Welcome to the Final Fantasy Tactics section. All I have right now are some pictures, but there will be more soon. Enjoy!

Ramza> Welcome! *smiles*
Ovelia> ....Please save us sinful children of Ivilace from this small small page, of which will be our death...
Delita> That's not very nice, Princess...
Ovelia> Well, I'm just asking for help to get out of here.
Agrias> Well, I have to agree, your highness, it really isn't a nice thing to say. I'm sure that PK will have the place done soon. Give her a break.
Mustido> *muttering* Yeah, I'll give her a break.. I'll shoot her finger off, then it'll break...
Agrias> I HEARD THAT! *casts Silence on Mustido*
Mustido> !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ............
Ramza> *sweatdrops* Can we please not fight in front of the guests...?
Delita> *shrugs off Ramza's words* Meh... *grabs Princess Ovelia by the hand, and runs off with her*
Agrias> Dang!
Ramza> *hystericly* Why did you betray us, Delita?! WHYYYY?! WHYYYYYYY?! WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY?! *falls over holding his head, and having a Cloud Strife freakout*
Mustido> ........... *sticks his tounge out*
Gafgarion> I'll help you get her back, if... Ca-Ching!
Agrias> *drops a quarter in Gafgarion's hand, and starts running in the direction that Delita went, so she can find the princess*
Ramza> *recovers form the freakout* Waaaait! Take me with you!!! I have to know why!! *runs after Agrias*
Gafgarion> Get back here you two! *runs after them*
Mustido> ........... *shrugs, and follows them all*
Teta> *pops out of a corner of the room, having been revived by PK* C'mon out, Alma.
Alma> *comes out of the corner* Hurray, we're in charge now! *dances around happily*
Teta> Enjoy the section, folks!
