Final Fantasy V

HiyruThis is the final Fantasy 5 section. As I have only played the PS1 remake for Final Fantasy Anthology, most of the information found here is of that nature.

Reina:Welcome to the Final Fantasy V Section!
Gaulf: Why hasn't PK passed this game, yet? I heard she is not even to the 2nd world.
Faris:Actually, I think she is at the beginning of the 2nd world.
Reina: *sighs* Back to school... Bad bad bad... *wonders why they named her Lenna at first*
Faris: Why?
Reina: PK has like NO time to be working on this webpge...
PK: HEY!!! Chill out! I have a little time to be working on the webpage.. After all I do finish my homework by at least 5....
Butz: School? Ugh I hate school.. It must suck for you to have to go back....
PK: It does...
Gaulf: Nonsense, kids have got to go to school! They won't listen to us old people, so they have to learn everything somewhere... Everyone has got to go to school.. I did, my parents did, my parents' parents did...*goes on*
Butz: *interupting* Soooooo, who are PK's favorites here? I know I am her most powerful character...
Reina:Faris and I are her favorites.
Gaulf: *finally stops ranting about 20 min later..* I think I am her least favorite so far. I mean she likes the dragons better than me!
PK: Now that's not entirely true. I haven't met all of the characters on the game yet, and someone else, like Cara mabye, could be my least favorite.
Faris: I don't know, I mean Gualf is kind of a boring character so far...
Butz: Hey, PK, am I on your 2nd favorites list, so far?
PK: Yes, for right now, anyway.
Gaulf: Nobody likes me...*weep*
PK: Awwwww...*gives Gaulf a big blue bunny to hug* Here you go...
Gaulf: *quietly hugs the bunny*
Reina:That is odd...Well, anyway, let's let the visitors get on with this section...
Faris: Enjoy your stay!



