Final Fantasy 4 (2)

MY RYDIA! Created by ME! NO taking!!!! Welcome to the Final Fantasy 4 ((2 in the US)) section! I'm working on getting stuff for this ((it ain't the easiest FF to find pics & stuff on.. at least besides Amano artwork...)) But I'll be working on it. Enjoy!

Rydia> Welcome! *smiles nervously, and annoyed sense Edge is looking at her*
Edge> *is looking, and smiling at Rydia, whith a lovey-dovey look in his eyes*
Edge> You. *daydreamy sigh*
Cecil> *laughs* I think he likes you, Rydia.
Rosa> Awwwwww..... How sweet! *giggle*
Cid> ZzzzzzzzzzzZzzzzzzz *sleeping*
Palom> *pokes Cid with a stick*
Prom> *POW* *hits Palom on the head* It's not polite to hit Mister Cid!
Palom> Ow..... *rubs his head* Sowie....
Tellah> No fighting, you youngin's!
Prom> Sorry, Master Tellah.
Edward> *walks by*
Tellah> *yells at Edward* YOU SPOONY BARD!
Edward> *cries* *runs* *hides*
Rydia> Eeeeeeek! Get him away! *hides behind Rosa*
Edge> *floats up to Rydia, dreamily* Hi....
Rosa> *laughs* Okay, Edge, that's enough.
Edge> *dosen't hear her* *drool*
Yang> *wacks Edge over the head with a frying pan* There.
Edge> *knocked out*
Cecil> That wasn't necessairy, Yang...
Rydia> Sure it was, Cece! Thanks, Yang!
Cecil> o.O; Cece?
Rosa> *giggles* Cece! I think it's cute!
Cecil> -_-;
Rydia> *ahem* Enjoy the section!
