The Texas Tournament: Round 2

Texas Tournament Round 2

Silk VS Ryuu

Silk and Ryuu stood across from each other in the middle of the field. neither one was particularly looking forward to this fight. Ryuu didn't like beating up girls, and Silk didn't like going all out on poor unsuspecting fools.

Silk waited patiently for Ryuu to do something. She'd seen him fight before, and had a plan of attack ready for him. She grinned, "Come and get it, Ryuu-chan." she teased.

Ryuu shook his head at her confident attitude. She obviously didn't know what she was dealing with. Ryuu cracked his neck and smiled. "Fine Silk. Whatever you say." With that he charged with a swift kick to Silk's abdomen.

Which would have put her in a world of hurt had it has connected. Silk simply sidestepped and spun, planting her heel in his solar plexus and using the momentum to backhandspring out of range. Cutting right to the chase, she shot a fairly low level chi blast at him, just wanting to provoke a response. "So considerate, to warn me like that." She grinned.

Ryuu grunted and dodged the chi blast by turning slightly to the right. "I'm just that kinda guy." he said with a smirk. He shook his head. So it was going to be THAT kind of fight. He could live with that. "Kijin Raishu Dan!" he shouted, sending a bunch of vacuum blades over in Silk's direction. One to each side of her another over her and one down the middle.

Just what Silk was waiting for. She waved flippantly, "Bye!" and disappeared. She smiled to herself as she phased into Null Space. "Thank you, Happi, for that." she felt the vacuum blades pass through where she would have been if she'd been in Reality and shuddered. She moved forward and up. It wasn't really walking or running in Nullspace. You willed yourself where you wanted to go. She floated upwards, dropping back into real space over Ryuu's head, throwing a Dragon Wings at him. The enveloping chi blast took him from both sides, like two hemispheres crashing together around his body. She used his should as a landing pad and hopped away.

Ryuu shook his head to clear it of smoke and held onto a slightly charred side. So he had to use the big guns eh? He didn't like people knowing that he knew these techniques...but he hated losing more. "So you like to disappear do ya?" he said quietly. "How do you like it when the tables are turned? Goshin Dai Ryü!" Ryuu quickly wrapped himself in a large piece of cloth and vanished before Silk's eyes.

Silk blinked at this, fading into Nullspace on reflex. She looked around in the altered plane. Ryuu wasn't here. She didn't know how his technique worked, but it wasn't the same as hers. She blinked back into reality after considering her options for a moment. She was not above borrowing when necessary. She quickly reviewed some of the more traumatic events of her life; her parent's death at the hands of a monster, the demon lords and blood magic in Hong Kong, the recent death of one of the patients at the hospital. She frowned as she felt the sadness and remembered terror of those events flooding her mind. the feeling of helplessness and the anger at that feeling. She was ready. "SHI SHI HOUKOUDAN!" the explosion was impressive, flooding the whole area with energy.

Ryuu chuckled silently as he slipped behind Silk. He didn't like to fight girls, but that didn't stop him from making them angry enough to make mistakes. If they got hurt from their own attacks, then it wasn't his fault. He goosed Silk good.

That was when he noticed what she was shouting. "Uh oh." he thought as he saw the blast come down like the finger of God. He dropped low quickly. Below Silk's head level. The goosed and slightly irritated Silk had only a few seconds of notice before her own attack hit her in the head.

Silk felt Ryuu's hands moments before the blast hit, and it brought her back to herself. Her eyes narrowed. She'd get him back for that, but at the moment... She faded into null space before the blast landed, allowing Ryuu to enjoy its full effects by himself.

"Damn evil girl..." Ryuu grumbled as he held onto his charred head. "I'm starting to get annoyed with her." He'd get her back for that. "SHINKU NAMI!" he shouted as he thrust his hands out and around him. The resulting vacuum pulled Silk out of Nullspace and into Ryuu's waiting arms. Ryuu smirked at Silk's startled face. "Sorry." he said as he backhanded her hard, sending her flying towards one of the few trees dotting the area.

Silk was more then a little startled to find herself ripped out of Nullspace, which she had considered a fairly safe refuge. She rolled with the punch and bounced back to her feet, letting fly with a summoned wok while she regrouped and considered a moment. She decided to follow the wok with a Wolf's howl. Sonic chi blast. Set on high power. It created a nice shock wave and sonic boom. and from this range, all of six feet, it wasn't gonna miss.

Ryuu smirked. This looked just like the fight he had with Andy. Since it worked so well last time he might as well do it here. "Kijin Raishu Dan!!!" he shouted as he whipped his arms in a frenzy. The result. A vacuum blade slicing toward Silk, capable of cutting through steel. The vacuum blade sliced through the wok, sending both pieces harmlessly to the side, as though it were butter and plowed through the sonic chi blast, going right for Silk's chest.

Silk dropped like a proverbial rock, letting the blade fly over her head. "big guns." she muttered to herself. She held out her hand with a grim smile. A black steel sword with several strange designed etched in the blade appeared in it. She noticed Ryuu powering up another attack and rolled to the side. "Dragon wings." she muttered while concentrating on the channeling her energy through the sword. Another implosive chi sphere collapsed in around Ryuu. this one about twice as powerful as the first one she'd used. She followed it quickly with another.

"Mother of God!" Ryuu shouted in surprise. He never expected this to happen. No matter what it seemed as though he would get it. Time to use the umisen-ken's greatest attack. "Yasha Tan Kai Hö!" he said loudly, whipping out a cloth. The cloth whipped around the Dragon Wings and was absorbed. Ryuu then shot out a blast with the relative power of the last Dragon wings into the new one coming at him, canceling both out.

While Ryuu was busy countering her Implosions, Silk rolled towards him, turned a quick somersault that ended in a power handstand kicking him up into the air. As she flipped around, she slashed several times with the sword. Each forehand strike ripped a large rent in the cloth, each backhand brought the non sharpened edge against Ryuu's body. The look on her face was one of intense concentration, as she aimed the blows to strike along meridians and vital targets. She felt a few ribs give beneath the onslaught before they both landed. She brought her sword back up against a possible grappling attack. She did not want to get in a wrestling match with someone half again her weight.

Ryuu gripped his ribs. They hurt. A lot. This fight was getting to be pretty bad. He smiled as he saw that Silk was defenseless at the moment from the attack. "Kinshi Kinbakushö!" he shouted as he wrapped her arms and legs in a golden cord, preventing her from moving. "Geimon Tetsu Sen Shi!" Ryuu smashed his fingers into Silk's abdomen, causing severe pain to run through her body.

Silk gasped as the hit landed. almost dropping her sword. Pain lanced through her chest and her eyes widened. She grabbed the pain, held onto it, focussed it. "Lark's Retribution, revision two: Defibrillators." It was a mere whisper in Ryuu's ear, but the result, a powerful electric shock that ran through the ropes and Ryuu's hand, loosened his grip long enough for her to fade into Nullspace. Once there she zoomed off. once she was far enough away (about 150 meters) she stopped and pulled herself together, willing the pain away.

"When," Ryuu gasped in pain, "Did she get THAT move?!" His head felt as though he had stuck his hand into a generator. But last time didn't hurt NEARLY as much as this did. He gripped his hand and started to flex it, to bring the feeling back as he stared around the area for Silk's presence. "Goshin Dai Ryü Sei Fu!" He pulled the cloth around him again and vanished. Now where the hell would she be?

Silk watched Ryuu vanish again, scanning the area for a chi signature. There was none. Just the fading after shadows of their earlier chi blasts. She scanned for thoughts and emotions. Her father had always said that fear and pain are weapons only to one's enemy. And they left such a nice visible emotion trail. She followed the track with her mind for perhaps three dozen meters before it became confused. She had a general location, but not anything specific.

Ryuu circled the area while invisible. Using the Shinkuu Nami technique, he did slight "casts" with it around the area, anything that was in Nullspace or the like would feel a slight tug, and he would know where she would be....Slowly he widened the circle so as to cover more ground, when he felt the technique tug on something large. Human size.

Silk felt something tug on her from outside, a similar feeling to when he'd pulled her out of Nullspace before. But it gave her a precise location for him. She realized now how his trick worked. It was similar to hers, and if she hit him just so, it would pop them both back into normal space. She grinned, --all or nothing-- she looped the cord into a certain type of knot and on the next tug followed the line in, reappearing above Ryuu's head with a ball of chi and his rope ready tied with a 'lasso knot' she'd seen some of the cowboys using the previous day. She dropped the ball into waiting arms and wrapped the rope around his wrists tugging it tight before landing behind him facing away. She yanked on the cord, bringing Ryuu hands upward over his head. Then she aimed side kick at the backs of his knees, bringing him down hard on his back. Before he could move, she had her sword at his throat. "Done."

Ryuu stared at the point of the sword aimed at his neck. This didn't look good. Ryuu glared at Silk and was about to roll away when she pushed the sword slightly deeper into his neck. "Uh..." he said with a grimace, "I give. You win."

Silk nodded. "I'm holding you to that." She released her sword and it disappeared. She bent down and placed her hands on his ribs, healing them. "I'm sorry about the ribs. I was a bit surprised at your versatility. I didn't know you also had the Umisen Ken techniques." She finished healing his ribs up and stood. "Back to the ranch?" She nodded in the proper direction. "I don't know about you, but I'm starved."

Result: Win For Silk ****************************************************

Ranma VS Ryouga

Ranma kicked the ground, planting his foot into the rough mountain ground. He was supposed to meet Ryouga atop this mountain overlooking the ranch. "Just like old times." he breathed in a good amount of the thin mountain air. "Okay, let's go." he said, facing Ryouga who stood across the mountain.

Ryouga dropped his backpack on the ground along with his umbrella. Grinning he mentally ran through the plan he had worked out earlier, his final resort was prepared and Ranma didn't stand a chance against that. "Bring it on Saotome!"

"You asked for it. Might as well start things off lightly, MOUKOU TAKABISHA!!" Ranma fired a huge roaring green chi blast at Ryouga.

Ryouga smirked. "I see you haven't learnt anything new have you!" he yelled a few moments before impact. When the dust cloud caused by the attack vanished Ryouga was standing there, unharmed but with a strained look on his face as he held his arms out forwards.

"That was harder than I expected..." He mumbled before smirking at Ranma. "One of my two new techniques! Like it? I call it my 'fire barrier'! ... hmmm... I'll have to see if Ukyou can lean this..."

"Feh," Ranma smirked, "That's it? This'll be a piece of cake." He studied the landscape, noting the few trees dotting the area, they'd make a good rebound should he need it. He reviewed the multitude of special techniques he had gathered from the multitude of fights he was in.

"I've got it!" he thought as he leaped over Ryouga's head. "Musabetsu Kakutö Saotome Ryü! Toshu Kökö Randa!" he shouted as his hands came down on Ryouga's back. "Haha..." Ranma chuckled till he noticed the move he was doing. It was the one he used on Rouge. It was a back massage not an attack! "Gah! Wrong one!" he shouted in dismay, he corrected this and switched to the Poison snake fist, "Haku Dato Shin Shö!"

"FIRE BARRIER REVISED! VOLCANIC BLAST ASH!" the faint barrier of energy that was surrounding Ryouga's body suddenly overheated and shot outwards from his body, scorching the ground as it went.

"Huh? WHOA!" Ranma lept into the air as Ryouga blasted his shield outward. Ranma got just high enough so that as soon as Ryouga's shield died away, Ranma landed a vicious kick into the back of Ryouga's head, driving him into the ground to eat a mouthful of dirt. "Ha!" Ranma said, still standing on Ryouga's submerged head. "So much for new techniques!"

Ryouga would have grinned if his face wasn't buried at the time. "MMMHPH! MHPMH!" He Mmph'ed a he quickly stabbed both fingers to the ground either side of him. The ground exploded on either side, filling the air with debris. Before Ranma could jump away Ryouga grabbed a hold of Ranma's ankle in order to make sure he would be hit by the debris.

Using the legendary speed of the Umisenken, Ranma did a full 360 degree turn on his heel, twisting Ryouga's wrist that was holding his ankle. "Try this!" he said, using the speed of the chestnut fist to snatch almost every piece of debris out of the air (save the few small ones that managed to hit him in the face) and throwing them all back at Ryouga, burying the rest of his body with rocks along with his still submerged head. With that, he did a back somersault and stretched both arms facing the buried Ryouga. "MOUKOU TAKABISHA DOUBLE!!"

Ryouga smiled from behind Ranma as the twin blast impacted on the pile of rocks. "Nice trick Ranma, but it would have worked better if I'd have actually been there." He smirked as Ranma spun around to face him. "HOW'D YOU DO THAT!?" Ryouga just smirked some more. "Ah, ancient technique, only good for moving me a few meters or so. its a form of combat-based teleportation, of course it doesn't work if you can see me clearly... Anyway, about that little burying stunt you pulled? I think I should pay you back for it." Finishing his sentence Ryouga pulled back his fist. "SHI SHI HOUKOUDAN!" hen yelled as he punched forwards, releasing a one-handed ki blast.

Ranma blinked. "I guess you have been training after all. But that doesn't mean you'll still ever be able to beat me!" Ranma used an Umisenken technique to appear behind Ryouga and kicked him into his own chi blast. Ranma watched as the chi blast enveloped Ryouga and carried him with all it's force smacking him into the mountain side with a nice sized chi explosion. "Feh, no disappearing act this time." he smirked.

"bets, placing bets now! is Ranma as dim as he seems!?" Ryouga stepped out from behind a rock. "That hurt, but you obviously didn't pay attention, if you can't see me properly I can use the technique, being knocked into my own blast hurt but I got out before final impact."

Ranma shrugged. "That puts me up, then." He appeared behind Ryouga and hit the back of his head with a hard punch. "But for now, screw the technicalities." He reappeared behind Ryouga, who had turned around to face the first attack and kicked him hard. "You never could beat me." He rebounded to the other side and kicked him back the other direction, playing with him like a ping pong ball. "And you never will." He met him back around and fired a chi blast straight at the incoming Ryouga.

Ryouga jumped over the chi blast and landed on Ranma's head, forcing him into the ground. "I've also been working on improving my toughness even more Ranma."

"Excellent." said Ranma, grabbing Ryouga's foot off of his head, swung him around and tossed him off the mountain side.

"AAAAHHHHHH!!!!" Ryouga screamed as he went hurtling off the side of the mountain. Now was the time. If he didn't use his plan now then he could end up at the bottom of the mountain or even worse... he could lose... Again! sticking his hand in a pocket Ryouga located the tiny cassette player and flicked the 'play' switch. instantly the words he had asked Ukyou to record were played back through the speakers in his ears.

"I HATE YOU!" the words rang in his ears like Akane's had done when he first used the perfect Shi shi houkoudan. there were other things, insults and more shouting but those three words were the killers.

"SHI SHI HOUKOUDAN!!!" He screamed, releasing the full blast of the attack downwards, the resulting force pushed him back to the top of the mountain, a quick grab and some frantic scrabbling resulted in him standing back at the top. "Now Ranma..." he began in a voice so thick with depression that it could have been cut wit ha knife. "... You lose... SHI SHI HOUKOUDAN!!!"

Ranma groaned as he looked up. There it was. The trademark move Ryouga always used. The perfect Shi Shi Hokodan. Only this was much bigger. And headed straight for him. "Wait! I got it!" he practically shouted into his head, "Why didn't I see this before?!"

He grinned at Ryouga's lifeless looking form. "Saotome School of Anything Goes Martial Arts, Luminary Evasion!" That was when the land exploded.

When the smoke cleared it showed a grinning Ranma. Unharmed. "I can't believe no one figured it out." he said as he kicked the will-less Ryouga into one of the many rivers running down the mountain, "The perfect counter to the move. Just get out of the blast radius!" He finished by punting a struggling P-Chan off the mountain. It'd be a miracle if Ryouga could find the way back in a week. Much less an hour.

"BHWEEE!!!!" P-chan dug his teeth into Ranma's ankle. Was Ranma really as stupid as all that? all he Ryouga had to do was wit until his pig-form was out of Ranma's sight and then *poof* he'd be behind him. Of course... Now he was attached to Ranma's leg he could do something he hadn't done in a long time... not since a hungry wolf threatened him anyway...

"BHWEE! BHWEEE! BHWEEE!!" he bhwee'ed though clenched teeth. (translation: My desperation attack! the piglet bhweeing blast!) A blast similar to a shi shi houkoudan shot upwards from P-chan, launching Ranma into the air. whilst the pig-tailed one was distracted (ie: falling) Ryouga dashed over to his backpack, pulled out a thermos with his teeth and splashed the contents over himself. "SURPRISED RANMA?" He called out. "I KNEW YOU'D TRY SOMETHING LIKE THAT SO I PREPARED MYSELF FOR IT! HAHAHA!!"

Ranma landed on his feet somewhat charred and did his classic confident smirk. "Getting better P-Chan. But not good enough." he said as he leaped forward. "Kachuu Tenshin Amaguriken!" he smiled as his fists blurred, hitting Ryouga repeatedly. He focused his Soul of Ice removing the heat of his aura so fast the air started to freeze around him. "You're not the only one to create new techniques! Freezing Comet Fist!" The frozen aura centered around Ranma's hands. As he continued to barrage Ryouga, it had the added effect of causing the effects of cold. Including freezing Ryouga into a literal ice statue. The ice was more than enough to trigger the curse and left Ryouga a frozen pigcicle.

Unfortunately Ranma had totally forgotten about the move Ryouga had used right near the beginning of the fight. after a few moments the ice began to melt and then boil, returning Ryouga to human form as a wave of super hot chi energy expanded outwards from him. "HAH!"

Ryouga should have moved out of the way before he started laughing. Ranma was in the middle of a spinning backfist as Ryouga gloated, planting an ice knuckle in the middle of his face. Ryouga was knocked out cold...literally. Ranma looked at his frozen expression; he was laughing. "How ironic." Ranma said with a smile as he carried his frozen but defeated friend back to the barn where everyone was waiting.

Result: Win For Ranma


Mimiku VS Johnny Cage

Johnny Cage stood near the pond that Ranma and Ken had fought at earlier. He was disappointed he wanted to right Ken Masters, but never got the chance.

He was also disappointed by his earlier fight. He was rather irritated at having to fight a teenage girl. Didanyoneevertake him seriously?

Mimiku arrived at the pond, and he saw Johnny already there. He was having similar feelings about having been matched up with a child, but at least now he was going against Cage. He admired and respected Cage, had studied the man's moves for a long time. This fight might go either way, but Mimiku was confident that he knew the Shadow-man well enough to beat him.

Johnny Cage smiled and removed his sunglasses. At least now he was going up against someone that might actually be a challenge. "Let's Dance."

Mimiku took a low defensive stance. He emulated Cage's voice and replied, "You lead, honey." His cloak draped forward over his left arm, his right one out to the side a bit.

Cage immediately started with a feint to the right sending a Roundhouse kick aimed at Mimiku's head.

Mimiku would have grinned if he had taken the time. With his lowered stance, he slid down and in under the kick. "Pommel Pummel!" he roared as he jackhammered at Cage's groin with the butt-end of his bokken, which had been somewhat drawn in the hand concealed by the cloak.

Johnny grunted in high pitched pain, that was a most unexpectant move. Johnny quickly dropped to the ground in the splits move. Quickly before Mimiku could react he uppercutted the younger man right in the crotch. It was the Classic 'Johnny Cage Nutcracker move.'

With an 'erk', Mimiku bowled over the fist, trying to take as little damage as possible from the quick uppercut. In spite of this, he reflexively flung out with a single hand, launching a handful of flash-bombs that were in his other hand right into at Johnny's face and chest. He rolled off and away, coughing from the prolonged pain from the hit to the sensitive area.

Johnny rolled away from the group of Flash Bombs he managed to close one eye so he wasn't completely blinded, but his vision was impaired. Rolling back to his feet, he summoned a ball of green Chi and tossed it at Mimiku.

Mimiku did the only thing he could do in the situation, he dodged. Feinting to the side, Johnny's good-eyed side, he crossed his arms in front of himself. "Lights, Camera, ACTION!" A large flash appeared as flash-bombs detonated, their flashes aimed by the curvature of Mimiku's hands right at Johnny.

A thick, clinging mist began to fill the area, emanating from Mimiku. This was his family's secret Omoikiri technique. Thinking quickly, Johnny Cage went to his 'Shadow Kick' move. Merging with the shadows helped him over come the mists. His Kick was aimed right at Mimiku's head.

He felt the kick coming long before it reached him. Mimiku swam through the mists with a fluidness like unto an eel. He collected them with a single swipe of his hand as he ducked under the powerful Shadowkick, striking once again at Johnny's exposed groin area, "Awa Bakuhatsu!!!"

The mists detonated on contact with Cage, striking like a hundred fist-blows. The moves were so fast and sudden that anyone watching would not have been able to keep track, seeing only ghost-like figures clashing.

Suddenly one of the ghost-like figures was thrown from the mists. He landed hard right next to the pond. Everyone could see that it was the bruised and battered form of Johnny Cage.

From out of the mists streaked the other ghost, rising upwards, the mists spiraling and clinging to him. They shifted and changed, forming at the crest the head of a serpent, "Obake Orochi Uchinomesu!"

This was the Phantom Serpent Strike-down, the ultimate Omoikiri-ken move. Mimiku leapt out of the head of the blast at the vertex, gliding down to the ground. The blast continued and arched in the air, dropping down onto Johnny's figure. An immense detonation took place, knocking back the now fatigued Mimiku, sending him rolling back. There was a large crater where Cage had been.

Result: Win for Mimiku


Happosai VS Keisuke

Happosai was sitting on one of the fence posts near the bull pen. The rising sun was just to the left of him. He awaited Keisuke's arrival for the start of their fight.

Keisuke reported to the pen as he was told. "Let's see who the lucky contestant is today...WHOAH!" he exclaimed, seeing Happosai sitting on the fence. "Please don't tell me I'm fighting you..." he muttered.

Happosai grinned evilly and gave Keisuke a mischievous stare. "Yes you are my boy! It's just not your time for easy fights, no?"

Keisuke just groaned. "Oh, alright. But is that naked blond woman behind you going to watch? She might get hurt."

Happosai quickly turned about with a lustful look in his eyes. "What woman, where?!"

"Right over there, sucker!" Keisuke shouted, firing a larger than usual energy wave at Happosai's turned back.

Happosai grinned slightly. One didn't train Soun and Genma without catching on to dirty tricks. Happi simply leapt high into the air and back. As he landed behind Keisuke he nailed him with a flurry of Fist of the Hermit crab Punches.

"Ow! Stop, you little rodent!" Keisuke screamed, getting hit quite a few times by the tiny strikes. He finally got an opening and kicked the tiny man away like a soccer ball.

Happosai spun about in mid air and shot back at Keisuke like a cannonball. He landed right in front of him and said.

"Here Hold this a second." Handing him a short fused Happo-Fire-Burst and Running.

Keisuke responded by slicing the fuse off of the now dead Happo-Fire-Burst. He then wound up, threw the ball at the fleeing Happosai, and fired an energy burst at the Happo-Fire-Burst, detonating it right over Happosai's head.

As the explosion cleared Happosai was standing there with his hair frazzled and a scorch mark on the top of his bald spot.

Happosai growled in Irritation. "NOW YOU'LL PAY!" Happosai began glowing with chi causing his battle aura to take the shape of a ghostly Happosai. His red eyes piercing Keisuke's soul causing him to freeze like a rabbit in the headlights of a car.

Keisuke did the only thing he could think of. He closed his eyes. The fear died away slowly, but the sight of those eyes were still stuck in his head. Damn. That was scary. He dropped to the ground and fired a blind energy wave at Happosai.

Which would have hurt had Happosai been there any longer. As soon as he saw Keisuke close his eyes Happosai ran around behind him. After Keisuke fired his chi blast Happi countered by giving him a 'SUPER WEDGIE.'

Which would of hurt had Keisuke been wearing any underwear. Wait, he was. It hurt. "OW!! BASTARD!" Keisuke rolled over, yanking out the intruding undergarment. He turned around and attacked. "Houkou Gaeshi!" he shouted, sucking a large amount of flaming chi from Happosai and absorbing into his sword. "Sword Dance!" he followed, a bunch of rapid, chi flaming sword strikes.

Happosai merely moved into his fast action weasel dodge. He was dodging every strike and slash Keisuke threw at him. As he dodged he actually stifled a yawn.

He spun his pipe out and caught Keisuke's sword arm. In one move he tossed Keisuke one direction and his sword went the other.

Keisuke landed with a loud thud, got up, dusted himself off, walked over, picked up his sword, sheathed it and smiled at Happosai, not doing anything.

Happosai stood at a relaxed ready position. He stared at Keisuke from across the field. "What's wrong Boy? You give up?"

Keisuke just shook his head and smiled. He drew his sword once more and started to juggle it and do some fancy looking moves. --C'mon, you little booger.-- Keisuke thought to himself as he continued to juggle his sword.

Happosai was just about finished with toying with Keisuke for today. he would give the boy a real taste of power.

Happi crossed his arms and summoned up his Battle Aura Ghost again. This time he wasn't using it to scare Keisuke, He launched out with a Chi Blast.

"Oh joy. SANZUWATARI!!" Keisuke slashed his sword downwards, and then sideways, opening a portal which absorbed the gigantic chi blast. The portal began to grow smaller but the chi blast was just too huge. "Happosai! Stop!!" Keisuke screamed but the roaring wave of hot chi was just too much. "Oh crap." Keisuke dived behind him as the portal exploded outward, sending Happi's chi blast right back at him, along with some chi blades, phoenix blasts, and other chi attacks he'd absorbed from past fights.

Happi did the only defense he could think of when he saw it all coming back. He faded into Nullspace, she sweatdropped as he saw the Chi blast hit where he was a moment ago.

Keisuke stayed low to the ground, his hands over his head as chi blasts galore struck the ground making massive explosions. Keisuke just lay down, hoping Happosai had managed to get out of the way. If he got hit, overkill would be a massive understatement.

Happosai reappeared behind Keisuke and shoved a Happo-Daikarin down the back of his pants. "Good night Keisuke."

Keisuke was so startled he fell back, pinning Happosai to the ground with a Happo-Fire-Burst between them. "This is gonna hurt." Keisuke muttered as the Happo-Daikarin exploded between the two of them. Keisuke flew forward, his ass on fire and the seat of his pants blown out. "Gaaahhh!!!" he screamed as he landed face first in the dirt. He rolled over quickly to extinguish his burning rear. He wasn't going to be able to sit for a week, but he was okay. Happosai on the other hand, wasn't so lucky, as the combination of his small size, a Happo-Fire-Burst on top of him, and him being pinned to the ground proved to be very deadly. The old man lay on the ground, unconscious and quite toasted. Keisuke crawled over to the immobile man. "Sorry about that, you scared me." Keisuke muttered apologetically.--

Happi's eyes flashed open in anger. "You don't think I'm that easy do ya boy!"

He attacked Keisuke with a flurry of hard and fast punches and kicks forcing Keisuke on a desperate defense. He had never seen the Master so riled before. Then again no one had pissed him off by blowing him up like that.

Keisuke fell back, bruised, Battered and bleeding slightly from several small wounds.

Happi was charred and his gi was barely holding together. "You had enough Boy?!"

Keisuke lay on his very hurting ass and looked up at Happosai. "Nah, not yet." he coughed up some blood.

Happosai yanked a pink lacey bra from the inside of his GI. "Good think I brought this along." The hentai got his quick recharge from the bit of lingerie.

"Silk-Chan is going to have her work cut out for her with us." Happi punched toward the ground concentrating his chi into a 'Bean Jam Blow Out' aimed right at Keisuke.

"More for you than me, I hope. Miasma Drive!!" Keisuke leaped into the center of the incoming cyclone, rising with his sword up, crackling with electricity. The cyclone spun him around wildly, absorbing his electricity and intensifying the current. Dead center within the storm, Keisuke slammed right into the unsuspecting Happosai.

Happi quickly sidestepped and grabbed Keisuke's sword arm. With one swift move he flipped Keisuke over and slammed him head first onto the ground.

Happi backpedaled from Keisuke and dumped his metal canteen of cold water over his head transforming him to female form.

"your making be rely on magic now, not a good idea."

"You're right about that. You're even uglier as a woman." Keisuke replied teasingly.

Happi-Chan's cute face turned bright red with Anger. She was rather stuck on her feminine beauty and didn't appreciate insults to it. She growled slightly with rage as she began a short spell.

She nailed Keisuke with a barrage of 'freeze arrows' trying to freeze him in place.

Keisuke stepped backwards but slipped in a cow pie, flinging fresh pie all over Happi-Chan and doing a complete backflip, only to get smacked by a freeze arrow upside down and have his feet frozen to a barn wall, leaving him upside down. "Uh...does this mean you win?"

Happi made a disgusted face when she got nailed with cow pie. It was very fresh. She pulled out a handkerchief and cleaned the worst of it off.

She smiled and almost laughed at Keisuke's predicament. "Unless you can fight suspended upside down I would say so." She then smiled ruefully. "I guess I can hit the broad side of a barn."

Result: Win for Happosai


Perfume VS Ukyou

Perfume arrived on the open field that was going to be her Battlefield with Ukyou. She stabbed her Naginata into the ground. Where it was out of the way, but could be grabbed if necessary.

She didn't like Fighting Ukyou. Konatsu liked her, and would be unhappy if she got hurt. Perfume was never one to make Konatsu unhappy.

She brought out both of her wooden Bon Bori's. She began working on a Kata with them when Ukyou arrived for Battle.

Ukyou walked in to the open field, dressed in her one-piece sleeveless thing (that nice outfit she wore in the Cave of Lost Love), bandoleer and her large battle spatula as usual. Seeing Perfume doing a kata, she waited until the Chinese girl was done before she looked around.

"I guess we have to do this," she said, feeling somewhat uncomfortable.

Perfume smiled at her friend across the way. "It's a friendly competition Ukyou, just do your best and the best woman will win." Perfume's smile showed that she took it as friendly, and not one of the vicious tournaments from her village.

The referee shouted for the match to begin.

Perfume attacked Ukyou with a series of high speed feints to test her friend's defenses.

Ukyou swiftly parried Perfume's attacks with her spatula, looking for her to leave an opening. Of course, every time she did Ukyou was parrying, so they didn't do her much good. Getting tired of blocking all the time, Ukyou launched a quick kick towards Perfume's midriff.

Perfume caught Ukyou's leg with both of her weapons catching her in a quick lock, then forcing the kicking leg to the side leaving Ukyou off-Balance.

Perfume smiled as she went low and kicked out with a foot sweep.

Ukyou flinches as she began falling to the ground, lashing out with her right leg, hoping to sweep Perfume off her feet in order to at least get even.

Perfume tried to leap over the incoming leg sweep, but Ukyou managed to catch her foot, sending the pink haired girl flying. She landed hard kicking up a cloud of dust.

Perfume rolled back onto her shoulders, Kicked out with her feet and was standing in one impressive move. By the time she recovered her bon bori's Ukyou was back on her feet also.

"Impressive, Ucchan." Perfume smiled. "Your Pretty good."

Perfume launched a flying Kick aimed at Ukyou's torso.

"Right back at ya, sugar," Ukyou smiled back, her dark clothes now spotted by the dust on the ground, swirled to the side dodging the kick and putting her left leg out, aiming a roundkick towards Perfume's waist.

Perfume's eyes grew wide when she saw the roundhouse. She managed to somersault over them and land back on her feet. She turned back around to Ukyou ready for the next move.

She rushed Ukyou with her bon bori's whirling madly. She attacked Ukyou with near Amigurikan speed. She wasn't going as fast as she could.

Ukyou blocked almost all of the strikes, but one managed to get through. Rolling with the blow, the Chinese weapon hit her in her left side. It didn't hurt all that much, but it was inconvenient like hell. While moving to the right, she sent her left fist flying towards Perfume's torso.

Perfume stepped slightly back and to the right causing the fist to go by her harmlessly.

Perfume dropped one bon bori and caught Ukyou's arm. With one swift move she flipped the chef back onto the ground. She picked up her weapon and closed with Ukyou.

Ukyou quickly flipped her legs around Perfume's calves and tripped her to the ground, then quickly rolled onto the Chinese fighter and grabbed her wrists, pinning her. She was about to strike a quick punch when she realized that she only had two arms, and thus couldn't.

Perfume smiled and put that hard head of hers to work. She didn't need a hand free to get loose. (Even though she kind of liked the position)with one swift move she butted her head against Ukyou's forcing the chef off of her.

Ukyou quickly got up and rubbed her forehead while she looked for her spatula.

Perfume didn't even bother to look for her weapons. She ran at Ukyou while she was still trying to recover. "Katsu Tensin Amigurikan!" She rained a full flurry of half strength punches on Ukyou.

Ukyou blocked most of the punches, a few of them landing on her body, while she retaliated with punches of her own. Like Perfume, she held back, not wishing to hurt her friend.

Perfume blocked many of the punches, but was using them as a smokescreen for her real move. She foot-swept Ukyou knocking her back onto the ground.

Perfume straddled her pinning both of her arms down with her knees. Perfume's hands were free this time in the reversed position from earlier.

"Now I have you where I want you."

"Pooh," Ukyou replied and tried to move her arms. Seeing the futility of this action, she instead moved her legs behind Perfumes torso and snuck her legs in under her armpits, then pushing up, thus throwing the busty Chinese girl off her.

Perfume flew from her position and landed heavily on the ground. "Ow!"

She rolled back to her feet, and noticed that lady luck had smiled on her, she had landed right next to her weapons. She quickly kicked the bon bori's back to her hands. She smiled at Ukyou, this fight was getting good.

She spun around and let Ukyou regain her Mega Spatula. "Are you ready for more, Ukyou-Chan?"

"Any time sugar," Ukyou grinned as she got a better grip on her spatula. Having a good grip, she launched a quick sweep with the spatula, hoping to drive Perfume back so she could follow up her attack.

Perfume complied with Ukyou's Plan. She stepped backwards while blocking the spatula. She was blocking and moving back, looking for a hole in her attacks.

Ukyou sent her spatula in a straight line towards Perfume's chest, hoping to knock her back of at least snare her clothing if she moved.

Perfume stepped back a little further causing the spatula to snag the front of her fighting outfit. Ripping a tear across the chest area. It split open revealing to all that Perfume didn't wear a bra under her outfit.

"Ack!" She dropped her left Bon Bori and covered her ample chest area with her left arm. "This is embarrassing!"

Ukyou froze in her follow up attack. "Umm, did I-?" she stuttered, not knowing what to do. "I-I-I I'm sorry, Perfume, but you moved and..."

Perfume took advantage of Ukyou's delay in attacking. She jumped up, landed on Ukyou's spatula and let her have a flurry of Punches. "No problem Ukyou, that sort of thing happens."

Taken by surprise by Perfume's sudden attacks, considering the situation of her clothing and all. In an attempt to get out of harms way she threw the spatula (including Perfume) to the side, and then leapt after her, kicking wildly.

Before Perfume could recover she was getting nailed with several of Ukyou's wild kicks. The pink haired amazon landed on the ground seemingly off to dream land.

Ukyou approached carefully to check if the amazon really was out, her arms at the ready just in case. By now, she was breathing a bit more heavy, so far it had been a good fight.

Just as Ukyou got close enough, Perfume's eyes snapped open. Her expressions flashed in triumph as she swung her left leg up. Placing a good kick on the side of Ukyou's head, knocking the chef to the ground.

Ukyou moaned as she hit the ground, laying still for a second. Now that had hurt. Then she quickly got up again, getting into a ready stance.

Perfume stood in somewhat of a ready stance. She still had her left arm covering her ample breasts. She twirled her Bon Bori in her right hand.

Suddenly the amazon ran towards Ukyou Throwing her bon bori right at the chefs head. As Ukyou went to Block it with her spatula it left a blind spot that Perfume exploited.

She went low, sliding on the ground she barreled into Ukyou knocking her down to the ground with Perfume. Spinning about in a complicated move Perfume pinned Ukyou perfectly to the ground. The chef could move a bit.

"Is that enough Ucchan?"

Ukyou struggled a little, managing to get her right arm free. Contemplating what to do, she suddenly began giggling slightly. "You know," she giggled, "If someone just walked in on us now he would get the wrong idea. But sure, you win. You haven't got any clothing on your upper body, but you win. Let get off before we give someone a nosebleed, okay?"

Perfume smiled as she got back to her feet and helped Ukyou up. She was laughing as the two got to their feet. "That was a good fight, Ucchan."

She blushed as she covered her chest. "Could you help me get my weapons back to the house? My arms are a little limited. "

Ukyou took Perfumes weapons as well as her own and started walking back to the house with her. She contemplated throwing her a bonbori or so for her to catch, just for the fun of it, but decided against it.

Perfume was still blushing and doing her best to cover her chest. "How do we explain this one to the others?"

"We tell then the truth, of course. That kind of thing happens. Not a lot, but it happens. I think."

Result: Win for Perfume

Round 3