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I love F.O.R!!!!!!!

FoR Lovers

Welcome and I'm sorry to tell you that this section will be closing.. You can't add you love to F.O.R anymore.. and I'll respect you for loving F.O.R .. hey! maybe I'll open up this section later.. but not sure.. and you can still read what people have to say about FoR..

Name: Perry

I like FoR because it is amusing, even though there is a more serious plot underneath. I especially like Koganei Kaoru. He's really cute!!! One of my favorite eps. was the one where Kaoru fights Mikagami. (granted it was also the last one that I saw, but I'm getting the rest of the series.)

Perry ^_,^

Name: Ksawarrior

I like Flame of Recca for its storyline. That, and the fight scenes.

Name: Amie

I like the show coz you see how they fight. I also like the story. I dunno what else to say but I think it's the coolest.

Name: Keeley Dubus

I like Flame of Recca because of the characters: Recca is funny and honorable at the same time. Fuko is a tough chick who doesn't take anything from anyone, Yanagi is such a sweetie but not a wimp, Domon is funny even if he is a little empty in the brain box, Kaoru is awesome, I wouldn't mind having someone like him for a kid brother and Tokiya is a hottie who's smart and tough:) Even Kurei is cool in the end! What's not to like?

Name: Andra

I love this show as it is very cool.Especially the Hokage Pychic Devices.I also love Recca very much.

Name: Sarpus

Web Sites:Sarpus' Favorite Links

I Love Flame of Recca because of it's story I even like the characters and also the villains. The Manga Version of FOR is so cool and I love it.

Name: Lele

coz i love it i love it i love it! and if that's not enough, it's a fresh alternate version of yuyu hakusho~! (don't you find the similarities??) FoR rulz!

Name: Stella

Well Flame of Rekka has nothing but non stop action, cool cliffhangers to twist the plot around and even the kawaii SD scenes make it really funny!~ That's all you need to know why i LUV Flame of Rekka not only that i find Kaoru/Rekka kawaii bishounens!~

Name: Miko Tokiya

I love Flame of Recca coz it's funny and exciting.Moreover, the main reason is that i really like Tokiya Migakami! He is cool and always solve problems calmly without being rash! That kind of character have always been my favourite.Kaoru, Fuuko and Recca are also my favourites!!!!

Name: Miyuki

it has a great plot and characters!~ especially Koganei Kaoru and Saicho!~!~ i do hope they would finish the manga soon and have the second part of the anime!~

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