unprepared for the speed That Perfume moved with. She would make a great costar on one of his movies.

Perfume altered her attack into a full fledged 'Whirling Dervish' Without the Naginata. Jackie was defeated by the lightening fast speed.

Perfume stood panting over the beaten body of the superstar. "Looks like we both lost, I ain't fighting Silk or the old pervert."

Result: Win for Perfume