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its been sooooo long....

Heyo, guys. im sitting here in the school lobrary, thinking about the mudvayne concert this thursday, and wondering why every time i come in here the stupid alarms sound like im returning stolen books. Look, i know i am no the richest guy in the world, but im not so broke that i have to steal this schools retarded 10th edition copies of snow white. i mean come on guys, do i look that pathetic?

Anyways, i know its been quite a while since i updated, but i figured since no one could care less about this page, i might as well update as infrequently as possible. i dont know if im gonna write anything in those other categories, so go to hell. seriously.




My dad woke me up today at about ten o'clock and gave me the usual "ive been up for hours" speech. Ya. like i care. All i really remember him saying other than that is "good god" and "what the hells the matter with you??" Maybe he should try relaxing considering he has work off for two weeks just like me and my sister. If i could i wouldnt wake up, but i have to.
I think i've figured out why i wake up at all anymore. its cuz my body needs food i guess. If it werent for that, i'd stay in bed forever, dreaming of all the things i could've been and could've done, all the things i could've fixed and could've changed. But then something has to wake me up. just when i see happiness on the horizon, something comes along and fucks it. Well, i've about had it. i dont care at all anymore. Im gonna go to sleep and if i get hungry, ill just go back to resting. I know i'll eventually have to give up and eat, but at least i can still dream that i can sleep peacefully.

-hollow out.



Hi yall! look at that, two updates, two days!!! WHOOO-EEE!!! whoop-de-fuckin-doo. Anyways, i finished a story for you guys. its okay, not my best though. The event the story documents actually took place a while back so details in it are fuzzy. Oh well.
I got my first christmas present today. My sister and i carefully unwrapped each and every one. i got evil dead: hail to the king for playstation, and she got a bunch of barbie crap. Evil dead is a two disk game, so i went extra-far and actually took one. I even managed to slip the plastic cover back over it, and rewrap it perfectly. IN YOUR FACE, SANTA!!!
ill be updating more today, maybe even write a review for evil dead:hail to the king. Or ill hang myself. either one is good. Speaking of which, check out this poem i wrote for my english class. Its full of christmas cheer!!

-hollow out.



i know its been a while. im so sorry. lately ive been letting everyone down. I sometimes wonder why i do the things i do, then i realize its because i lose interest. Ive lost interest lately in about everything i ever thought i cared about. this site, my band, my schoolwork, video games, and anything else i ever used to do. but maybe thats how it should be. maybe its better that i dont want to do anything this world has to offer....
wait, no it isn't.
anyways, i think im gonna go to sleep so that this computer is still here in the morning. im gonna keep updating too, so someone better see my work or i just might have to do something drastic...
-hollow out.

What i enjoy wasting my life with...

  • Nine Inch Nails
  • FREEdom SLave
  • Solid Sharkey
  • Tormented
  • X entertainment
  • Intermittent

    (c) no tomorrow productions in the year 2o0o