A Grandfather's Lament

RNRPG: A Grandfather's Lament
Started by: Happosai

It was early morning in Nerima. Silk was heading to the Nerima general hospital for some of her medical classes. Today, like most days she had a small passenger in her book bag.

Silk always smuggled Happi into the hospital, to keep his secret from everyone else. If they knew that the master had a soft spot for children, his reputation as the son of all evil in Japan would be ruined.

As Silk got into the hospital, she let Happi out of her bag by the Children's cancer ward. The place Happi was guaranteed to be for a while. He loved to entertain the children.

Today was going to be different. Happosai as planning on staying all day. Little Akira, one of the kids Happi enjoyed reading to the most, was going in for life saving surgery. The doctors finally found a donor for his bone marrow transplant. That would cure his leukemia, hopefully.

Akira was a special case. He was an orphan, and Grandfather Happosai was the closest thing he had to a family. The little boy loved his surrogate grandfather very much.

Happosai bounced into the children's ward, he greeted and hugged all the children who ran forward to greet 'Grandfather Happosai.'

He hugged them all and then smiled and hugged all the kids who weren't able to get to him for a Hug.

Happi finally ended up at little Akira's bedside. He hugged the little boy.

"Are you ready for the doctors to fix you up, Akira-Chan?" Happi asked cheerfully.

Akira merely nodded, Happi could tell that the little boy was scared of the surgery.

"Don't worry, Akira-Chan." Happi smiled at the little boy, of course that made Akira smile. "They'll take you to a little room, you'll go to sleep, and when you wake up you should be all better. you won't even know what happened."

Akira smiled at Grandfather Happosai. "I'll be brave, Grandfather. If you say it will be alright, then I know it has to be true."

Happi hugged the little boy once more. Then he handed him a stuffed Ryo ohki doll. "You keep Ryo-Chan close and she'll look out for you."

Happi noticed the nurses coming over to prepare Akira for surgery. "Here they come now Akira, you'll be all better soon."

Akira reach up and hugged Happi one more time. "will you be there when I wake up grandfather?"

Happi mussed the little boys hair a bit. "You bet Akira-Chan."

Akira smiled and whispered. "I love you grandfather."

Just then the nurses came up and began to roll Akira's bed toward Pre-op. All Happi could do was smile and wave as they rolled the little boy away.

Happi sighed and began reading to the other children. Once he was finished he said goodbye to the other children. He sat down on a couch outside the operating room. He promised Akira that he would be there when the little boy woke up.

After several hours, Silk appeared in the waiting room with a bowl of chow mien for each of them. She looked tired. "Food." she said simply, handing one bowl to Happi and starting on the other herself. "I'm part of Akira's post op. So you'll know when it's almost done." she said between bites.

Happi gratefully accepted the food Silk offered him. He began to eat slowly. Worry was evident in his expression. He glanced at the door to the O.R and then back at Silk.

"I hope they know what they're doing. I just have a bad feeling about this." Happi sighed sadly. "Akira is very special to me. He doesn't have a family of his own, so I've been his grandfather for a while."

Silk could tell that Happi was getting very nervous. More so than she had ever seen the old man before. "I didn't get to tell him that I loved him too.. I just got this strange feeling that I won't be able to."

Silk paused in her munching to look down into Happi's eyes. "Happi, he knows. And don't worry about it, he's in the best hands we have." she looked at the clock. "In fact they should be almost done. I gotta go." She placed the have finished meal on the table next to her mentor. "Smile, we'll both be out of OR in no time." She waved as she went to go scrub.

Happi got up and started pacing. The old man didn't like having a situation out of his control. This was out of control as it could get. He wasn't close to many people, but those children, Akira especially meant everything to him.

Just a Silk got back to the OR she knew something was Terribly wrong. The nurses were either defibing Akira or injecting him with adrenaline. She got back there just in time to hear the surgeon swear.

"Damnit, The boy's rejecting the bone marrow.. and having an allergic reaction to the anesthesia!"

Silk pushed her way forward, "let me try." she said. The nurses paused for a moment. They'd all seen the sort of things that Silk had been able to do, but they thought that this one was probably beyond even her abilities. Silk put her hands on the little boy's chest, and sent her mind into him to find the root of the problem. the nurses were right, but there was something else... his heart was giving out. She tried to right it, make it work the way it was designed to. The way it should have for years to come. But everything was stopping at once. she poured more and more chi into the failing organs, trying to pull them back together.

At one point Silk felt Akira's consciousness brush against hers. he knew she was there and what she was trying to do. --I'm sorry Silk-Chan.-- his voice was the same serious tone it always had been --Tell grandfather I love him.--

--He loves you, you know.-- She told the little boy before he was completely gone. She had to fulfil Happosai's wish.

--I know.-- was the last words Akira ever felt.

Silk broke contact to the sound of a machine on flatline. She stood calmly, walking out of the OR towards the waiting room. All she said was "He knew." before she broke down into sobs.

Happosai spun at the sound of the OR doors opening. He just knew something was wrong.. he could feel it in his bones. When he saw Silk leaving the OR in tears, he knew that Little Akira-Chan wasn't coming back.

A thousand emotions went though Happi's soul at that moment. Surprise.. sadness.. Anger, terrible anger at a god who could allow a sweet little boy like Akira to die.. and a profound sense of loss. A loss the old man couldn't even fathom at the moment.

He glanced up at Silk, she was sobbing, but for the first time since she had met him.. Happosai was crying. Even the old master was a bit surprised, he hadn't cried in sadness for over 150 years.

He touched the tears running down his cheek, almost as though he couldn't believe what had happened. For a moment Master and Student stood there sharing a terrible sadness that no one should have to bear.

Happosai broke the Silence.. he ran up to Silk and Jumped up to hug his student. Not a glomp, but a hug that both of them needed. Happosai knew that Silk did everything in her power to save Akira.

"Why Silk.. Why was he taken away?"

Silk's voice was soft. "If I knew that, then I'd be a god." She hugged her mentor close to herself. "I- I was there." her voice was thick with tears. "He said he loved you... and he knew, that you loved him. He knew, Happi." She winced at the irony of Happosai's nickname. "He knew. and as he left... he was laughing. Laughing like I've never heard him laugh. Purely happy. No pain."

Happosai was crying harder now. It was as though the loss of Akira released every tear his minute body could produce. Silk's words did get through to him, but he was having trouble hearing it though the sad haze of his mind.

"He knew?" Happi asked quietly. He was too choked up to say much more than that. "The.. operation.. was ..supposed.. to ..save ..him." Happi either sobbed or sniffled between each word. "he was... Special..Silk-Chan.. he was the only family I had.."

Happi couldn't say anything more. He was crying to hard to even think straight.

Silk's heart sunk a little at that. She knew that Happosai loved Akira like none of the other children... but she had thought of him as part of her family. She had no blood relatives left, so her default family was those closest to her. Silk's tears slowed, and she just held Happosai for a long time. --I guess I just wanted to much.-- she thought to herself, her melancholia deepening even as her mind started functioning again. She could feel a part of her detaching itself, the coldly unemotional her that could take charge in the worst situations. The part that had transcended death long ago. "Let's go home." She said softly, carrying the still distraught Martial arts master towards the exit. "There's nothing else we can do." her voice almost cracked, but she held it together long enough to dump her gloves and grab her bag.

Their Chow Mien grew cold and was thrown out, uneaten.

"Silk .. Wait!" Happosai's asked in a muffled voice. "Let me at least say good bye." He sniffled a bit and looked up into Silk's eyes. She could see the immense pain the old master was feeling in his eyes. But she saw something a bit more. She saw a bit of Happosai's real feelings. He loved his closest student also.

"Silk-Chan, Please don't ever leave me. I can't do this again."

Silk hugged the little old man a little tighter. "Don't worry. I have no intention of leaving anybody. Come on, you can say good bye." She walked into the now quiet OR. Akira hadn't been wheeled downstairs yet. He lay in repose on the operating table, face set in a half smile, the expression on his face when he died. Silk set Happi down on the table next to the child. "He loved you." Silk repeated softly, "that was his dying thought."

Happosai looked upon the face of his grandson. he could see he expression of happiness and relief upon his face. Happi still hadn't stopped crying. His tears were falling upon the young boy's face.

He glanced down and noticed the Stuffed Ryo Ohki doll. he grabbed the stuffed animal by the neck, almost as though he blamed the doll for what happened. He slowly relaxed his grip and placed the doll in Akira's arms.

He touched Akira gently on the cheek. He had to check to make sure that Akira wasn't with him anymore.

"I'm sorry, son. I'm so sorry" He whispered softly between sobs. " I'll miss you so much.. I know your someplace much nicer than this world ever treated you... I love you and I always will.. Goodbye..grandson."

Finally Happosai was too choked up to speak anymore. The best he could do was cry over the body of his grandson.

Silk watched over the pair, too sad to even cry. She felt her own pain and Happosai's, twin wounds throbbing in her heart. She was to tired to block him out of her mind. She could feel the sadness of the other children and the nurses, but it seemed more distant then the aching hole of unrequited love and loss that stood a few feet from her. "Happosai..." She said softly after the duty nurse came to the window and knocked. it had been over an hour. "Happosai. We need to go."

Happosai finally heard Silk's voice the second time she spoke. There was nothing else he could do for Akira here. As much as he hated to leave he knew Silk was right. It was time to go.

"Okay Silk-Chan, I'm ready.. " Happosai paused for a moment. "I can't go home though."

"don't worry. You're going home with me today." She said, lifting the old man onto her shoulder. She walked through the halls of the hospital in silence. it seemed most everyone knew what had happened and respected the need for silence.

Everyone except little Sakura-Chan, one of Akira's playmates, who was returning from a visit to her parents. her cancer was in remissions and she was able to visit home these days. "Happi-San! Silk-Chan! How are you?" she glomped onto Silk's leg. "How did Akira-kun's operation go? is he gonna get better now like I did?"

Happosai looked down toward little Sakura-Chan. He was still crying about the loss of Akira. Facing Sakura right now was just way too difficult for him. he looked at Sakura his eyes almost begging her not to ask about Akira.

"Sakura-Chan." Happi sniffled slightly. "Akira is gone, he's gone someplace better than here."

"He went to the hospital in Shinjuku again? they have better toys there." Sakura seemed disappointed. "I hope he brings me back a souvenir."

Silk knelt down next to Sakura. "Akira isn't coming back, Sakura Chan. He's gone for good."

"A permanent transfer? Maybe I'll see him when I go for my next Chemo." her voice was bright, not concept of what Silk meant.

"He's really gone, Sakura. You'll never see him again. he went to be with the gods." Silk's voice was serious, and she looked right in Sakura's eyes.

Sakura knew that Silk didn't mean a temple. "You mean... He died?" her voice was so tiny, so fearful of being right.

Silk nodded, and had another small body clinging to her shoulders and sobbing. "I'm sorry, Sakura-Chan. I tried."

"I'm going to miss Akira-kun." Sakura sobbed softly into Silk's blouse. "You'll miss him too, won't you Grandpa Happi?"

Happi hopped down from Silk's shoulder and put one hand on Sakura. This was more difficult than he ever imagined. He certainly didn't know how to deal with this.

"I miss him already Sakura Chan. " he sniffled and tried to put on a brave front for Sakura. "But if you and I and the rest of the children always remember him, and keep him close to our hearts. He'll always be with us."

"I love you, Grandpa Happi." Sakura said softly, wiping her tears on the old Master's coat. "will you come back next week to see us again?"

Happi wasn't even sure if he could anymore, he was in too much pain right now. Hugged Sakura Chan. "I love you too, I'll try my best to be here next week." Happi twinged a bit when he felt a strange pain shoot down his left arm, leaving it slightly numb for a bit.

He shook his head slightly to clear it. "I'll be back, you be good until then okay Sakura-Chan"

Sakura nodded seriously and headed towards the elevator to the children's ward.

Silk picked Happosai back up and headed out the door. She dropped the Old man immediately, as it was raining and he became a she much bigger then she could carry. the sky was dark, and it seemed that a bad storm was approaching. "Let's go before it gets worse." Silk said, wishing she had a jacket against the inner chill as she did the out one.

Happi-Chan walked silently beside Silk. For once she didn't care if someone saw her leave the hospital. Her tears mixed with the rain and now went unnoticed.

After a bit, she reach into her jacket and handed Silk a golden Brooch. Happi also dropped her soap case of water proof soap. She quickly scooped it up before speaking.

" I need to sell this. I have to give Akira a good memorial service. one last thing that I can give to him." She reach into another pocket and brought out a small umbrella and opened it over Silk.

"I don't know If I can go on with the children any longer."

Silk took the broach and looked at it. It was beautiful. A golden angel with delicate wings and a perfect tiny smile. Diamond eyes winked at her unseeing. It would fetch a good price, she was sure. "I'll find a buyer for it." She said softly, considering for a moment Happi's other comment. She settled for something cryptic. "The greater love has he who is not afraid to sow it widely, uncertain of its yield."

Happosai became very quiet as he tried to ascertain what Silk was getting at. "Maybe..."

The rest of the trip home went uneventful. Somewhere along the way Happi finally stopped crying and now wore a grim expression. She was starting to withdraw slightly into herself.

As soon as they arrive at Curses and Cures Happi immediately found some hot water and changed back to normal. "It's not right to grieve in my cursed form, It's me that's hurting not Lin Ran."

The old man sat down softly at the kitchen table. He became very quiet and just seemed to stare at the pattern on the wood.

Silk decided to refrain from pointing out that he and Lin Ran were now one and the same, so far as aura goes, and beyond aura, what kind of separation was there? She pulled out a few boxes and prepared some Jasmine tea, Happi's favorite, she knew. She added a few other herbs in small quantity. Mild Sedatives. They both needed them, or there was no way they'd be able to sleep tonight. She knew. She'd had a few patients die under her hands before. Always accident victims, though, and no one she really knew.

She set the cup next to his hand as she sat down, "Here Happosai. please."

Happosai glanced up from the table at the sound of Silk's voice. He had been pondering why God didn't help little Akira. He was a good boy, and didn't deserve what life threw at him. Why was he made to suffer like that.

he tilted his head softly at Silk, and took a drink of the offered tea. "Silk-Chan, Thank you, Thank you for everything. Your a true friend, and the best student I ever had." As he spoke he brought out the bar of waterproof soap. and sat it on the table.

Silk's warning signals started flashing. Why was he saying this? he'd NEVER said anything of the sort before. "Talk, Happosai. It's the only thing besides time that will make you feel better." she paused, "I know..." She paused again, this time for several seconds before continuing, in a less forceful tone, "I'm sorry. I tried. there wasn't anything more I could do for him. He was beyond me. So far beyond me."

Happosai grabbed the waterproof soap and began washing himself in the sink. Over his clothes and all. "I knew you did everything in your power to save him Silk. It was just the will of God that he died."

Happosai opened the kitchen window and climbed out into the storm, maintaining his normal form. "I for one am going to talk to him about it!"

Before Silk could react Happosai climbed up onto the roof of Curses and Cures. The rain pounding his small body, wind whipping his loose clothing about.


Happosai paused for a moment to gather his strength and courage. "I CALL YOU OUT! YOU AND ME MANO ON MANO! ARE YOU UP TO THE CHALLEGE?!"

Silk watched as Happi screamed his challenge to the stars, her face aghast in horror. --No... Come down. Come back to me.-- her mind called out to him. --Don't you know I need you here?-- She grabbed the rain gutter and pulled herself upwards, finally reaching the rain soaked old man. --You're wrong, Happi, you're wrong. He didn't only suffer. He loved. He Lived. He was loved. And he was happy. There is more to every life then suffering, for without love there is no suffering. Come down. I need you here.--

Happosai turned slightly when he hear Silk in his mind. He had a sharp pain in his chest and his left arm went numb. Happosai wanted to challenge God, but He sensed something else in Silk's thoughts.

He winced and looked up ate her. The pain in his chest was getting excruciating. "You really need me... Silk-Chan?" He was about to say more, but he suddenly couldn't breathe very well. His eyes widened as the old man realized what was really happening.

His heart was stopping. He swallowed as he felt fear like he had never known before.

"Silk....Chan.... I ... Love.. you..." The old man fell flat on his face on the rain soaked roof.

Silk caught him. "Damn it!" she felt for a pulse. None. She laid him on his back and put her hands on his chest, concentrating for a moment. Her hands pulse with electric energy. Again. just like the defibrillators at the hospital. She checked for a pulse. It was back. She picked up the still unconscious old man and hauled him back down stairs, sitting in her big easy chair with him in her lap, wrapped in a blanket.

--Of course I need you, Happosai. How could you doubt that?-- she thought as she dredged up the last of her chi reserves, flooding his body with healing energy. He'd had a heart attack. She recognized the symptoms. But he would recover. She would make sure of it. --I love you too, Old man.--

Happosai was still unconscious but he felt his spirit returning back to his body. He knew that he had lost his fight with God before it had even begun. He knew it before he started it, but it had to be done.. for Akira.

He was just starting to feel his body stating back up. He had come so close to death this time, only Silk was able to bring him back.

--Silk-Chan, I never doubted..I just never knew. No one ever needed me before.--

He started breathing stronger on his own, his eyes fluttering slightly. --Silk-Chan, I asked you never to leave me... perhaps I should have promised not to leave you.--

Silk sighed when she felt Happosai returning to consciousness, and relaxed her flow of energy. She was almost drained from her attempt to save Akira, and the added energy had come from a deeper level then she normally could reach. --You can't leave me. I won't let you.-- her mind voice had a distinctively jealous tone to it. --I've shared living quarters with death since I was born, but damned if I'll let him steal my family again. he already took them once.-- she hugged Happosai's still weak body to her chest. --No damn heart attack is taking away my family.--

Happosai smiled weakly, the first time since the tragedy earlier today. Weakly he hugged himself closer to Silk-Chan. "I won't leave you if I can help it." He whispered softly, and then coughed. "There may come a time soon when I can no longer use this body, the cursed form may be the only hope that I have."

"You do what you have to do, Happi." Silk said weakly. She was starting to become aware of her soaked head, hr current state of beyond mere chi drain. She felt like someone had drained her very essence out of her. She was going to be sick in the morning, she knew. "You do what you have to do."

Happosai didn't answer. The stress of the day combined with his near death experience, combined with the sedatives had done their work. The old man was sound asleep in Silk's arms.

Silk smiled softly, glad that her family was going to be alright. She fell asleep with her cheek on Happi's head.

Perfume was just coming home from a late class at college. She was carrying her umbrella with one hand and her book bag with the other. even with the umbrella she had managed to get soaked from the storm.

She cursed softly under her breath when she dropped her keys. She picked them back up and entered the shop. She set her bag on the kitchen table and noticed that someone had left the window open, and flooded the floor.

She closed the window and noticed Silk-Chan sleeping in the next room. Oddly enough the old freak was sleeping in her lap. She didn't question the situation. She dried the rain water out of her hair with a handy towel.

Smiling softly, she picked the old freak up and placed him gently on the couch. She wrapped a blanked around his small body. Somehow deep down the pink haired amazon knew something bad had happened.

After she settled the old man in, she then gently picked up Silk and carried her upstairs to her room. After she settled her friend in she went back downstairs and made a cup of tea.

Silk woke a little when she heard Perfume shut the door to her room. "Wha..?" then she remembered what had happened. --Happi..-- She pulled herself to her feet and staggered down the stairs. "Happi..." she whispered softly as she found the stairs and started down. she got about halfway down before she tripped over her own feet and rolled unceremoniously to the bottom. "Happi..." she said blankly, unperturbed by her unorthodox entrance. "Perfume... where's Happi?" she asked softly. She looked quite literally like hell.

The pink Haired amazon had run in from the kitchen when she heard Silk fall down the steps. Genuine concern for her friend was etched into Perfume's countenance.

"Happi's on the couch, Silk-Chan, I tucked him in myself. I did the same for you but you were too stubborn to stay in bed."

Perfume's expression became dark. "I don't know what happened today, but it has taken a lot out of both of you. I suggest that you both get some sleep."

She helped her younger friend to her feet.

The moment Perfume let go, Silk was on the floor again. Her energy was completely drained. Beyond the time when Cologne had attacked her, she'd used up most of her vital ki, her life force, in trying to cheat death twice in one evening, and sleeping in a puddle of water hadn't helped. She was shivering violently, but didn't realize it. "Little Aki-ra-ra.. he died t-t-today. Dur-ing surgery. T-t-tried to save him. Couldn't. Happi...he... he t-took it h-hard." Silk wrapped her arms around her sides, "On roof-f, y-y-yelling at gods-s. Heart atta-ta-tack. Saved him. Pulled h-him back. T-t-twice t-t-touched death to-d-day." She paused for a moment, looking up at Perfume. "C-cold."

Keisuke awoke to the sound of a loud thump. Climbing out of bed, he made his way to the door, wiping sleep out of his eyes. Opening the door, he was surprised to see Silk on the floor mumbling. "Silk! Silk, what's wrong?" He looked at Perfume, who stood there with a worried expression on her face. Gently, he took her into his arms and placed her in his bed. "Silk, are you okay?" he asked her, placing some blankets over her. "What's wrong?"

"C-cold." she answered, "Energy... gone. Need warm... or maybe die."

Thinking quickly Perfume rolled stripped off her blouse and wrapped her arms around Silk. Body warmth helping warm the healer up, but that wasn't the reason Perfume held her like that.

The Pink Haired Amazon had high amounts of Chi, she never learned to properly manipulate it all, but it was there. Slowly at first, but adding more and more by the second. Perfume willingly fed her own Chi into Silk's body, warming her and infusing her with strength.

Silk's shivering gradually slowed, and she raised her head. She noticed the looks Keisuke was giving Perfume, but it didn't really process through her mind. She had been cold. Now she felt like she was burning up. A quiet part of her mind told her she was wrong, that her core temperature was still quite low, but her nerves screamed that it was burning. Melting even. Compared to before, it was a blast furnace. She pushed Perfume away. "Hot." she tried to push the blankets off of the bed, but didn't have the strength.

Perfume quickly put her blouse back on. Hopefully she had provided enough Chi to Silk. She calmly tucked the blankets back around her best friend.

"Silk-Chan, You need the blankets." She gave Keisuke a look that told him not to say a word about what Happened a few moments before. "I gave you enough Chi I think.. but until your over the fever you need to keep the blankets on, please."

Silk looked up at her friends with wide eyes. She was hot. Her nerves kept telling her this. But she was shaking. Her teeth chattered together when she tried to speak. And though she could see them standing over her with concerned looks, she felt alone. Unsteadily, she raised both her arms towards them, hoping they'd understand what she wanted. What she needed.

Keisuke reached over and embraced Silk. He lay his face on her cheek and her face was burning with fever. "Don't worry." he whispered close to her ear. "You'll be okay. Everything will be okay."

Perfume embraced Silk from the other side. She could tell that Silk was burning up. She also seemed to have gotten enough chi from her. She thought about what Silk had said. She didn't know why Happosai was at the hospital or what connection he had to this Akira person, but it had hit both of them rather hard. She also thought about what Silk had said about Happi having a heart attack. She really hoped that the old man was alright.

Silk wrapped her arm around Keisuke's neck, she didn't feel as alone. She was glad they'd understood her gesture. "Thank you." She whispered softly. "Thank you so much."

Perfume held close to Silk. "Your very welcome my friend." She smiled slightly and stayed where she was. After several minutes Perfume whispered soft enough to be heard. "I need to check on Happi, Keisuke please take care of Silk." The look in her eyes told him exactly how much she was trusting him.

She climbed out of the bed and checked to make sure the old man was alright. She put an electric blanket over the one that was already on him. She plugged it in and hoped it would be warm enough. Happi was breathing easy, and his pulse was steady. "Good, it seems as though your going to be alright."


Happosai, Meanwhile was locked in the terror of nightmares that he couldn't escape. The dark carnival was after him once again. They promised an eternity in the amazing maze.

Just then an angel appeared and destroyed the carnival, saving Happosai from the demons of his dreams. The Angel turned and smiled, it was Akira.

Happosai screamed Akira's name in his sleep. He then rolled over and finally slept soundly.


Perfume was in the kitchen making some soup and hot tea with lemon, when she heard Happi scream the boy's name. She looked in, made sure he was alright once again, and finished what she was doing.

A few minutes later (Yes minutes, perfume can use the microwave without it exploding) The pink haired amazon came back into Keisuke's room with a tray carrying hot lemon tea and hot chicken soup.

"Maybe this will help you feel better Silk-Chan. It always works for me."

Silk turned her eyes to look at Perfume as she entered. "Soup?" she asked softly. She had a hold of Keisuke's hand, had it held to her cheek, holding on as if it were a lifeline. She reluctantly released the hand and moved to sit up in bed so she could eat the soup.

Keisuke set his hand down on her leg as she sat up, a gesture meant to let her know that he was still there for her. He moved her bangs out of her face as they had cropped up with her tears. He couldn't help but smile at the way she looked like a child. He sat next to her as she ate her soup.

Silk spooned the soup at first, then gave up and slurped in down. It was good, and she could feel the warmth in her belly. It made her feel better. More like a person, less like a corpse. She sighed and put the bowl back on the tray. "Thank you, Perfume. The soup does make me feel better." She smiled at her friend, then looked back at Keisuke. "and thank you, Keisuke." She leaned forward and caught him in a tight hug. "just for being there."

"Anytime," he said, squeezing her and giving her a friendly kiss on her cheek. "So are you going to tell me what's wrong, now that you're feeling better?" he asked her.

Silk lifted her head off his shoulder, motioning for Perfume to come a little closer so she could hear as well. "At the hospital, Happi and I sometimes work with the terminally ill children. there is... was... one in particular, Akira, the Happi loved the most. He was an orphan, and Happosai was his surrogate grandpa. He went in for a bone marrow transplant operation today. It was supposed to cure his leukemia. the operation failed; Akira rejected the bone marrow, and had an allergic reaction to the anesthetic." She paused for a moment, hugging Keisuke a little tighter. "I tried to heal him... but his heart gave out. I held him together by pure will, trying to pull him a little farther, but everything gave out at once. he... didn't make it." She paused a moment to wipe the tears that had started silently flowing out of her eyes. "Happosai didn't take it very well. he was up on the roof yelling at the gods, challenging them to a fight in the middle of the storm. I went up after him, then he had a heart attack. I revived him, brought him back." her voice was thick by the time she reached the end of her sentence. She stopped talking, switching to a tired mental voice they could both hear --I think I tried to much. I almost killed myself by accident... if Perfume hadn't done that chi transfer I probably wouldn't have lasted the night.--

Keisuke was silent, he couldn't find the proper words to say and he didn't know what to think. He instead didn't say anything at all and held Silk tighter. --It's not your fault.-- he tried to tell her, even though she had probably had ran that through her mind several times already. He whispered it to her this time, hoping she'd understand that it really and truthfully was not her fault. "It's not your fault."

Perfume was completely stunned, She never knew that Happi spent time with the children. She was even more scared when she realized how close she had come to losing Silk. It was all a lot to take in at once.

--Silk-Chan, You did all that you could, and then more. No one could have asked anything more from you.--

She was so proud of her friend right now, but she was still frightened about the strength of Silk's and Happi's convictions.

Silk sighed softly, --I know what I did. I felt Akira die. There was no pain in it. It was time. Don't worry. I don't blame myself for it.-- she closed her eyes, laying her head on Keisuke's shoulder --When did you two become closet telepaths?-- was her last wandering thought before she fell asleep where she was.

Perfume looked very surprised, she hadn't even realized that she had used telepathy.

"How did we do that, Keisuke?" She whispered softly. She smiled softly as she felt Silk-Chan go to sleep. She knew now that her friend would be alright.

"Keisuke, take care of her for me, I need to check on Happi again."


The next morning

Happosai awoke with a start. It took him a moment to realize he was on the couch at Silk's place. He was also way too hot, he was wearing two blankets, one of them was electric and turned up on high.

The storm outside had gone to a mere sprinkle. He glanced to the right and noticed that Perfume was asleep in a Chair near him, she was wrapped in a blanket also.

Then he started remembering bits and pieces of what happened last night. He vaguely remembered his loosing fight with God. He also remembered the heart attack and Silk saving his life.

"Silk-Chan!" He ran for Silk's room to make sure that she was alright.

Keisuke put down his book as Happosai came bouncing into the room. He had stayed up the rest of the night while Silk slept with her arm around him and her head on his shoulder. Checking to see if she was still sleeping, he gave Happosai a comforting look. "She's fine Happi. How are you?" he asked him sincerely.

Silk started to stir when Happosai woke up, and once he was in the same room she slowly opened her eyes. She looked up at Keisuke, who still had an arm draped loosely over her back. --Did he sit like that all night?? wow...-- she wondered as she turned her head to look at Happosai. "Morning, Happi." she said softly. "Better?"

Happosai smiled as he saw Silk awaken and how she had slept. It looked as though Keisuke and Perfume had been a great help to him and to his student.

"I have a raging headache and feel like hell, but I'm alive and I will make it." He Bounded onto the end of the bed to look closer at his student. "I owe you my life and my sanity, Silk-Chan, how can I ever repay you?"

Silk gave him a serious look. "Don't ever make me do it again." She lifted her head off of Keisuke's shoulder and looked Happi right in the eye. "Don't make me worry. Don't make me kill myself. I don't like going there." she hugged Keisuke again, hiding her face in his chest for a moment. --I Don't like going there.--

Happi hung his head slightly. He knew he was out of his mind last night, but he didn't know how much he had taken out of Silk. He didn't know how close he came to losing her also.

He hopped up right next to her and Keisuke. Without a word he hugged Silk. Then he whispered softly. "You'll never go there again Silk Chan, not because of me, I promise."

"I'm holding you to that." Silk muttered, turning her head sideways to look at him again. "And if you break that, I'll break you." she looked up at Keisuke again. "Thank you. I didn't think you'd stay up all night..."

Keisuke smiled and gently kissed the top Silk's head. "I didn't want to move you. It was no problem at all, I enjoyed it." Sliding out of bed he headed up the stairs. "I'll get you two something to eat." he said, heading to the kitchen.

Happi smiled and released Silk from the hug. " You never have to worry about that from me again, Silk Chan. I don't want to get broken."

"you'd better stick with me.. I never want to lose you either."

"I'm not going anywhere." Silk sighed rolling over on the bed and popping a few cricks out of her neck. "Right now I feel about as strong a newborn kitten. I can't believe how far I reached to find that energy. that whole night's sleep and Perfume's help last night and I'm still almost chi-less."

Happosai gently touched Silk on the hand. 300 years of experience had given him excellent control over his chi. Quickly, he transferred allot of his chi into Silk. He wasn't planning on fighting today so he could spare it.

"Does that help, Silk-Chan?"

Silk half-smiled, "Yes, it does." She rolled over again and gave a slight yelp as she rolled onto something that jabbed her in the side. She reached into her pocket and pulled out Happi's broach. The angel's eyes winked at her in the half light of morning that streamed into the room. "Did you want me to find someone to buy this, or are you going to do it yourself?" She gave him a level look, "I know nothing of funerals, Happi, and I don't really have the time to coordinate a memorial service." She handed him back the broach. "As much as I'd like to help you, I think you need to do this. To keep yourself busy. Otherwise it'll eat away at you until you can't deal with it. We've already done that. Once is more then enough."


Perfume woke up slowly, it had been rather uncomfortable sleeping in that chair all night. She didn't even remember falling asleep. glancing about she noticed that Happosai was already awake. If he was up and walking then he would be fine.

She followed her nose to the smell of food cooking in the kitchen. She was a bit disheaveaveled and not really awake yet, a typical morning for Perfume.

She mumbled 'good morning' to Keisuke as she started a pot of coffee. Then she sat down trying to wake up.

"Good morning, beautiful!" Keisuke replied cheerily to Perfume. He turned back to the stove to finish up the traditional American breakfast he was making; French toast, omelets, and bacon. Handing a plate to Perfume, he balanced the other three on his arm and headed downstairs. "C'mon Perfume, let's go have breakfast."

Perfume and Keisuke walked in to see Silk handing Happosai a broach and concluding some sort of instructions. Silk turned when they came in the door and her whole face broke into a smile. "Breakfast!" She took two plates from Keisuke and handed one to Happi. "Thank you Kei-Chan." she kissed him on the cheek. "It smells wonderful."

"I hope it tastes wonderful, too." Keisuke smiled at Silk. "Here you go Happi, enjoy." He handed Happosai his plate. "So," he took his seat next to Silk. "What's everybody doing today?"

Happosai took the brooch back from Silk and Accepted the plate of food Keisuke offered with a ' thank you.'

Before he began to eat he looked Silk right in the eye. "your right, the activity will help. I'll take care of everything for dear little Akira. You try to rest up."

He tried the food and perked up a bit. "this is really good Keisuke."

Perfume also smiled when she tried breakfast. Keisuke was really a good cook. She glanced back and forth between Happi and Silk just to make sure they were feeling better. They seemed so much better today.

'Keisuke you've really got to teach me how to cook like this."

They ate in silence for a while, and Silk thought about how they were all acting. As if nothing had happened the night before. as if it were all a dream. --Was it all a dream?-- she wondered for a moment, but dismissed the thought. "Happi is going to go see about a memorial service. I'm going down to the hospital to take care of a few things. Reports... all that BS." She laid her fork down on the plate, looking from Keisuke to Perfume. "I..." she trailed off, not sure what to say.

Keisuke put a hand on Silk's arm and squeezed gently. "Sounds like a plan..." he said, trying to fill the silence.

Happosai ate in silence as his mind was working overtime to plan the memorial service, and deal with the loss of his grandson. His mind was threatening to send him into another crying fit.

Perfume looked right into Silk's eyes. She patted Silk's hand slightly. " You were so sick last night, Silk-Chan are you sure you should go to the hospital today? You should rest a bit more I think."

"I think you're right." Silk admitted. "I'll do it tomorrow, I guess." Silk looked at the clock. It was 8:10. "Perfume, don't you have a class in twenty minutes?"

"what?" Perfume quickly glanced at her watch and realized that she was running a tad bit late. If she hurried she could make it. She gave Happosai and Silk and almost motherly look. "Will you two be alright?"

Happosai glanced up at Perfume and indicated that he would be alright.

"We'll be fine." Silk assured her pink haired friend. "I'm going to get some more sleep. Then I'll challenge Keisuke for top cook in the house." she quipped as the others left for their own pursuits.

Assured that her friend and her friend's mentor were both Okay, Perfume hurried off to class.


Later that same day

Happosai had gotten quite a bit of money for the brooch he sold. He then spent the rest of the day planning Akira's service. Happosai was a wreck he still had trouble saying Akira's name without his eyes threatening to cry gain.

The irony of the entire situation was that Happosai Grand Master of the Founding school, a man who had trained his students to protect themselves, could not even protect his grandchild. Nothing Happi could do or say would ever change that.

He also thought about his duel with the gods the night before. There was no doubt that he lost, but why was he spared? By all rights the old man should have died years ago, but he was allowed to continue on.

Was there a reason he was left behind? Is there some purpose he was allowed to live?

These thoughts played in the old man's head as he completed his last phone call and finished arranging the funeral.

His eyes were downcast at the table as he was deep in thought.

At 3:30 Silk's radio flipped itself on, as it was programmed to. The DJ announced a few news events, declared it to be 'foreign song hour' then put on a song. It was an American song called 'Tears in Heaven'. Almost as soon as the song started Silk same padding quietly down the stairs. she didn't say anything, just sat on the kitchen stool and listened to the song.

Happi glanced up slightly as he heard the line, "would you know my name, If I saw you in heaven." he looked toward the radio, not noticing Silk as of yet.

"yes, I would never forget your name, Akira. I'm afraid that I would never join you there."

It seemed as though Happi was talking to the radio as though it was a real person. But he also seemed to look beyond the musical device.

Silk walked up behind Happi, putting a hand on his shoulder. "Someday, Happi, but not anytime soon."

Happosai sniffled slightly and looked back at Silk. "One who challenges Gods don't often go to heaven you know."

he sighed slightly but looked alot better than he had yesterday. "I have everything arranged Silk-Chan. I'm not sure if I should invite some of the other kids or not, this could be very traumatic." He gave Silk and almost pleading look. "you will go with me, won't you?"

"I'd say the gods like the occasional debate." Silk sat in the chair next to Happi. "What do you have planned? and when?"

"Tomorrow, I have a service arranged for him, The service will be simple, but I have a small gathering planned afterwards, a chance to remember and reminisce."

"then I think you should invite the children, Happi. No one else really knew Akira that well, and they deserve a chance to speak, to say what they remember." Silk sighed, "Even if they don't really understand death, the chance to remember only really comes once. It helps them to remember how Akira lived, not how he died." The healer shook her head ruefully. "It took me years to remember my parents without just seeing how they died. because I never thought to remember anything else."

Happi reach up and patted Silk's hand reassuringly. "You are right of course, my student. We shall remember how the dear boy lived." Happi sighed slightly. "the children have a right to be there."

Silk nodded, her eyes far away as she tried to remember something, "There was an American author I had to read in my college class. I don't remember much of what he said, but I do remember this, '"Life does not cease to be funny when people die any more than it ceases to be serious when people laugh.' perhaps you should think about that." she nodded, then headed out into the shop front. "I'm going shopping, I'll be back."

"Please have fun Silk." Happosai sighed, sometimes he wondered who was the student and who was the teacher. Once again Silk had given him much to think about.

"As much fun as shopping for lasagna ingredients can be.", she called as she left the building.

Happi sighed and set about finishing the last of the planning and calling the hospital.


The next day was gloomy and overcast with clouds. Silk and Happi were dressed for the service. Happosai had been especially quiet in the last 12 hours. It was obvious that he was far from recovered, but he was making progress.

Silk put one hand on Happi's shoulder as they left the shop and whispered softly. "Do you remember what I said yesterday?"

"yes I do Silk-Chan" Happosai answered quietly. "Remember and celebrate Akira-Chan's life." Happi sniffled slightly, he was getting choked up again. " I'll try my hardest Silk Chan"

"Zen, Happosai, Zen." Silk whispered back, "that's what it's there for."

"I'll do my best."

Shortly there after the pair arrived at the memorial service. It was an outside service and the children were already there. Their parents were with them. Silk and Grandfather Happosai were assaulted by hugs from both the children and many of the parents.

One of the mothers smiled at the pair. "I've always wanted to meet the two of you. Sakura has said so many good things about you."

"I just hope that you find most of them to be true." Silk smiled at the woman as Sakura glomped onto her leg and proceeded to climb the healer like an undersize jungle gym.

Sakura held a book in her hands and shoved it In Silk's face. It was Akira's old storybook. "We want you to read the Demon of Rashaman for Akira one more time, Silk-San!" the other children gathered at her feet, and the mother's looked surprised at the children's intent looks. "he should have one more story, even if he can't hear it. I'm sure he's listening, where-ever he is now." Sakura said firmly, pressing the book into Silk's hands.

Happi glanced sadly up at Silk. His heart wasn't ready for story-telling as of yet. The children asked and grandfather Happosai could never refuse them.

He smiled slightly, a little of the old fire in his eyes again. "Are you ready to play the princess again, Silk-Chan?.... One more time for Akira."

Silk smiled as the children led their parents and the nurses which were in attendance into a circle on the grass around Akira's bier. The priest who was presiding smiled gently as he joined them on the ground, and Silk and Happi told the story of a demon, a princess and the hero, Akira's favorite tale, one last time.
