The Amazon Catfight

RNRPG: Amazon Catfight
Started by: Perfume

Perfume sat atop a building across the street from the Nekohanten. Her long pink hair was flowing in the breeze as she was deep in thought. Her vengeance had waited for far too long now, today was the day for paybacks.

She absently traced the scar on her face and readied her Naginata. Today the Matriarch's Great Granddaughter would know all the pain she had caused Perfume.

The Great Granddaughter in question, Shampoo, was inside the Nekohanten, beating up Mousse. For some reason which she did not understand, Mousse had gotten very articulate and declared his undying love to a shipment of eggplant and that's one of the many reasons she was currently hitting him with a broom handle.

"Stupid Mousse!" she finished the Duck-boy and then walked outside to get her bike. She had out on a pretty Chinese dress for Airen's sake. It was a red, figure-hugging Chinese dress with a nice floral pattern on her chest. Not that she needed any patters to get Airen to notice her chest anyhow, she had thought as she had picked it out, but still. Before she reached the bike, she felt that something was wrong. Looking around, she saw the pink haired amazon on top of a roof.

"Scar Girl!" Shampoo greeted Perfume in Japanese, "Why you on top house? Want Shampoo give more scar or go away!"

Almost without warning Perfume leaped from the roof and landed right beside her most hated adversary. The pink haired amazon held her Naginata in the ready position.

"I think it's time you learned what it is to suffer!"

Putting her speed to the test she swung her Naginata out trying to nail Shampoo with the blunt end of it.

Shampoo dodged the potentially lethal weapon and then sent a swift kick at Perfume's right hand, hoping to force the pink haired girl to let go of her weapon.

"Shampoo know how suffer. Shampoo feel sick when see Perfume face. Is suffer."

Perfume stepped back spinning her Naginata out of the range of Shampoo's kick. She didn't say a word, but growled in irritation at Shampoo's comment.

Dropping low she swung the blade toward Shampoo's ankles hoping to shorten the other amazon.

Shampoo jumped up, thus evading the Naginata. And while she was in the air, she changed her trajectory and approached Perfume with a kick from above.

Perfume's eyes went wide as she saw Shampoo's kick going for her. She rolled back out of the way, as Shampoo's kick shattered the pavement where she was kneeling moments ago.

leaping to her feet, Perfume jumped up and landed smartly on the fire escape above. "You won't win that easily, My friend." Perfume's voice dripped venom and her smile was of pure malice. "It's long past time for you to pay."

she jumped up another flight. "Come Join me on the roof, where we will have no interruptions.'

Shampoo raised her eyebrows. "Scar Girl no want rescue from Shampoo? Fine by Shampoo!" And with those words she leapt up to the roof upon which Perfume stood. The first difference she noticed was that the wind blew a little more she, making her hair sway a little, as well as the lower part of her dress.

"Shampoo ready anytime Scar Girl is."

Perfume spun her Naginata about and imbedded it into the roof they were standing on. She needed closer combat with Shampoo.

She grinned savagely as she drew her sword. "I would never fight an unarmed foe, shampoo." She tossed the purple haired amazon one Bon Bori.

As Shampoo caught the weapon Perfume seized the momentary opportunity and closed with Shampoo, slashing at her throat.

Shampoo realized what was about to happen in the last second and ducked just in time for the blade to swoosh by really close. That had been too close, she thought. Deciding to fight the most effective way she new, i.e. a-little-dirty-but-who's-gonna-complain, she thrusted the bonbori towards the biggest target she could find in her ducked position. Perfume's bouncing bosom. Hopefully, that would hurt.

Perfume felt an excruciating pain in her chest. She grimaced and slammed the pommel of her sword down onto Shampoo's head. As soon as it connected she jumped back clutching her injured breast.

"OW! You'll pay for that you dirty fighting bimbo."

Shampoo also took a few steps back, rubbing her head where the pommel had hit. "Scar Girl no can take heat, get off roof," she said, staring daggers.

With those words of wisdom, she leapt up into the air and flew towards Perfume, her bonbori swooshing towards her sword arm.

Perfume quickly sidestepped and tossed her sword behind her to catch it with her left hand. Right before Shampoo finished her leap, Perfume slammed her fist into Shampoo's solar plexus. Using the purple haired girl's momentum against her.

Perfume felt pain in her shoulder where Shampoo's bon bori managed to connect. She circled to the side rotating her shoulder painfully.

The purple haired amazon coughed as she landed, holding her stomach with her left hand. Now that had hurt. Shampoo wasn't happy. Suddenly she closed in on her enemy, her right leg flying upwards, hoping to hit either the stomach, breasts or chin depending on Perfume's dodge.

Perfume didn't dodge, she dropped her sword and caught Shampoo's legs. Her speed being the only advantage she had over Shampoo in the past. shoving back with all her might she tossed the other amazon to the ground on her back.

Perfume leapt high into the air, coming down on a trajectory to crush shampoo's ribcage under her feet.

Understandably, Shampoo was not overly thrilled at the prospect of having her torso crushed, so she rolled to the side, causing Perfume to land on the ground (roof?) and breaking pieces of it in the process. She then quickly got up on her knees and struck the bonbori at Perfume's legs, hoping to either knock her down or break a few bones.

Perfume's legs simply were not where Shampoo aimed. That area of the roof gave away under Perfume's leaping kick. She ended up in the room below her, covered with dust.

"Damn my luck!" She cursed from below, until she noticed that she had landed in someone's bathroom.

Shampoo didn't waste time to think, she followed her opponent down the hole, landing in the middle of the bathroom, gripping the bonbori in her right hand as she stared daggers at Perfume.

"Scar Girl try run away?"

Perfume was fast running out of options, both her sword and her Naginata were up on the roof. The latter would be of no use in this enclosed room anyway.

That's when the Pink haired amazon noticed the cracked cold water pipe behind Shampoo. That was just the opportunity she needed. She would invent the Cat-O-Pult.

Perfume attacked Shampoo with a full Amigurikan. Moving at top speed she was forcing shampoo back closer to the cracked pipe. As soon as the pipe was in reach Perfume missed shampoo with one punch, sending it instead into the water pipe, spraying cold water everywhere.

"Aiya!" Shampoo managed to say before she was hit by the cold water. Then it turned into a "Meeeoooow!". Seeing the danger in fighting Perfume in cursed form, Shampoo leapt for the furo and splashed into the warm water. Back in human form, Shampoo leapt at Perfume, ignoring her current state of... lack of clothing, and grabbed at Perfumes collar and ripped with all her might.

"Scar Girl get dress wet! Shampoo buy dress especially for date with Airen!" she yelled as she yanked hard at Perfumes clothes.

Perfume was a little angry that her plan hadn't work. Who would have thought that there would be hot water in the bath unless someone as planning to use it?

She kicked out to force Shampoo back from her, unfortunately the other amazon still had a grip on Perfume's clothing.. taking it with her as she fell back against the wall.

"Aiya! What have you done?!" That's all she needed was to be naked with an equally naked Shampoo!

Shampoo dismissed the thought that Perfume hadn't been wearing underwear during their fight (going commando indeed) and began to walk closer to Perfume, her fingers held out like claws.

"Scar Girl no worry what Shampoo done, worry more what Shampoo is do."

"I'm not worried." Perfume grinned evilly as she looked Shampoo right in the eye. Perfume dropped low lashing out with a foot sweep knocking Shampoo to the ground.

Quickly grabbing Shampoo's legs, Perfume reversed the position and pinned Shampoo to the ground. "Now I have you!"

"Is what Scar Girl think," Shampoo growled before she kicked out with her legs, rolling so that she was on top with Perfume on her back against the floor while her right hand began reaching for the nearest object to use as a weapon(which was a rubber ducky, by the way).

Perfume blushed when she realized the kind of position she was in with Shampoo. It was kind of fun, but certainly not with the girl on top trying to kill you.

Just as Shampoo turned to grab her weapon, Perfume used the first weapon that came to mind. she Head-Butted Shampoo right on the temple knocking her off of the pink haired amazon.

Shampoo fell back, rubbing her temple with one hand. She quickly got up on her feet and then let Perfume stand up before she launched her next attack. Then she grabbed Perfume's pink hair with her left hand, and began feeding punches and slaps to the pink haired girls face and upper body at high speed.

Perfume was being knocked about a bit by Shampoo's blows, but she could fight just as dirty as her.

Perfume reach up around Shampoo's attack. She grabbed a huge handful of Purple hair and yanked down as hard as she could, She had to stop Shampoo's attacks.

Shampoo cried out in sudden pain as she found her hair being yanked, then she responded in kind and grabbed Perfume's hair with her right hand as well, and began yanking at the Pink haired girls scalp, while she kicked at her shin with one of her feet.

Perfume grabbed shampoo's wrist, the one connected to her hand that had grabbed Perfume's hair. She ignored the kicks to the shin as she used a pressure point to force Shampoo to let go.

Then with a yell of rage and pain she thew Shampoo through the nearest wall, causing her to land in the next room.

Shampoo quickly got up on her feet and shook of the plaster in her hair. She was standing in a bedroom filled with plush animals and girly stuff. She smiled a 'why don't you come over here and try that?' smile at Perfume as she got ready for another attack.

Perfume had quite enough of shampoo at this time. Her former friend was going to pay for scarring her. She was fully prepared to kill the purple haired amazon if necessary.

She felt anger like she had never felt before, she knew she was falling prey to a trait that ran in her family for generations. She was going into a berserker rage.

Perfume charged at shampoo with a flurry of punches, shampoo managed to block each and every one. Then Perfume sped up to Amigurikan speed. One punch got through Shampoo's defenses. She grabbed the Purple haired amazon by the throat and threw her against the wall.

Shampoo bounced off of the wall and landed on the bed. Perfume jumped up onto the edge of the bed, the look in her eyes was one of pure malice.

Perfume's vision was temporarily obscured by a pillow Shampoo threw at her, only to find Shampoo next to her, grabbing her hair in one hand, yanking it, while slapping Perfume's face and chest with her free hand repeatedly.

"You B@tch!" Perfume snarled as the slaps rained on her body. She never was much for pain, so it seemed to her that it was time to cause Shampoo some pain.

Kicking out, she foot swept Shampoo causing her to fall back onto the bed. As she fell, perfume dropped down with a flying elbow drop. Right in Shampoo's gut, knocking the air out of her.

"You Wanna fight dirty! I'll show you dirty! Remember this?!"

Perfume held her hand out like a claw. She grinned evilly at Shampoo's right eye, the same eye that shampoo had scared on her. She brought her nails down toward Shampoo's face. "Payback for betrayal!"

Just as she was about to connect with Shampoo's face, she heard the voice of her conscience, it sounded oddly like Silk-Chan.

"Do you really want to be like her? Is your revenge worth your honor?"

Perfume withdrew her hand and slinked back off the bed. She would never do that to anyone, not even her sworn enemy.

Shampoo didn't know why Perfume had stopped her attack. But she didn't care, either way.

"Scar Girl show Shampoo dirty? Scar Girl with no clothes, is more dirty that that is? Shampoo think not."

And with those words, Shampoo threw herself at Perfume, sensing her hesitation. As their bodies collided and fell to the floor, Shampoo rolled on top of the pink-haired amazon and pinned her to the floor. "Now what Scar Girl do? Scream mercy?"

Shampoo had pinned Perfume to the ground quite well. She couldn't move her arms and legs. Shampoo even took the precaution of keeping her head back out of Head-Butting range.

Perfume had one dirty option at her disposal. Shampoo had failed to protect her large bosom, and Perfume could move her head. She slammed her head against Shampoo's breast, turning slightly at the last second and letting the corner of her eyeglass frame dig in. That Had to hurt.

Shampoo howled in pain as the pink haired amazons glasses hurt one of her breasts. Her pretty face distorting in pure anger, she retaliated by letting go of her opponents arms with her hands and began feeding punches to Perfumes bust.

"How Scar Girl like that?" she growled as she made sure that her nails came in contacts as well.

The blows hurt but Shampoo did exactly what Perfume wanted her to do, she let go of her arms. Perfume snapped her arms up and twisted both of Shampoo's breasts, using them to get some much needed leverage to head-Butt the girl again.

Perfume got back onto her feet and Kicked Shampoo again for good measure. "Have you had enough, betrayer?!"

"Scar Girl is betrayer," Shampoo growled as she got on her feet again, her hands rubbing the spots where Perfume's cheap shots had hurt her. "Shampoo no have enough. Shampoo just beginning. Scar Girl keep off Shampoo chest. Is for Airen, not pervert Scar Girl."

And with those words, she leapt at Perfume, managing to get her hands on the same objects Perfume had been twisting on her body, but this time the hands was on the pink haired amazon's body. And then she squeezed.

*Yeoooooooooow!" Perfume yelped with pain at Shampoo's attack. She had enough of this. She began nailing Shampoo right in the face with punch after punch.

Both Fighters had given up on defense and where wailing away on each other. Both punching each other in the face.

After a few minutes of mindless face punching, Shampoo managed to score a good hit. It hit Perfume in the face, like all the other punches had and her eyes rolled over, knocked out. The only downside was that Perfume had hit Shampoo at exactly the same moment in the face, knocking the amazon out as well.

Both fighters fell to the floor in a heap of limbs as they lost consciousness.

Fujiko walked into the Nekohanten just as the two fell unconscious. Normally, this wasn't one of Fujiko's haunts. Her cat, Jinx, however, had taken it upon himself to attack Mousse again. Fujiko came to apologize and offer to buy yet another robe. No need to fight with the neighbors needlessly, she mused.

Upon hearing the sounds, she quickly ran to the bathroom. Locked. "Oh well...As long as I'm paying for a robe, I might as well buy a door too." she thought to herself. She quickly pounded the door in, ripping it off it's hinges. Once that was done, she found the two naked bodies. She also noticed the draft from the roof. She could see that the bodies were breathing. They just knocked themselves unconscious.

Fujiko went over to Perfume, and then Shampoo and revived them using some smelling salts. As the two combatants were walking, they heard Fujiko give a smart-aleck comment.

"Now **THAT** is some serious hard-core lesbian lovemaking. Daaaaaammmn, when you Amazons are horny, you go ALL out, don't you?" she said winking.

Perfume blushed bright red and pulled two bathrobes through the hole in the wall to the bathroom. She put one on and threw the other at Shampoo.

"It's not what you think Fujiko-Chan." Perfume mumbled drooping her head a little bit. "the fight just got out of hand."

Shampoo put her bathrobe on. "Why Makeup Girl think so?" she mumbled. "Scar Girl admit defeat, yes?"

Fujiko grinned. Of course, she knew what *really* happened. This was, however, too good to resist. "Let's see. The both of you were nude. The door was locked and when I saw you both unconscious, you had a hand on each other's breast. That adds up to a hot and heavy session in my book." Fujiko winked. "Don't worry. I won't tell. What happens when Perfume admits defeat? Do you two kiss and make up." Fujiko added, trying her hardest not to laugh.

Perfume was turning red with anger and embarrassment. she wasn't sure who was getting angry at, Shampoo or Fujiko. The entire situation was just too much for her.

"No Shampoo is not my type Fujiko-Chan, not exciting enough for me." she then gave Shampoo the really Evil eye. "I got the last blow in Shampoo!"

Shampoo returned the evil eye with 2,8% interest. "Scar Girl get last punch? Hah! No last, second last was, and not even punch, more like breath of air! Shampoo deal out last punch!"

Fujiko looked at the pair and shook her head, dropping any pretense of any relationship between the two. "Okay. I apologize for the jokes. You two take this thing way too seriously. The fight was a draw. Double Knockout. Like it or not, you two are equal in skill."

The redhead pondered her next thoughts and laughed. "The humorous thing is that I think what ultimately decides this isn't related at all to physical prowess or any real skill the Amazons teach."

Shampoo glared a little more at Perfume and then turned her head to Fujiko. "What mean?" she asked, then blew a raspberry at Perfume.

"Just this," the thespian spoke. "Neither of you are in the Amazon Village. Your successes and relative qualities of life don't depend on your status in the village. Right now, you two are on equal ground and foreign ground. What matters, me thinks, is your quality of life. If you can live better, you are superior. Isn't that what it's all about? Even in the village? It's just a thought."

Perfume straightened her glasses and gave Shampoo the finger when Fujiko wasn't looking at her.

"I think your right Fujiko-San. I have no intention of EVER returning to my village, outcast or not." The wind blew in from the hole the two had made in the roof. It blew her pink hair back allowing everyone a good look at her scar, for once she didn't immediately move to cover it.

"But I owe Shampoo for screwing up my life and my face, And I intend to pay it back with interest."

"Scar Girl welcome try any time she like," Shampoo challenged.

"It's already Happening Shampoo, your just not swift enough to see it." Perfume was getting VERY angry once again. She remembered her childhood with Shampoo, how good friends the two once were. She also remembered the day Shampoo turned against her.

At one time she would have freely given her life for the purple haired amazon, and now she was trying to kill her. What a difference one day could make.

She glanced at Shampoo. "One day you will see it Shampoo, one day." Perfume turned to gather her weapons back together.

Shampoo blinked at the stupidity of turning your back to a foe and rewarded it with a swift boot to Perfume's backside, sending her flying into the hot tub.

"That what get for try steal Shampoo secret," she growled.

Perfume resurfaced and spat out the water she swallowed when she had a reunion with the bathtub. "What secret are you talking about you hussy, I stole nothing from you."

"Great-Grandmother say you do," Shampoo said, crossing her arms in front of her.

"your Great Grandmother does not know everything, Shampoo." Perfume argued.

Fujiko had enough and walked between the irresistible force and the immovable object otherwise known as Shampoo and Perfume. "This isn't working. Nothing is getting solved here. Let's try talk first, ok? Shampoo, I came here peacefully. I don't want to threaten anyone and I don't want to use force. This fight is over. It is officially a DRAW. You're not in the village. There are other methods to iron out your differences."

"What other method's do you mean Fujiko-Chan."

"And status in village is no what Shampoo matter," Shampoo told the actor in the bathroom, "Is grudge. Simple." She thought a second about what Fujiko had said. "And if mean Monopoly, Shampoo call Steamboat."

"How about discussion?...or you can play Monopoly. What the heck, I'll take the hat." Fujiko said as she pulled out a Monopoly set seemingly out of nowhere. "What piece do you want, Perfume?"

Perfume sighed an exasperated sigh and climbed out of the tub, switching to a dry robe. "Oh what the hell, I'll be the car." She smiled at Fujiko.

Together the group sat down and played an almost peaceful game of monopoly. Well, as peaceful as it could get with Perfume and Shampoo involved.