The Pureness of the Lily

RNRPG: The Pureness of the Lily
Started by: Kodachi Kunou

A five year old Kodachi was in her room, crying. She had somehow angered her mother again and had received another of her mother's punishments. Her backside was still very much sore.

She finally got brave enough to leave her room. Glancing warily about she could hear dear Tachi practicing with her father. It was almost a typical family scene.

As little Kodachi made her way down the hall she noticed that the carpet in front of the bathroom door was wet with something red and sticky. She opened the door and saw her mother slumped in the bathtub both of her wrists slashed her left arm hanging out dripping the last of her life blood on the floor.

Kodachi did the only thing her little mind could think of. She screamed.


11 years later

Kodachi woke up screaming in her bed, soaked in cold sweat. She had the dream again, it was rare that she dreamed of her mother's death. She knew that her mother took her own life because Kodachi was a bad girl. She tried to live up to her mother's expectations ever since.

There was one thing she had never lived up to. She had never gotten married to a good man. She of course loved Ranma, but how would she be able to marry him if she didn't know him well.

It took some calls but she finally transferred out of St. Hebereke, and into Furinkan High School. She smiled as she tried her new Furinkan uniform on for size.

"Beautiful as always Dachi-Chan!" was all that she said, while smiling. She was in a very happy mood and ready to go.

Kodachi walked merrily to her new school. She entered the gates of Furinkan and scouted the area.

Fujiko was also walking up merrily to the school. She had looked over the script of the latest play the Drama Club was performing, a remake of Seven Samurai. While it was true that she missed the auditions because she was setting up her shop, she did have some ideas for the sets. She couldn't wait until school was over to show them.

Fujiko pulled out one of her compacts and flipped it open. She was having a good hair day and the red beret she wore was, the way she liked it. Of course, it topped her ensemble of a black body suit with the white masks of comedy and tragedy placed over her left breast. She placed her compact back into her bandoleer which was across her chest. The only other accessories she wore were two Bo sticks placed on both sides of her body. "Looking snazzy, Ko-chan" she said to herself as she walked across the field towards her classroom.

Kodachi was walking toward class in a very happy mood and not paying attention to her surroundings. Fujiko was studying her compact and didn't see Kodachi walking in her direction.

The two had the inevitable collision sending them both to the ground.

Alex, who was kicked back in a tree reading, heard the sound of the collision beneath him. He hopped down, landing silently next to the two girls. "Are you ladies alright?" He extended a hand to both of them, and noticed Kodachi was one of the girls. "Hi Kodachi."

Fujiko got up and dusted herself off. "I'm alright. There's no harm done." She extended her hand to Kodachi, offering to help her up. "How about you, Kodachi? Are you okay?"

"What an excess of help." a voice greeted them behind Kodachi. It was Silk who had spoke, and she winked as they looked at her, "Seems you're first day here is off to a friendly, if somewhat inattentive start, Kunou-San." The teacher's assistant stopped and dug in her bag for something. "I know I have a copy..."

Kodachi blushed slightly when she noticed it was Alex who helped her up. He always seemed to have that effect on her. "Thank you Alex-San!"

She then noticed Silk and Fujiko. "I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention. "She smiled to Fujiko. She then turned to Silk. "Greetings Silk-Sensei, what do you have a copy of ?"

Fujiko smiled a sheepish smile. "Not a problem. I got pretty involved in my little world sometimes which reminds me...I need to get to the drama department. Catch you all later." Before anyone else could respond, Fujiko ran into the building and out of sight.

"Your Schedule." Silk said, pulling out a piece of paper and handing it to Kodachi. "As low-man on the teaching totem pole, I've been assigned as 'transition counselor' to all transfer students." Silk put on her best teacher face. "So, do you have any questions? Like where Nabiki's betting pool meets, or when your brother will be quoting Shakespeare for the uninterested masses in another unsuccessful attempt to woo the pigtailed 'girl'? Oh, I know! The gymnastics team is doing tryouts this week if you're interested."

Kodachi listened to Silk's list, not much emotion showing on her face. "Believe me when I say I will be avoiding my dear brother at school." She smiled wickedly "I WOULD love to try out for the gymnastics team, I know I will make it." Then a strange look crossed her brow. "The wretched pig tailed girl attends this school?"

--Danger, danger-- Silk's mind warned. "No, but the Amazon Brush, who closely resembles her, does. She's in your class I believe. Your brother, I'm afraid, has a hard time telling the difference."

Alex chuckled at the memory. "Yeah, it's been rather...amusing to watch, to say the least. But we should be heading for class. I'm really not in the mood for a battle of wills with Hinako-sensei this morning." With that said, Alex turned to head into the building, by leaping in through a third-story window.

Kodachi admired Alex's backside as he leapt for the window. She blushed slightly and turned back to Silk. "I guess I should get to class too. I'll see you soon, Silk-Sensei."

With that she too leapt for the window with catlike grace. Hoping to make it inside before the bell rings.

Alex was sitting in his seat where he landed after his jump, when Kodachi landed in the seat next to him. "Nice jump."

Kodachi smiled proudly. "Thank you Alex-San, It helps that I'm a gymnast." She winked at Alex and tried to focus for her upcoming class.

Seconds later, Fujiko was running, jumping, and sliding across the room to her seat. She did not want bucket duty today. Things were just too good today. She made it to her seat near Kodachi and Alex. Catching her breath, Fujiko looked at her watch and smiled.

"Oh wow. I even have a whole minute to spare this time. If I knew that, I would have gotten a drink a water." she said to herself, although anyone in the class could have heard her.

Kodachi appeared calm as she sat in her desk, but she was far from it. A war was raging in her mind.

"The Black Rose has sunk so low." One voice spoke in her head, Kodachi's evil voice. Kodachi's good voice countered. "No she has not, she's progressing!"

Kodachi shook her head to clear it of the extra voices.

Brush looked over at Kodachi and the other new girl. She quickly composed a note, and had it sent to Kodachi. *What brings you here? I thought you went to an all-girls school.*

Kodachi read Brush's note and glanced across the room at her. Kodachi vaguely remembered a serious drinking party with the young amazon a few weeks before. It took her two days to get rid of the hangover.

She composed her message in her decidedly feminine handwriting and sent it back to her.

"I transferred, not enough guys in St Hebereke. Here I can be close to Ranma and Alex."

Brush looked at Kodachi oddly. --I don't think I like where this is going...-- "I understand the lack of guys at an all-girl school, but since when did you like Alex?"

Kodachi sent one more note back to Brush. "I'm exploring my options. Talk to you more at Lunch. No sake this time."

Alex, in the meantime, was taking notes with one hand, while working on a speech for another class with the other.

The morning classes went by uneventfully. No problems and Ranma only fell asleep twice. The bell rang for lunch and the various students got together with their lunch partners. Kodachi really wanted to sit with Ranma, but she promised Brush that she would talk to her.

Grabbing her bento box she came over to Brush. "Would you like to talk to me, now?"

Brush nodded as she reached for her own bento. "Yes. I'm curious about something. What made you think about Alex? I thought you liked Ranma. And how come we never see you at home? Alex stays next door to you."

Kodachi's expression remained unreadable until her and the amazon found a nice place under a tree to sit. "When I first met Alex on Valentines day, my heart began to flutter. I had never felt anything like that since I first met Ranma. I've been intrigued by him ever since."

Her smile disappeared when she thought about the second part of Brush's question. Her eyes began to go out of focus when she thought about the two rooms of the manor that she spent way to much time in. Either in her special room to keep the other Kodachi from hurting anyone, and the bathroom that she could never quite get the floor clean.

"I usually stay indoors. No one wants to see me anyway."

Brush noticed the odd look in Kodachi's eyes, but didn't comment. "You should get out more."

"Yeah, you should get out more." The girls looked up towards the source of the voice, and saw Alex sitting in the tree, half-done with his lunch. "And we'd be happy to see you around. Sitting around inside the house is boring, even when you have video games." Alex took a few more bites, then had a thought. "Kodachi, maybe you should try out for the gymnastics team here."

"You would be Happy to see me?" Kodachi asked, stunned at what Alex said. "No one is ever happy to see me." Her tone became even more depressed. " I'm not very popular with the gymnastics team here. I'm the best gymnast around, but because of past competitions I'm afraid they would never accept me."

"They can't not." A new voice said. Silk walked over to them. "Tryouts are in two weeks, it's a challenge style tryout. If you win your fights then you're on the team."

"Challenge style?" Kodachi asked, they could see a fire in her eyes that no one had seen in her since she lost the second match to Furinkan. "There's no way they can stop me now! hohohohohohohohohoho!!"

It was about that time when Fujiko decided to join them for lunch. "Hi guys. So what's up?" she said with a smile that suggested the cat just got the canary.

Kodachi finally stopped her annoying laughter at that point. She turned to Fujiko, a smile playing on her lips. "Hello there, we were just discussing my future with the Furinkan Gymnastics team."

"Yeah, they need all the help they can get. I hear the St. Hebereke team is just murderous..." Fujiko said.

Kodachi facefaulted and made an exasperated noise. "I was the Captain of the St Hebereke team."

There was a moment of awkward silence, then Silk asked, with a wide and disarming smile, "Are you going to eat that?" she pointed at Kodachi's spice cake. "I'm starved."

Kodachi grinned wickedly at Silk. She really didn't know Kodachi's cooking well enough. "You can have it if you want, but that is a special cake I made for my dear brother, you might not enjoy the side effects."

Silk didn't know about Kodachi and her brother's relationship, so she took the cakes gratefully and wolfed it down. The others stared at her, waiting for the mentioned side effects. none manifested. "A little heavy on the cobalt, Kunou-San. It flavors it a bit more then you'd like, and if they notice then it's not worth the effort of trying to hide it with the digitalis."

Kodachi just gaped, slack-jawed at Silk. She was simply amazed that the amazon healer was still on her feet. That stuff would have knocked out Pantyhose Tarou. Then again, she had an allergic reaction to the hate potion instead of being affected.

"One of these days Silk, your going to have to tell me how you do that."

Silk licked her fingers, "Now that, dearest 'Dachi, would be telling."

Brush blinked at the list of poisons that had been in that cake. "Whoa. You definitely need to share the wealth, Silk."

Kodachi was very resistant to poisons just by the nature of her herbalism. Even she would have fallen low from that kind of dose. The amazon healer was truly impressive. She started applauding at Silk's constitution.

"That was great, But now what will I use to stop dear Tachi's babbling? He's immune to my lesser poisons."

"Perhaps finding the cause of his babbling and curing it would bring you more lasting peace, Kunou Kodachi." Silk suggested. "As for my immunity, it is no difficult thing. Die a few times: then nothing so simple as these can even touch you. See you later." Silk rose to her feet and walked back across the lawn towards the building, not looking back.

Fujiko waved goodbye to Silk and then said to Kodachi. "Poison to stop your brother's babbling? That's a little extreme. His babbling can't be that bad can it?"

Kodachi began laughing her favorite insane laughter. "You have obviously not met my dear brother, poisoning or beating him to a pulp are the ONLY ways to shut him up. He should be by any minute screaming out oaths of love to his Pig tailed girl and Akane-San."

When Kodachi mentioned that, Fujiko had a strong feeling that she knew who Kunou was. Actually she found his use of medieval poetry kinda cute, but decided not to press the issue. "Yeah. You're probably right. Besides, there are others to chase..."

"Others to chase?" Kodachi inquired. "How so, who else do you chase?" She was smiling broadly now, this Fujiko person just might prove to be interesting.

Brush nodded in agreement with Kodachi. Ever since she started going to school at Furinkan, Kunou had often mistaken her for Ranma. "Well, I've been seriously considering casting Silence or Mute on him. It's bad enough that he glomps me, but then to call me 'pig-tailed girl' is just irritating."

For the first time Kodachi realized how much of a pain in the ass her brother was. There was no way she was even half as bad as he was. "Perhaps, I need to put some silencing powder in his breakfast. Unfortunately, he seems to be able to tell which I've spiked for him."

Fujiko nodded. "You shouldn't do that so often. Maybe if you don't disturb his breakfast for a while, he'll forget about it." She looked at Brush. "so you're his pig-tailed goddess, hmm." Then quickly changed the subject. "Well, this school is FULL of cute boys if you look around. There's Ranma, there's Alex. Especially Alex." she said with a devilishly grin. "Heck, even Daisake and Hiroshi aren't that bad looking. If that isn't enough, there are several cuties who don't attend Furinkan including the guy I'm currently trying to date."

Actually, Fujiko Tamamiru was one of the few girls who didn't swoon whenever she saw Alex. She did swoon slightly when she saw Ranma, however. Neither she would pursue. Ranma had too many girlfriends and Alex struck her as a player. That's just the type of thing that rubs Fujiko the wrong way. The only reason she mentioned Alex was to get a rise out of Brush.

Truth was, she was after Scarf and Brush's plans to connect Silk with Scarf in the past were simply unacceptable. True, Brush hadn't tried it in a while, but Fujiko was already making plans for the next time Brush attempted it. She filed the name Tatewaki Kuno away. He might be annoying, but he had his uses.

Kodachi had to admit that Fujiko was correct. She would definitely stop spiking Tachi's breakfast for a while then start again as he forget about it. She was just about to comment on it when the voices in her head went to war once again.

'Your weak for befriending these commoners!' ....'Shut Up ! I'm having fun.' 'This is what becomes of the scion of house Kunou, Act like the noble you are.' ...'I don't want to!'

Kodachi's eyes once again lost focus as she battled with her inner demons. This time however the other Kodachi was winning.

Alex looked over at Fujiko oddly from where he was hanging upside down in the tree, and shrugged, being used to having people think he was a player. He then looked at Kodachi's face, and saw her eyes losing focus. "Are you alright, Kodachi-San?"

Kodachi was far from alright at the moment. She had lost her battle to the other Kodachi for the moment. She grinned at Alex and he could see a wild fire in the young gymnast's eyes.

"ohohohohohohohoho Oh dear Alex, I didn't see you up there. Why don't you come down here and join us?"

Alex's danger senses started picking up, but he decided to forge ahead anyway. He flipped down to the ground, landing next to Kodachi. "What's up?"

Kodachi grinned evilly in Alex's direction, and then glanced at Silk. She took Alex by the left arm and leaned close to him. She whispered in his ear.

"Nothing is up, yet, but that can change if you want."

Alex blinked, then turned red as he pulled away and whispered back, "Whoa there. I already have a girlfriend."

"That can be changed you know." was the hushed response he received.

Alex looked at Kodachi, and shook his head. "But I don't WANT it changed. I like things as they are now."

Fujiko raised an eyebrow at this lovely little scene and grabbed a bucket of popcorn. She knew damn well what Brush thought of Alex and knew Brush well enough to know that a fight was about to break out. Fujiko just sat back and waited for it.

Brush didn't hear what Kodachi said to Alex, but looking at his reactions told her enough. Brush smiled sweetly. Not the kind of smile that makes one feel good, but the kind that says chaos is about to happen. "Just what are you doing, Kodachi?"

Kodachi grinned evilly at Brush, she was getting just the reaction she was looking for. Amazons were so much fun sometimes. "I'm just flirting a little." Kodachi answered while trying her best to appear innocent. "There is not anything wrong with that is there?"

Brush replied, "Nothing's wrong with it at all. Just make sure you don't go any further." Brush mentally sighed to herself. --Just what I needed, more competition.--

Kodachi smiled but it was a smile without happiness or joy. "I won't go any further than flirting...." She left one word unspoken, Yet.

A moment later the sound of people shouting came to their ears. they all turned to look at the source. the usual circle of kids in a circle surrounded what looked like a fireworks display. There were many blink-blinks as they saw that Silk-sensei and Hinako-sensei were having a fight?!?

"Why are the teacher's fighting?" Daisuke asked Hiroshi.

"I don't know." The other boy responded. "Hinako-sensei keeps calling Silk-sensei a delinquent and trying to drain her. Silk says that there's been some mistake, but Hinako won't listen."

"Ain't that always the story?"

"Yeah, but this time it's Silk-sensei, not Ranma."

"I heard it was something about the transfer students." one of the girls said as she munched on some popcorn, watching the fight.

There was a wave of "ohs" from the crowd as the fight abruptly ended. "Definitely not Ranma." Hiroshi concluded as Silk picked Hinako up and carried her towards the school building.

Alex, glad to have a distraction, got up and followed Silk into the building, chuckling. "Man, Ms. Hinako is really into trying to drain people, isn't she?" Alex thought about the time she had tried to drain him. She ended up absorbing more power than she could handle, and tired herself out, and didn't managed to affect Alex in the slightest.

"That's what I love about this place." Fujiko said as she put some sunglasses on. "You never know what's gonna happen next."

"I know." Came Kodachi's cryptic answer. "Silk-Sensei was fighting the other teacher over me?" She whispered almost to herself. In her curiosity the other Kodachi went back to sleep.

She ran over toward Silk. At first it seemed as though she was running to Alex. She bypassed him and caught up to Silk. "Silk-Sensei, what was that all about?"

Silk turned and looked at the others that had followed her inside, Hinako still draped swirly eyed over her shoulder. "I went to confirm you and Fujiko's schedules and got my head ripped off. Apparently Hinako thinks that you two are both delinquents and was on her way to punish you for your crimes when I stopped her. I asked her where she'd gotten her information and she tried to drain me, saying it wasn't an intern-student's job to question a teacher." Silk's tone said that she knew where the information had come from, and that she was inclined to take steps.

"But why Fujiko and myself? Neither one of us have done anything wrong, yet." Kodachi asked innocently.

"Hinako isn't very well versed in Logic. She heard you were delinquents, so she was going to go punish you. All it took was someone saying you caused trouble to send her flying off the handle." Silk explained. "though I'm sure you'll both give her ample reason to come after you later, everyone does eventually, for now you're innocent."

"Someone accused us of being delinquents?" Kodachi asked with her voice rising slightly. The other smiled as she realized she might be able to take control again. "Who said this Silk-Sensei?"

Silk shook her head. "I don't know, Kodachi. Don't let it bother you. There are a number of students who think it's funny to watch newbies get drained by Hinako." Silk noticed that Hinako was stirring. "I'll see you guys after lunch. It's gym today, so don't eat to much."

Meanwhile, Fujiko looked at Alex and Brush. "Let me guess. There's something about Kodachi that I don't know, but should. That was...odd."

Alex nodded. "I've heard some things, but I've never seen anything like what I've heard. I'll reserve judgement on that without more info."

Fujiko smirked at Alex. "One thing's for certain. She definitely has the hots for you. At least you don't ever have to worry about that from me. Anytime, I need to split. I have a very good idea who tried to sick Hinako on me and it's time I visit them and give them my "thanks". See ya around, player."

Fujiko left the table and headed towards the gym with a predatory grin.

Alex sighed in relief. --One less hormone-crazed female is a good thing. Better Scarf than me.-- "And I'm not a player! It's a bum rap!"

Kodachi came back to the rest of the group, and took her position next to Alex. "This school is very strange sometimes."

Brush nodded in agreement. "VERY strange, ALL the time."
