Final Fantasy VIII
Bunny Squall Rinoa Quistis Selphie
This is the Final Fantasy 8 section. Please enjoy the images and such I have here.

Rinoa: Hello, I am Rinoa Heartilly. It is nice to see we have visitors, isn't it Squall...? Squall?
Squall: *is sleeping* zzzZZZzzz
Quistis: *rolls her eyes, puts her hands on her hips* Squall's asleep again...
Selphie: Oooh! Let me! WAKE UP SLEEPY HEAD!!
Squall: *falls off of his chair* AHHHH! Okay, I'm awake! @@
Rinoa: *nervous smile when the visitors stare* Squall, say "Hello" to the nice visitors....
Squall: *Stares at the visitors, long silence* ............................hello.....whatever.......Can I go back to sleep now, Rinoa?
Rinoa: *aggravated, hits Squall on the head with a nearby pillow* No!
Quistis: -_- Anyway, I just noticed that this place is kind of...different looking.
Rinoa: That's because PK updated the graphics scheme, or whatever she called it.
Seifer: Yeah, well, it looks even worse than last time... *grumbles*
Rinoa: *glare* Shut up, Seifer!
Selphie: *interupting so that the two won't argue* I think that this place is cute! *giggles, jumps up and down excitedly*
Laguna: I agree with Quistis, the entire layout of this place is bordering on weird...
Rinoa: PK updated it! You all should be HAPPY!
Squall: *has fallen asleep again* _-_ ...zzzZZZzzz...
PK: *appears, and whomps Squall over the back of his head* Wake up! *looks to Seifer, and throws him into another dimension*
Squall: .....Don't wanna...
Everyone: *gaspgaspgaaaasp*
PK: That is it, Squall... Now you have to wear the bunny suit! *snaps her finger, and a pink bunny suit appears on Squall*
Squall: NOOOOOOO!!!!
Rinoa: *sniggers*
Quistis: Enjoy everyone...



