Aeris Wall Market AerisBunny Yuffie Cloud Wall Market Cloud Elena of the Turks Lucretia Reno of the Turks Rude of the Turks SephirothTifa Vincent
This is my Final Fantasy 7 page. Any Advent Children material can also be found under this category. I've been updating so I hope everyone enjoys the layout 2.0 and the heaping helping of AC images that have been uploaded!

Aerith: Welcome to the Final Fantasy 7 Section!
Tifa: Didn't PK always call you "Aeris"?
Aerith: Yes, but then she just switched over to Aerith, so who am I to argue.Besides, I like "Aerith" better, anyway.
Cloud: I like "Aerith" better, too.
Sephiroth: *cough* Suck up *cough*
Yufi: Well, she changed my name, too, and I don't like it at all.
PK: Oh, Fine....
Yuffie: Thank you.
Barret: At least you didn't change my name. Ugh, I pitty da foo' who call me "Ballet"...
Vincent: ...
Red Xlll: Is everyone here?
Cait Sith: It depends on how loosely you use the term "everyone".
Cid: I'm here. Don't think I want to be though. Darnit, it is small in here...
Cloud: "Darnit", Cid?
Cid: Blegh. PK wants this place to be "Children Safe", so I can't cuss, smoke, or do anything. Not that I'd want to. *gives a fake smile*
Tifa: Cid, did you just start rehab or something?
PK: *laughs evily* I love my job....
Cid: I have to take rehab for this site, until further notice. On PK's other site, I can do as I please.
Aerith: Impressive, Cid.
Tifa: *notices Cid trying to sneak to another web site to start cussing, and grabs him by the collar* Oh, no you don't Cid.
Yuffie: Hahaha, Cid!
PK: Oh Cid? Where were you going to go to a second ago?
Cloud: Probably to your other page, PK.
PK: *smiles innocently* But my other page has NOTHING to do with FF7, and is off limits to the chars. Only the guests can visit it...
Cid: WHAT?!
Sephiroth: I think the guests should get going...
Yuffie: *slaps a had over Cid's mouth*
Vincent: *ignores Yuffie and Cid* Ah, you have a good point, Seph. Feel free to look around...
Game Images and Art

Character Information

Music from the FF Series

Screen Captures from the Movie
